diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
old mode 100644
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index c583bf6..7ac541e
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,51 +1,35 @@
-![GitHub Game Off Game Jam](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/121322/1436486/25f88b78-4158-11e3-9b23-43596516362c.png)
+![My image](https://raw.github.com/fernjager/game-off-2013/formula/Main-Screen-MockupV11-24.png)
-## The Challenge
+## Overview
-You have the entire month of November to create a **web-based** game *loosely* based on the theme "change".
+It is another Thanksgiving holiday, a time of retrospect and blessings.
+You have been invited over for dinner.
+Wanting to make a good impression, you agree to cook the turkey…
-What do we mean by **loosely** based on "change"? We literally mean, *loosely* based. Some examples might be a FPS where you throw the [loose change](http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/loose%20change) in your pockets at the enemy or perhaps a puzzle game where you have to [change](http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/change) form to overcome obstacles.
+## Turkey Cooking Simulator Features:
+* Real-time cooking action!
+* Unparalleled turkey-based thermodynamics!
+* Hours of gripping stories and drama!
+* Accessorize your turkey with stuffing, frills, and other awesomeness!
+* Day-night environmental cycle!
+* High-definition stereo audio!
+* Masterfully crafted scenes of an American household!
+* Apply your culinary expertise to impress your family!
-Your game. Your rules. You can participate either as an individual or as a team. You're encouraged to use open source libraries, frameworks, graphics, and sounds in your game.
-## The Prizes
+## Compatibility
+* [Firefox](www.firefox.com) - Recommended Browser, Gstreamer required for sound on Mac OS
+* [Chrome 22](https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/) - Full compatibility, recommended browser.
+* [Safari 6.0.5](http://www.apple.com/safari/) - Some incompatibility with SVG
+* [Internet Explorer 11](http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/download-ie) - Not recommended . Sound looping issues
-We're giving away shiny new [iPad Airs](http://www.apple.com/ipad-air/) (16GB models) to our 5 lucky winners. Runners-up will receive a $100 credit for the [GitHub Shop](http://shop.github.com/), where they can grab some of our :octocat: shirts, hoodies, stickers, and more!
+## Authors
-All winners and runners-up will be showcased on our blog.
+* [Robert J. Chen](http://fernjager.net) - Programming
+* [Benjamin Kwok](tengen1112@gmail.com) - Art
+* [Scott R. Mobley](http://www.linkedin.com/in/mobleyscott) - Math and Dialogue
+* Sheen Kao - Supreme Commissar Overlord MC
-## Judging
+## Backup Mirror
+* http://fernjager.net/game/index.html
-We have a handful of judges who are eager to play your games!
-* [Adam 'Atomic' Saltsman](https://twitter.com/adamatomic) - Game maker and dad, creator of Canabalt and Flixel.
-* [Aleissia Laidacker](https://twitter.com/Aleissia) - Team Lead AI at Ubisoft.
-* [David Czarnecki](http://twitter.com/CzarneckiD), Lead Engineer at Agora Games.
-* [Matt Hackett](https://twitter.com/richtaur), Co-founder of Lost Decade Games.
-* [Kyros Starr](https://twitter.com/bearwitched), Gaymer and Tech Writer at GitHub.
-* [Lee Reilly](http://twitter.com/leereilly), Gamer Dad and Software Developer at GitHub.
-* [Romana Ramzan](https://twitter.com/Manak/), Denki's Player Champion, Global Game Jam Director.
-## The Rules
-* To qualify for entry, you must fork the [github/game-off-2013](https://github.com/github/game-off-2013) repository to your individual or organization account. Not sure which account type would be best for you? Check out this handy [help article](https://help.github.com/articles/what-s-the-difference-between-user-and-organization-accounts), which explains the differences between the two types of accounts.
-* All entries must be web-based, i.e. playable in a browser. HTML5, WebGL, Unity, Torque 3D, and Flash are all possible - just be sure the source is made available on your fork.
-* You must be over the age of 13.
-## Instructions
-* If you don't already have a GitHub account, [sign up for a personal account now](https://github.com/signup/free) - it's free!
-* Fork the [github/game-off-2013](https://github.com/github/game-off-2013) repository to your individual account (or to a [free organization account](https://github.com/organizations/new)).
-* Be sure to follow [@github](https://twitter.com/github) on Twitter for updates.
-* Make sure your code is pushed to the master branch of your forked repository before Dec 1st!
-* Make sure you have a `README` file that includes a brief description of your game, what open source projects (if any) you used, and a screenshot.
-* Your repository should have a brief description and the playable URL entered into the fields shown below (this will make our judging process easier):
-## Comments / Questions / Help
-* New to Git, GitHub, and/or version control? Check out our [help documentation](https://help.github.com/) to get started!
-* Questions about Git/GitHub? Please email [support@github.com](mailto:support@github.com) and be sure to include 'GitHub Game Off' in the subject.
-* Questions specific to the GitHub Game Off? Please [create an issue](https://github.com/github/game-off-2013/issues/new). This will be the official FAQ.
-* The official Twitter hashtag is [#ggo13](https://twitter.com/search/realtime?q=%23ggo13).
