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#! /bin/bash
script_dir="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))"
# exit when any command fails
set -e
# Make sure running as root
if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
echo 'Please run as root'
exit 1
# Ask for user parameters
echo "This installer is meant to install the yubilock service for one user. Please specifiy for wich user you want to install yubilock"
read -p 'Username: ' username
userid=`id -u "$username" 2>/dev/null` || ( echo "$username is not a user on this system" && exit 1 )
[ "$userid" -lt 1000 ] && echo "User $username seems to be a systemuser (uid: $userid). Please specify a normal user." && exit 1
echo "Allowed yubikey serials can be set systemwide in ${install_dir}config.ini, or per user in \$HOME/.yubilock. Do you wish to add one or more for $username now?"
read -p "Add Yubikey serial? (Y/n) " add_serial
[ -z "$add_serial" ] && add_serial='yes' # if no input, assume yes
case ${add_serial:0:1} in
y|Y|1 )
* )
if [ "$add_serial" = 'yes' ]; then
if ! ykman -v >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo "yubikey-manager doesn't seem to be installed. Do you want to install it? ('no' means you'll have to add your yubikey serial manually later)"
read -p "Install yubikey-manager? (Y/n) " install_ykman
[ -z "$install_ykman" ] && install_ykman='yes' # if no input, assume yes
case ${install_ykman:0:1} in
y|Y|1 )
apt-get install -y yubikey-manager;;
* )
break 3;;
echo "Please make sure your yubikey(s) are plugged in. Then press any key to continue"
read -n 1 -s -r
serials=`ykman list | sed -e 's#.*:\ \(\)#\1#' | tr '\n' ','` # List all keys, get the serials, and comma separate them
serials="${serials%?}" # Remove trailing comma
echo "The following serial(s) will be added to your config file: $serials"
echo "Do you want the daemon to be started by systemd? (you'll have to start it manually every login session if you choose no)"
read -p "Use Systemd? (Y/n) " use_systemd
[ -z "$use_systemd" ] && use_systemd='yes' # if no input, assume yes
case ${use_systemd:0:1} in
y|Y|1 )
* )
echo "== Making sure python3 and virtualenv are installed =="
python3 --version || apt-get install -y python3
# Ubuntu asks for extra libraries except python3-venv. Test for other systems?
osname=`awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release`
if [ "$osname" = '"Ubuntu"' ]; then
apt-get install -y python3-venv
python3 -m venv -h >/dev/null 2>&1 || apt-get install -y python3-venv
echo "== Create yubilock group =="
addgroup --system yubilock
echo "== Add $username to yubilock group =="
usermod -a -G yubilock "$username"
echo "== Create virualenv =="
[ -f "$install_dir/venv/bin/activate" ] || python3 -m venv "$install_dir/venv"
. "$install_dir/venv/bin/activate"
pip install setuptools wheel
pip install -r "$script_dir/requirements.txt"
echo "== Copy over application files =="
cp "$script_dir/bin/" "$install_dir"
cp "$script_dir/bin/" "$install_dir"
cp "$script_dir/bin/" "$install_dir"
cp "$script_dir/bin/" "$install_dir"
cp "$script_dir/bin/" "$install_dir"
cp "$script_dir/bin/config_system.ini" "$install_dir/config.ini"
if dpkg -l xscreensaver | grep 'ii.*xscreensaver' >/dev/null; then
elif dpkg -l gnome-screensaver | grep 'ii.*gnome-screensaver' >/dev/null; then
sed -i "s+^screensaver.*+screensaver\ =\ $screensaver+g" "$install_dir/config.ini"
chown -R root:yubilock "$install_dir"
chmod 771 "$install_dir"
# Add yubikey serials to config
if [ -n "$serials" ]; then
homedir=`eval echo ~"$username"`
echo "Homedir: $homedir"
[ -f "$homedir/.yubilock" ] || ( cp "$script_dir/bin/config_user.ini" "$homedir/.yubilock" && chown "$username:$username" "$homedir/.yubilock")
sed -i "s+^yubikey_serial.*+yubikey_serial\ =\ $serials+g" "$homedir/.yubilock"
echo "Add yubikey serial(s) to $homedir/.yubilock"
echo "== Create logging directory =="
mkdir -p "$logging_dir"
chown --from=root:root root:yubilock "$logging_dir"
chmod 775 "$logging_dir"
sed -i "s+^logfile\ =.*+logfile\ =\ ${logging_dir}daemon.log+g" "$install_dir/config.ini"
echo "== Fix udev usb rights for yubilock group =="
cp "$script_dir/debian/91-usbftdi.rules" '/etc/udev/rules.d/'
chown root:root '/etc/udev/rules.d/91-usbftdi.rules'
udevadm control --reload-rules
if [ "$use_systemd" = 'yes' ]; then
echo "== Enable as systemd service =="
mkdir -p "/home/$username/.config/systemd/user"
cp "$script_dir/debian/yubilock.service" "/home/$username/.config/systemd/user"
sed -i "s+^ExecStart=.*+ExecStart=${install_dir}venv/bin/python ${install_dir} -v+g" "/home/$username/.config/systemd/user/yubilock.service"
su "$username" -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID systemctl --user daemon-reload'
su "$username" -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID systemctl --user enable yubilock.service'
# su is used for systemctl user units because systemctl matches executing uid to unit owner uid. See:
# Make sure service is removed if previously installed
su "$username" -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID systemctl --user stop yubilock.service >/dev/null 2>&1'
su "$username" -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID systemctl --user disable yubilock.service >/dev/null 2>&1'
rm "/home/$username/.config/systemd/user/yubilock.service" >/dev/null 2>&1
su "$username" -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID systemctl --user daemon-reload'
su "$username" -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID systemctl --user reset-failed'
echo "== xscreensaver-yubilock is installed! =="
echo "== to enable yubilock, please restart your device =="
exit 0
# Due to loginctl not updating user groups, the user has to restart before the service can be started.
if [ "$use_systemd" = 'yes' ]; then
echo "Do you wish to start the daemon now? WARNING: If the specified yubikey is not plugged in, your machine will lock. Alternatively, you can start the service using 'sudo systemctl start yubilock.service' or wait for next login."
read -p "Start daemon? (y/N) " start_daemon
[ -z "$start_daemon" ] && start_daemon='no' # if no input, assume no
case ${start_daemon:0:1} in
n|N|0 )
* )
su "$username" -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$UID systemctl --user start yubilock.service';;
exit 0