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5e1e89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ Turkey Cooking Simulator
diff --git a/js/dialogue.js b/js/dialogue.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c14b752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/dialogue.js
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+function DialogueSequence( sequence ){
+ var targetStory = story[sequence] ? story[sequence].slice(0) : ( messages[sequence] ? messages[sequence].slice(0) : [] );
+ return {
+ next: function(){
+ return targetStory.shift().split(": ");
+ },
+ more: function(){
+ return targetStory.length > 0;
+ }
+ }
+function DialogUI( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ // Dialog States
+ var MILLIS_PER_CHAR = 100;
+ var peopleImg = {
+ "Boyfriend": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Boyfriend.png"),
+ "Brother": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Brother.png"),
+ "Cat": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Cat.png"),
+ "Dad": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Dad.png"),
+ "Girlfriend": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Girlfriend.png"),
+ "Grandma": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Grandma.png"),
+ "Grandpa": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Grandpa.png"),
+ "Mom": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Mom.png"),
+ "Female": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/PlayerFemale.png"),
+ "Male": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/PlayerMale.png"),
+ "Turkey": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/TurkeyGhost.png")
+ };
+ var dialogueList = Object.keys(story);
+ this.dialogSpeed = 30;
+ this.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING;
+ this.dialogMotionQueue = [DIALOG_RECEDING];
+ this.currDialogueSeq = new DialogueSequence("Null");
+ dialogQueue = [];
+ this.dialogBox = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/GUI/DialogueBox.png");
+ this.dialogBox.x = 0;
+ this.dialogBox.y = 250;
+ this.currentFace = peopleImg["Male"];
+ this.currentFace.x = 0;
+ this.textContent = new createjs.Text( "", "24px Arial", "black" );
+ this.textContent.x = 205;
+ this.textContent.y = 705;
+ this.textContent.lineWidth = 565;
+ this.textContent.lineHeight = 30;
+ this.textContent.textBaseline = "alphabetic";
+ this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; } );
+ this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; } );
+ this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "click", function(){ setTimeout( clickEvent, 100); });
+ this.textContent.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; } );
+ this.textContent.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; } );
+ this.textContent.addEventListener( "click", function(){ setTimeout( clickEvent, 100); });
+ this.endFunc = function(){};
+ this.showDialog= function( textSeq ){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("showing"+ textSeq);
+ if( !peopleImg["Me"] ){
+ peopleImg["Me"] = peopleImg[gameState.gender];
+ }
+ if( !peopleImg["Spouse"] ){
+ if( gameState.gender == "Male" ){
+ peopleImg["Spouse"] = peopleImg["Girlfriend"] ;
+ }else{
+ peopleImg["Spouse"] = peopleImg["Boyfriend"] ;
+ }
+ }
+ if( textSeq.seq == "custom" ){
+ messages["custom"] = ["Me: " + textSeq.customText ];
+ }
+ if( textSeq.random ){
+ that.showRandomConvo();
+ return;
+ }
+ that.currDialogueSeq = new DialogueSequence( textSeq.seq );
+ var nextDialogue = that.currDialogueSeq.next();
+ that.endFunc = textSeq.endFunc || function(){};
+ that.textContent.text=nextDialogue[1].replace(/\[GenderPronoun\]/g, gameState.pronoun ).replace(/\[Player\]/g, gameState.name );
+ that.currentFace.y = 250;
+ that.currentFace = peopleImg[nextDialogue[0]] || that.currentFace;
+ that.autoAdvance = textSeq.autoAdvance;
+ that.dialogMotionQueue = [DIALOG_SHOWING];
+ }
+ this.showRandomConvo = function(){
+ // No more stories, thanks for playing
+ if( dialogueList.length == 0 ) return;
+ dialogueList = Object.keys(story);
+ var randomKey = UtilityFunctions.randRange(0, dialogueList.length);
+ // check if there is something going on
+ if( !that.currDialogueSeq.more() ){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("random story");
+ this.showDialog( {seq: dialogueList[ randomKey ] || "Dad Tells a bad Joke", autoAdvance:true } );
+ delete story[ dialogueList[ randomKey ] ];
+ gameState.dialogueHeard++;
+ }
+ }
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowDialog", this.showDialog );
+ // negate double setTimeout if clicked
+ var oldTime = new Date().getTime();
+ var delayCounter = 0;
+ var clickEvent = function( timer ){
+ if( !peopleImg["Me"] ){
+ peopleImg["Me"] = peopleImg[gameState.gender];
+ }
+ // if there is more dialogue text, then keep going, otherwise, recede
+ if( that.currDialogueSeq.more() ){
+ var nextDialogue = that.currDialogueSeq.next();
+ that.dialogMotionQueue.push(DIALOG_SHOWING);
+ that.textContent.text=nextDialogue[1];
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("showing face:" +nextDialogue[0] );
+ // swap out face immediately
+ that.currentFace.y = 250;
+ that.currentFace = peopleImg[nextDialogue[0]] || that.currentFace;
+ that.currentFace.y = 0;
+ }else{
+ // pause and close dialog
+ setTimeout( function(){
+ that.dialogMotionQueue.push(DIALOG_RECEDING);
+ if( that.endFunc )
+ that.endFunc();
+ }, 250 );
+ }
+ delayCounter = 0;
+ oldTime = new Date().getTime();
+ }
+ stage.addChild( this.dialogBox );
+ stage.addChild( this.textContent );
+ for(var i in peopleImg ){
+ peopleImg[i].alpha = 1;
+ peopleImg[i].y = 250;
+ stage.addChild( peopleImg[i] );
+ }
+ return {
+ tick: function(){
+ delayCounter = new Date().getTime() - oldTime;
+ if( that.autoAdvance == true && that.dialogBox.y ==0 && delayCounter > ( (that.textContent.text.length * MILLIS_PER_CHAR) < 2000 ? 2000 : (that.textContent.text.length * MILLIS_PER_CHAR) ) ){
+ clickEvent();
+ }
+ if( that.dialogState == DIALOG_RECEDING ){
+ that.dialogBox.y+=that.dialogSpeed;
+ that.textContent.y += that.dialogSpeed;
+ that.currentFace.y += that.dialogSpeed;
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log( "Receding" + that.dialogBox.y );
+ }
+ if( that.dialogState == DIALOG_SHOWING ){
+ that.dialogBox.y-=that.dialogSpeed;
+ that.textContent.y -= that.dialogSpeed;
+ that.currentFace.y -= that.dialogSpeed;
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log( "Advancing" + that.dialogBox.y );
+ }
+ // toggle states
+ if( that.dialogBox.y > 250 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_RECEDING ){
+ that.dialogBox.y = 250;
+ that.textContent.y = 735;
+ that.currentFace.y = 250;
+ that.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING;
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log( "Pausing on recede" + that.dialogBox.y );
+ }
+ if( that.dialogBox.y < 0 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_SHOWING ){
+ that.dialogBox.y = 0;
+ that.textContent.y = 480;
+ that.currentFace.y = 0;
+ that.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING;
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log( "Pausing on showing" + that.dialogBox.y );
+ }
+ /* next states if there are any on the queue */
+ if( that.dialogMotionQueue.length > 0 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_PAUSING ){
+ that.dialogState = that.dialogMotionQueue.shift();
+ }
+ },
+ minDialog: function(){
+ that.dialogMotionQueue.push( DIALOG_RECEDING );
+ },
+ maxDialog: function(){
+ that.dialogMotionQueue.push( DIALOG_SHOWING );
+ },
+ render: function(){
+ stage.addChild( that.dialogBox );
+ stage.addChild( that.textContent );
+ for(var i in peopleImg ){
+ peopleImg[i].alpha = 1;
+ stage.addChild( peopleImg[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/main.js b/js/main.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b5edda5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+// Robert- Here be dragons
+var DEBUG = 1;
+function GameState(){
+ var that = this;
+ this.pubsub = {};
+ BindPubSub( this.pubsub );
+ this.currentTime = Date.now(); //new Date().getTime();
+ this.startTime = Date.now();//new Date().getTime()
+ this.oldTime = Date.now();// new Date().getTime();
+ this.oldDialogueTime = Date.now();//new Date().getTime();
+ this.gameStarted = false;
+ this.name = "";
+ this.gender = "Male";
+ this.pronoun = "he";
+ this.wallet = 45.00;
+ this.hard = false;
+ this.boughtOvenLight = false;
+ this.turkeyWeight = 8;
+ this.peekRecords = [];
+ this.turkeyCooking = false;
+ this.turkeyType = "";
+ this.alarmTimer = 0;
+ this.alarmBought = false;
+ this.alarmActivated = false;
+ this.turkeyCookCounter = 0;
+ // stats
+ this.storeVisits = 0;
+ this.dialogueHeard = 0;
+ this.ovenOpened = 0;
+ // modifiers
+ this.turkeyTypeModifier = 1;
+ this.stuffingTypeModifier = 1;
+ this.frillsModifier = 1;
+ this.hardcoreModifier = 1;
+ // Game State flags
+ this.turkeyBought = false;
+ var randomWeight = [ (UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,22)+"."+UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,99)),
+ (UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,22)+"."+UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,99)),
+ (UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,22)+"."+UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,99)),
+ (UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,22)+"."+UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,99)),
+ (UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,22)+"."+UtilityFunctions.randRange(10,99))
+ ];
+ // Load all our resources:
+ var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue(true);
+ queue.addEventListener("progress", function(event){
+ that.pubsub.publish("Load", (event.progress*100/25));
+ });
+ that.mainUI = new GameUI( "demoCanvas", that );
+ createjs.Ticker.addEventListener( "tick", gameLoop );
+ queue.addEventListener("complete", function(event){
+ // Finished loading
+ });
+ queue.installPlugin(createjs.Sound);
+ //
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "DialogueBoxFile", src:"res/screens/GUI/DialogueBox.png"} );
+ /*queue.loadFile( {id:"res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey0.png", src: "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey0.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id:"res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey25.png", src: "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey25.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id:"res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey50.png", src: "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey50.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id:"res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey75.png", src: "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey75.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id:"res/screens/LoadingScreen/TurkeyDone.png", src: "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TurkeyDone.png"} );*/
+ // Screens
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/Difficulty-Selection.png", src:"res/screens/DifficultyScreen/Difficulty-Selection.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonMale.png", src:"res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonMale.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonFemale.png", src:"res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonFemale.png"} );
+ // Load image assets
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "TurkeySpriteFile", src:"res/screens/MainScreen/TurkeySprite.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "MainBackgroundFile", src:"res/screens/MainScreen/Main-Screen.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "OverlayGrassFile", src:"res/screens/MainScreen/Grass.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "StartButtonFile", src:"res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonStart.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "HelpButtonFile", src:"res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonHelp.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "CreditsButtonFile", src:"res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonCredits.png"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "CreditsScreenFile", src:"res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/Credits.png" } );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "HelpP1P2", src:"res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP1P2.png" } );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "HelpP3P4", src:"res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP3P4.png" } );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "HelpP5P6", src:"res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP5P6.png" } );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "HelpP7P8", src:"res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP7P8.png" } );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "ScoreScreenFile", src:"res/screens/ScoreScreen/Score-Evaluation-1.png" } );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "ScoreScreenFile", src:"res/screens/ScoreScreen/Score-Evaluation-2.png" } );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "HelpScreenFile", src:"res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/Credits.png" } );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "MarketScreenfile", src:"res/screens/MarketScreen/MarketScreen.png"} );
+ // Load sound assets
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "TitleMusicFile", src:"res/sound/turkey_in_the_straw.mp3"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "MarketSoundFile", src:"res/sound/Store/Waterford.mp3"} );
+ // UI sounds
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "UILowClickFile", src:"res/sound/GUI/lowclick.mp3"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "UIClickFile", src:"res/sound/GUI/click.mp3"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "UIBuzzFile", src:"res/sound/GUI/buzz.mp3"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "UIDingFile", src:"res/sound/GUI/ding.mp3"} );
+ // Kitchen Items
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/KitchenScreen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/KitchenScreen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/FinalConfirmation.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/FinalConfirmation.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState1Small.svg", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState1Small.svg"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState2Small.svg", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState2Small.svg"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState3Small.svg", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState3Small.svg"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState4Small.svg", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState4Small.svg"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState5Small.svg", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState5Small.svg"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchenGlow.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchenGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchenGlow.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchenGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TempProbeKitchenGlow.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/TempProbeKitchenGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TempProbeKitchen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/TempProbeKitchen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchenGlow.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchenGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchenGlow.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchenGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchenGlow.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchenGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochureGlow.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochureGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochure.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochure.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchenGlow.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchenGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOn.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOn.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOff.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOff.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorOpen.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorOpen.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOn.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOn.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOff.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOff.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/PanFront.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/PanFront.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/OvenTurnRedState.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/OvenTurnRedState.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/LightButtonDepressed.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/LightButtonDepressed.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/Cookbook-Open.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/Cookbook-Open.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/KitchenScreen/Explosion_AnimationLowRes.png", src:"res/screens/KitchenScreen/Explosion_AnimationLowRes.png"});
+ // Kitchen Sounds
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Full_Open.mp3", src:"res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Full_Open.mp3"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Full_Close.mp3", src:"res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Full_Close.mp3"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Peek_Close.mp3", src:"res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Peek_Close.mp3"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Peek_Open.mp3", src:"res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Peek_Open.mp3"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/sound/Kitchen/Close_Cookbook.mp3", src:"res/sound/Kitchen/Close_Cookbook.mp3"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/sound/Kitchen/Open_Cookbook.mp3", src:"res/sound/Kitchen/Open_Cookbook.mp3"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/sound/Kitchen/Explosion_Sound.mp3", src:"res/sound/Kitchen/Explosion_Sound.mp3"} );
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/sound/Kitchen/Double_Beep.mp3", src:"res/sound/Kitchen/Double_Beep.mp3"} );
+ // Market Items
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/MarketScreen/MarketTopShelf.png", src:"res/screens/MarketScreen/MarketTopShelf.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Clipboard.png", src:"res/items/Clipboard.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Wallet.png", src:"res/items/Wallet.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/FrillsBox.png", src:"res/items/ExitSign.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/FrillsBoxGlow.png", src:"res/items/ExitGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/FrillsBox.png", src:"res/items/FrillsBox.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/FrillsBoxGlow.png", src:"res/items/FrillsBoxGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/TempProbe.png", src:"res/items/TempProbe.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/TempProbeGlow.png", src:"res/items/TempProbeGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/OvenLightBox.png", src:"res/items/OvenLightBox.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/OvenLightBoxGlow.png", src:"res/items/OvenLightBoxGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Alarm.png", src:"res/items/Alarm.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/AlarmGlow.png", src:"res/items/AlarmGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Cookbook1.png", src:"res/items/Cookbook1.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Cookbook1Glow.png", src:"res/items/Cookbook1Glow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/StuffingRepurposed.png", src:"res/items/StuffingRepurposed.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/StuffingRepurposedGlow.png", src:"res/items/StuffingRepurposedGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/StuffingExquisite.png", src:"res/items/StuffingExquisite.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/StuffingExquisiteGlow.png", src:"res/items/StuffingExquisiteGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/StuffingSpecial.png", src:"res/items/StuffingSpecial.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/StuffingSpecialGlow.png", src:"res/items/StuffingSpecialGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey5.png", src:"res/items/Turkey5.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey5Glow.png", src:"res/items/Turkey5Glow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey4.png", src:"res/items/Turkey4.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey4Glow.png", src:"res/items/Turkey4Glow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey3.png", src:"res/items/Turkey3.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey3Glow.png", src:"res/items/Turkey3Glow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey2.png", src:"res/items/Turkey2.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey2Glow.png", src:"res/items/Turkey2Glow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey1.png", src:"res/items/Turkey1.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/items/Turkey1Glow.png", src:"res/items/Turkey1Glow.png"});
+ // People photos
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/Boyfriend.png", src:"res/people/Boyfriend.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/Brother.png", src:"res/people/Brother.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/Cat.png", src:"res/people/Cat.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/Dad.png", src:"res/people/Dad.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/Girlfriend.png", src:"res/people/Girlfriend.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/Grandma.png", src:"res/people/Grandma.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/Grandpa.png", src:"res/people/Grandpa.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/Mom.png", src:"res/people/Mom.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/PlayerFemale.png", src:"res/people/PlayerFemale.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/PlayerMale.png", src:"res/people/PlayerMale.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/people/TurkeyGhost.png", src:"res/people/TurkeyGhost.png"});
+ // Load Window elements
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Door1.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Door1.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Door2.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Door2.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Ground.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Ground.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Housefar.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Housefar.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Small1.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Small1.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Small2.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Small2.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Small3.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Small3.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Small4.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Small4.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Small5.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Small5.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/StreetlightGlow.png", src:"res/screens/Window/StreetlightGlow.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win1.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win1.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win2.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win2.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win3.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win3.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win4.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win4.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win5.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win5.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win6.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win6.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win7.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win7.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win8.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win8.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win9.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win9.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win10.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win10.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Win11.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Win11.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Tree_Animation.png", src:"res/screens/Window/Tree_Animation.png"});
+ queue.loadFile( {id: "res/screens/Window/Test4TransparencyFull.svg", src:"res/screens/Window/Test4TransparencyFull.svg"});
+ this.screenState = 0;
+ this.newScreen = "";
+ this.marketItems = {
+ "Frills Box" : new MarketItem( this, "Frills Box", 133,92, 3.00, "res/items/FrillsBox.png", "res/items/FrillsBoxGlow.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchen.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchenGlow.png",
+ "Some people dress up their dogs. Others dress up their house. Why not dress up your turkey?" ),
+ "Temperature Probe" : new MarketItem( this, "Temperature Probe", 200, 57, 9.00, "res/items/TempProbe.png", "res/items/TempProbeGlow.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TempProbeKitchen.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TempProbeKitchenGlow.png", "Ensure your food is cooked with this handy thermometer. Now with easy to read LED display" ),
+ "Oven Light in a Box" : new MarketItem( this, "Oven Light in a Box", 131,222, 15.00, "res/items/OvenLightBox.png", "res/items/OvenLightBoxGlow.png", null,null, "This will allow checking on your turkey without letting the heat out." ),
+ "Alarm Clock" : new MarketItem( this, "Alarm Clock", 173,248, 6.00, "res/items/Alarm.png", "res/items/AlarmGlow.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchen.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchenGlow.png", "Have you ever wanted to control time? Now you can. Digital readout counts down until time of choice. Audible alarm" ),
+ "Cookbook" : new MarketItem( this, "Cookbook", 283,203, 3.00, "res/items/Cookbook1.png", "res/items/Cookbook1Glow.png","res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchen.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchenGlow.png", "How do I cook turkey? Handy note space included for writing down temperature measurements" ),
+ "Repurposed Stuffing" : new MarketItem( this, "Repurposed Stuffing", 510,197, 2.00, "res/items/StuffingRepurposed.png", "res/items/StuffingRepurposedGlow.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchen.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchenGlow.png","At least 80% original breadcrumb. Guaranteed to contain no avian products" ),
+ "Exquisite Stuffing" : new MarketItem( this, "Exquisite Stuffing", 458,210, 3.00, "res/items/StuffingExquisite.png", "res/items/StuffingExquisiteGlow.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchen.png","res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchenGlow.png", "Colonial merchants once traveled the four reaches of the Earth to bring back the ingredients contained in this very box" ),
+ "Special Stuffing" : new MarketItem( this, "Special Stuffing", 390,220, 6.00, "res/items/StuffingSpecial.png", "res/items/StuffingSpecialGlow.png",
+ "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchen.png","res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchenGlow.png",
+ "Once rated as the most handsome man in the universe. Scott and his patented special stuffing will set you on the path to food heaven" ),
+ "Organic Turkey" : new MarketItem( this, "Organic Turkey", 180,360, randomWeight[0]*1.2, "res/items/Turkey5.png", "res/items/Turkey5Glow.png",null,null, "All natural. No hormones. No antibiotics. Free Range. Lead Free", parseFloat(randomWeight[0]) ),
+ "Free Range Turkey": new MarketItem( this, "Free Range Turkey", 540,320, randomWeight[1]*1.00, "res/items/Turkey4.png", "res/items/Turkey4Glow.png",null,null, "Our turkeys have wide open spaces to roam and are fed with only the highest quality feed.", parseFloat(randomWeight[1]) ),
+ "Sunny Farms Turkey" : new MarketItem( this, "Sunny Farms Turkey", 265,415, randomWeight[2]*0.60, "res/items/Turkey3.png", "res/items/Turkey3Glow.png",null,null, "100% Turkey product from Sunny Farms Heavy Industries, Ltd.", parseFloat(randomWeight[2]) ),
+ "Pastured Turkey": new MarketItem( this, "Pastured Turkey", 474,357, randomWeight[3]*1.4, "res/items/Turkey2.png", "res/items/Turkey2Glow.png",null,null, "Grassy fields and natural ingredients allow our turkeys to have a better life, and taste great.", parseFloat(randomWeight[3]) ),
+ "General Turkey": new MarketItem( this, "General Turkey", 378,426, randomWeight[4]*0.80, "res/items/Turkey1.png", "res/items/Turkey1Glow.png",null,null, "100% General Satisfaction Guaranteed", parseFloat(randomWeight[4]) )
+ };
+ // Important Model, dummy placeholder
+ this.ovenModel = { secondTick:function(){}, setRawTemp:function(){}, getRawTemp:function(){}, getCookTime:function(){return 1000;} };
+ /* all turkeys */
+ this.turkeyStates = [
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState1Small.svg" ),
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState2Small.svg" ),
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState3Small.svg" ),
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState4Small.svg" ),
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/TurkeyState5Small.svg" )
+ ];
+ this.purchasedItems = [];
+ // did we already show the player the kitchen intro?
+ this.kitchenIntro = false;
+ this.addRecord = function( record ){
+ that.peekRecords.push( new Record( record.type, that.currentTime, record.text ) );
+ }
+ that.pubsub.subscribe( "AddRecord", this.addRecord );
+ function addHighScore(name, turkeyPoundage, cookTime, score){
+ var scores = {};
+ var now = new Date();
+ if( !localStorage.getItem("highScores") ){
+ scores = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("highScores") );
+ }
+ scores[now.getYear()+"/"+now.getMonth()+"/"+now.getDay()] = {
+ "name" : name,
+ "weight" : turkeyPoundage,
+ "cookTime" : cookTime,
+ "score" : score
+ };
+ localStorage.setItem("highScores", JSON.stringfy(scores));
+ }
+ function gameLoop(){
+ that.mainUI.draw();
+ }
+ return {
+ // "main": this
+ }
+function GameUI( canvasElem, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ var SCREEN_OUT = 1;
+ var SCREEN_IN = 2;
+ var SCREEN_STABLE = 0;
+ this.stage = new createjs.Stage( canvasElem );
+ this.stage.enableMouseOver(25);
+ this.activeScreenName = "EndingScreen";
+ this.activeScreenObj = {};
+ /* Initialize All Screens */
+ this.screens = {
+ "LoadingScreen" : LoadingScreen,
+ "MainScreen" : MainScreen,
+ "DifficultyScreen" : DifficultyScreen,
+ "KitchenScreen" : KitchenScreen,
+ "MarketScreen" : MarketScreen,
+ "ScoreScreen" : ScoreScreen,
+ "CreditsScreen" : CreditsScreen
+ }
+ var soundManager = new SoundManager( gameState );
+ this.activeScreenObj = new LoadingScreen( this.stage, gameState );
+ var textContent = new createjs.Text( "", "20px Arial", "black" );
+ textContent.x = 750;
+ textContent.y = 30;
+ //this.stage.addChild( textContent);
+ var overlay = new createjs.Shape();
+ overlay.graphics.beginFill("#fffffff").drawRect(0, 0, 800, 600 );
+ overlay.alpha = 0;
+ this.stage.addChild(overlay);
+ var dialogManager = new DialogUI( this.stage, gameState );
+ // delay for fade in and fade-out
+ this.switchScreen = function( screenName ){
+ gameState.screenState = SCREEN_OUT;
+ dialogManager.minDialog();
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("Switch screen called with" + screenName);
+ gameState.newScreen = screenName;
+ };
+ this.actuallySwitchScreen = function( screenName ){
+ that.stage.removeAllChildren();
+ that.activeScreenObj = new that.screens[ screenName ]( that.stage, gameState );
+ //that.stage.addChild( textContent );
+ that.stage.addChild( overlay );
+ dialogManager.render();
+ };
+ new HelpUI(this.stage, gameState);
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "SwitchScreen", this.switchScreen );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ActuallySwitchScreen", this.actuallySwitchScreen );
+ // Allow items to be removed if they don't have access to stage
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "RemoveItems", function(items){
+ for (var index in items ){
+ that.stage.removeChild(items[index]);
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ draw : function(){
+ if( gameState.screenState == SCREEN_OUT ){
+ overlay.alpha +=0.3;
+ }
+ if( gameState.screenState == SCREEN_IN ){
+ overlay.alpha -=0.3;
+ }
+ if( overlay.alpha > 1.0 ){
+ gameState.screenState = SCREEN_IN;
+ overlay.alpha = 1;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ActuallySwitchScreen", gameState.newScreen );
+ }
+ if( overlay.alpha < 0.0 ){
+ gameState.screenState = SCREEN_STABLE;
+ overlay.alpha = 0;
+ }
+ soundManager.tick();
+ that.activeScreenObj.blit();
+ dialogManager.tick();
+ textContent.text = createjs.Ticker.getMeasuredFPS().toFixed(1);
+ that.stage.update();
+ }
+ }
+function Record( type, dateTime, record ){
+ return {
+ getTime: function(){
+ return dateTime;
+ },
+ getContent: function(){
+ return record;
+ },
+ getType: function(){
+ return type;
+ }
+ }
+ //"Turkey weight, "
+ //"Opened oven for X seconds"
+ //"Core temperature measured at "
+function BindPubSub( obj ){
+ (function(q) {
+ var topics = {}, subUid = -1;
+ q.subscribe = function(topic, func) {
+ if (!topics[topic]) {
+ topics[topic] = [];
+ }
+ var token = (++subUid).toString();
+ topics[topic].push({
+ token: token,
+ func: func
+ });
+ return token;
+ };
+ q.publish = function(topic, args) {
+ if (!topics[topic]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ var subscribers = topics[topic],
+ len = subscribers ? subscribers.length : 0;
+ while (len--) {
+ subscribers[len].func(args);
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ return true;
+ };
+ q.unsubscribe = function(token) {
+ for (var m in topics) {
+ if (topics[m]) {
+ for (var i = 0, j = topics[m].length; i < j; i++) {
+ if (topics[m][i].token === token) {
+ topics[m].splice(i, 1);
+ return token;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ }(obj));
diff --git a/js/model.js b/js/model.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3bc02ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/model.js
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+function TurkeyLayer( name, percentRadius, turkeyModel, ovenModel ){
+ var that = this;
+ this.name = name;
+ this.percentRadius=percentRadius;
+ this.initialTemp = 20;
+ this.waterLost = 0;
+ this.finalTemperature = 20;
+ this.cookCondition = "Raw";
+ return {
+ updateTemperatureTick: function(){
+ that.finalTemperature = UtilityFunctions.transientSphereSeries( turkeyModel.density,
+ turkeyModel.thermalConduct,
+ turkeyModel.heatConvection,
+ turkeyModel.cp,
+ percentRadius * turkeyModel.totalRadius,
+ turkeyModel.totalRadius,
+ that.initialTemp,
+ ovenModel.steadyTemp,
+ ovenModel.globalTime );
+ that.waterLost = that.waterLost + UtilityFunctions.waterLoss( that.finalTemperature );
+ that.cookCondition = UtilityFunctions.cookCondition(that.waterLost);
+ if(DEBUG) console.log( that.name + ": "+ that.waterLost + " " + that.cookCondition);
+ },
+ resetLayerTemps: function(){
+ that.initialTemp = that.finalTemperature;
+ },
+ getCondition: function(){
+ return that.cookCondition;
+ },
+ getTemperature: function(){
+ return that.finalTemperature;
+ }
+ }
+function TurkeyModel( weight, ovenModel ){
+ this.density = 1050; // kg/m3 Assuming Density of Water 1000 kg/m3
+ this.cp = 2000; // 2810 J/kg K for Turkey. Extra is to semi-account for water evaporation energy
+ this.heatConvection = 9; // W/m2 K Some Reasonable estimate for natural Convection. Change as needed. 5-25
+ this.thermalConduct = 0.412; // W/m K // Chicken
+ this.skin = {};
+ this.body = {};
+ this.core = {};
+ this.totalRadius = UtilityFunctions.calculateRadius( weight, this.density );
+ this.totalLayers = [ new TurkeyLayer("Skin", 0.85, this, ovenModel ),
+ new TurkeyLayer("Body", 0.45, this, ovenModel ),
+ new TurkeyLayer("Core", 0.01, this, ovenModel ) ];
+ // Whenever temperature is changed
+ this.updateLayerTemps = function(){
+ for (var i in this.totalLayers ){
+ this.totalLayers[i].updateTemperatureTick();
+ }
+ };
+ this.resetLayerTemps = function(){
+ for (var i in this.totalLayers ){
+ this.totalLayers[i].resetLayerTemps();
+ }
+ };
+function OvenModel( turkeyWeight, gameState ) {
+ var that = this;
+ this.tempInfini=20; //C
+ this.setTemp = 20;
+ this.steadyTemp = 20;
+ this.steadyTimer = 0;
+ this.globalTime = 0;
+ var turkey = new TurkeyModel(9.07185, this );
+ var proportional = 0.004; // This value is arbitrary to how fast you want the temperatures to converge. (Or oscillate, which could be realistic as well)
+ var errorTolerance = 10; //Stove is accurate to 1 degree Celcius Should hopefully oscillate below that value.
+ // Equalize temp will need to be sent each time iteration
+ this.equalizeTemp= function(){
+ var error = Math.abs(this.setTemp-this.tempInfini);
+ if( this.setTemp>this.tempInfini ){
+ this.tempInfini = this.tempInfini + error*proportional;
+ }
+ else if( this.setTemperrorTolerance ) {
+ if (this.steadyTimer>=80) {
+ //Reset the model's time calculation if there are major changes in the tolerance of the temperature or the steady timer expires
+ this.steadyTimer = 0;
+ this.globalTime = 0;
+ this.steadyTemp = this.tempInfini
+ turkey.resetLayerTemps();
+ }
+ return(true);
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ getTurkeyState: function(){
+ return {
+ "skin" : {
+ "temp": turkey.totalLayers[0].getTemperature(),
+ "cond": turkey.totalLayers[0].getCondition()
+ },
+ "body" : {
+ "temp": turkey.totalLayers[1].getTemperature(),
+ "cond": turkey.totalLayers[1].getCondition()
+ },
+ "core" : {
+ "temp": turkey.totalLayers[2].getTemperature(),
+ "cond": turkey.totalLayers[2].getCondition()
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ changeTemp: function(setTemp){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("temp changed to " + setTemp);
+ that.setTemp = setTemp;
+ },
+ // set the tempInfini
+ setRawTemp: function(newTemp){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("raw temp changed to" + that.tempInfini);
+ that.tempInfini = newTemp;
+ },
+ getRawTemp: function(){
+ return that.tempInfini;
+ },
+ getCookTime: function(){
+ return that.globalTime;
+ },
+ secondTick: function(){
+ that.globalTime = that.globalTime + 1;
+ that.steadyTimer = that.steadyTimer + 1;
+ if ( that.equalizeTemp() ) {
+ // Turn on oven light
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "OvenLight", "On" );
+ }
+ else {
+ that.steadyTemp = that.tempInfini;
+ // Turn off oven light
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "OvenLight", "Off" );
+ }
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("Steady Temp " + that.steadyTemp)
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("Steady Timer " + that.steadyTimer)
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("Oven Temp " + that.tempInfini )
+ turkey.updateLayerTemps();
+ }
+ }
+UtilityFunctions = {
+ // Cache the lambda if the Biot number does not change, to avoid expensive root-finding operations
+ cachedBiot: null,
+ cachedLambda: null,
+ // Using Ratios for a rectangular Box Turkey
+ calculateRadius: function(weight, density) {
+ var ratioLvG=1.4; //1.4, Turkey length vs shoulder girth
+ var ratioLvH=2; //2, Turkey length vs height from resting position
+ var length = Math.pow(weight/((1/ratioLvG)*(1/ratioLvH)*density),(1/3))
+ var depth = 1/(ratioLvG /length);
+ var height = 1/(ratioLvH /length);
+ var simpleRadius = length/2; //Doesn't take into account equal Volume
+ var rectangleVolume = depth*height*length; //m^3 Multiple by 1/4 to account for triangular shape and empty Space
+ var complexRadius = Math.pow(rectangleVolume/((4/3)*Math.PI), 1/3); //Volume of 3D Box = 3D Sphere
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log("Simple Radius " + simpleRadius + " Meters")
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log("Complex Radius " + complexRadius + " Meters")
+ return complexRadius;
+ },
+ findAllRoots: function(min,max,splitsNum,Biot) {
+ var step = ( max - min ) / ( splitsNum - 1 );
+ var answer;
+ var negativeTest;
+ var storage = [];
+ for (var i = step; i < max; i=i+step ) {
+ negativeTest = this.lambdaFormula(i-step, Biot)*this.lambdaFormula(i, Biot);
+ if (negativeTest <= 0) {
+ answer = this.bisectionMethod(i-step,i,Biot);
+ if (answer !=undefined) {
+ storage.push(answer);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log("No Bracketed Root " + negativeTest)
+ }
+ }
+ return storage;
+ },
+ sphereVolume: function(radius) {
+ return((4/3)*Math.PI*Math.pow(radius,3))
+ },
+ waterLoss: function(temperature) {
+ return (Math.pow(10,(temperature-20)/80)-1)
+ },
+ bisectionMethod: function(min,max,Biot) {
+ errorTolerance = (1/Math.pow(10,8))
+ result = Infinity // some large value to ensure the calculation goes through.
+ negativeTest =this.lambdaFormula(min, Biot)*this.lambdaFormula(max, Biot)
+ if (negativeTest <=0 ) {
+ var antiFreeze=0;
+ while (Math.abs(result) > errorTolerance && antiFreeze<=500) { //The greater the antiFreeze, the more wasted cycles around a singularity
+ lambdaN = (min+max)/2
+ result=this.lambdaFormula(lambdaN, Biot)
+ if (Math.abs(result) <= errorTolerance && result<=errorTolerance) {
+ return (lambdaN); //At Root
+ }
+ else if ((this.lambdaFormula(min, Biot)*this.lambdaFormula(lambdaN, Biot))>=0) {
+ min=lambdaN;
+ }
+ else if ((this.lambdaFormula(max, Biot)*this.lambdaFormula(lambdaN, Biot))>=0) {
+ max=lambdaN;
+ }
+ antiFreeze++
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ lambdaFormula: function( lambdaN, Biot ) {
+ var result = 1-lambdaN*(1/Math.tan(lambdaN))-Biot;
+ return(result)
+ },
+ transientSphereSeries: function( density, thermalConduct, heatConvection, cp, rPosition, rTotal, tempInitial, tempInfini, t ){
+ var min = 0;
+ var max = 10000; // This are for setting Lambda boundaries and nothing else
+ var sum=0;
+ var alpha = thermalConduct/(density*cp);
+ var lambdaN;
+ var sinPortion;
+ var exponentialPortion;
+ var frontCoefficientPortion;
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log("Alpha is " + alpha)
+ var Fourier = (alpha*t)/Math.pow(rTotal,2)
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log("Fourier is " + Fourier)
+ var biotNum = heatConvection * rTotal/thermalConduct
+ if ( biotNum != this.cachedBiot ) {
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("Recalculating Lambda Terms")
+ this.cachedLambda = this.findAllRoots(min,max,max*Math.PI*10,biotNum)
+ this.cachedBiot = biotNum;
+ }
+ //if(DEBUG) console.log("The Biot Value is " + biotNum)
+ for (var i = 0; i=multiplier*600000) {
+ return ["Fire", (cookValue-600000)/(multiplier*600000),"fire"];
+ }
+ else if(cookValue>=multiplier*250000) {
+ return ["Burnt", (cookValue-250000)/(multiplier*600000), "burnt"];
+ }
+ else if (cookValue>=multiplier*150000) {
+ return ["Dry", (cookValue-150000)/(multiplier*250000), "dry"];
+ }
+ else if (cookValue>=multiplier*85000){
+ return ["Cooked", (cookValue-12000)/(multiplier*150000), "overcooked"];
+ }
+ else if (cookValue>=multiplier*12000) {
+ return ["Cooked", (cookValue-12000)/(multiplier*150000), "cooked"];
+ }
+ else if (cookValue>=multiplier*10000){
+ return ["Undercooked", (cookValue-5000)/(multiplier*12000), "slightly cooked"];
+ }
+ else if (cookValue>=multiplier*5000) {
+ return ["Undercooked", (cookValue-5000)/(multiplier*12000), "undercooked"];
+ }
+ else {
+ return ["Raw", 1, "raw"];
+ }
+ }
+//Running the Program Stuff
+var ovenObject = new OvenModel();
+var turkey = new TurkeyModel(9.07185, ovenObject );
diff --git a/js/screens.js b/js/screens.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c2af4ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/screens.js
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+/* Screens, inheritance would be nice */
+function LoadingScreen( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ this.lastPercent = -1;
+ this.picture = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Loading-Title.png" );
+ this.pictureFront = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/PanFront.png" );
+ this.cooking = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TextCooking.png" );
+ this.done = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TextDone.png" );
+ this.turkeyState = [ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey0.png" ),
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey25.png" ),
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey50.png" ),
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey75.png" ),
+ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TurkeyDone.png" ) ];
+ this.done.alpha= 0;
+ stage.addChild( this.picture );
+ stage.addChild( this.cooking );
+ stage.addChild( this.done );
+ stage.addChild( this.turkeyState[0] );
+ var textContent = new createjs.Text( "0 %", "25px Arial", "black" );
+ textContent.x = 500;
+ textContent.y = 20;
+ stage.addChild( textContent);
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "Load", function(percent){
+ textContent.text = (percent * 25).toFixed(2) + " %";
+ var wholeNum = percent.toFixed(0);
+ if( that.lastPercent != percent){
+ that.lastPercent = percent;
+ stage.addChild( that.turkeyState[wholeNum] );
+ stage.addChild( that.pictureFront );
+ }
+ //If we're still on image one, don't fade it out, it's the base image!
+ if( wholeNum != 0 )
+ that.turkeyState[wholeNum].alpha = percent.toFixed(2) - wholeNum;
+ // Done!
+ if( wholeNum == 4 ){
+ that.turkeyState[4].alpha = 1;
+ that.cooking.alpha=0;
+ that.done.alpha = 1;
+ that.done.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; } );
+ that.done.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; } );
+ that.done.addEventListener( "click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "MainScreen"); });
+ that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; } );
+ that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; } );
+ that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "MainScreen"); });
+ }
+ });
+ stage.addChild( this.pictureFront );
+ return {
+ blit : function(){
+ }
+ }
+function MainScreen( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MainScreen/Main-Screen.png" );
+ stage.addChild( this.background );
+ var turkeyAnimations = { peck:[14,24,"peck"], ruffle:[0,13,"ruffle"], stare:[25,35,"stare"] };
+ var data = {
+ images: ["res/screens/MainScreen/TurkeySprite.png"],
+ frames: { width:400, height:350 },
+ animations: turkeyAnimations
+ };
+ var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data);
+ var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "stare");
+ animation.x = 140;
+ animation.y = 210;
+ animation.addEventListener("tick", handleTick);
+ function handleTick(event){
+ if ( turkeyAnimations[event.currentTarget.currentAnimation][1] == event.currentTarget.currentFrame ){
+ event.currentTarget.paused = true;
+ }
+ // Click happened.
+ }
+ stage.addChild(animation);
+ this.grassLayer = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MainScreen/Grass.png" );
+ this.grassLayer.x = -60;
+ stage.addChild( this.grassLayer );
+ // buttons info/credits/start
+ new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 571,527, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonStart.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonStart.png","SwitchScreen", "DifficultyScreen", "Click" );
+ new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 17,470, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonHelp.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonHelp.png",null, null, "Click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowHelp",""); } );
+ new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 17,527, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonCredits.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonCredits.png","SwitchScreen", "CreditsScreen", "Click" );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"TitleMusic", pos:5650, volume:0.7} );
+ this.uiElems = [];
+ return {
+ blit : function(){
+ if( createjs.Ticker.getTicks() %50 == 0 ){
+ animation.gotoAndPlay(["peck", "ruffle", "stare"][UtilityFunctions.randRange(0,2)]);
+ }
+ // Draw all the uiElements
+ for( var index in that.uiElems ){
+ that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//start button
+function DifficultyScreen( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/Difficulty-Selection.png" );
+ stage.addChild( this.background );
+ var turkeyAnimations = { peck:[14,24,"peck"], ruffle:[0,13,"ruffle"], stare:[25,35,"stare"] };
+ var data = {
+ images: ["res/screens/MainScreen/TurkeySprite.png"],
+ frames: { width:400, height:350 },
+ animations: turkeyAnimations
+ };
+ var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data);
+ var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "stare");
+ animation.x = 140;
+ animation.y = 210;
+ animation.addEventListener("tick", handleTick);
+ function handleTick(event) {
+ if ( turkeyAnimations[event.currentTarget.currentAnimation][1] == event.currentTarget.currentFrame ){
+ event.currentTarget.paused = true;
+ }
+ // Click happened.
+ }
+ stage.addChild(animation);
+ this.grassLayer = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MainScreen/Grass.png" );
+ this.grassLayer.x = -60;
+ stage.addChild( this.grassLayer );
+ // Difficulty selection UI
+ this.buttonsAndText = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonsandText.png" );
+ stage.addChild( this.buttonsAndText );
+ this.maleSelection = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonMale.png" );
+ stage.addChild( this.maleSelection );
+ this.femaleSelection = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonFemale.png" );
+ this.femaleSelection.alpha = 0;
+ stage.addChild( this.femaleSelection );
+ var nameInput = new createjs.Text( "", "48px Arial", "black" );
+ nameInput.x = 47;
+ nameInput.y = 85;
+ nameInput.lineWidth = 175;
+ stage.addChild( nameInput );
+ // handle keyboard typing
+ document.onkeyup = function(event){
+ // keycode
+ var keynum = 48;
+ if(window.event){ // IE
+ keynum = event.keyCode;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(event.which){ // Netscape/Firefox/Opera
+ keynum = event.which;
+ }
+ }
+ if( keynum != 8 && keynum < 91 && keynum > 47 && nameInput.text.length < 22 )
+ nameInput.text += String.fromCharCode(keynum);
+ };
+ // Backspace gets special treatment
+ document.onkeydown = function(event){
+ var keynum = 0;
+ if(window.event){ // IE
+ keynum = event.keyCode;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(event.which){ // Netscape/Firefox/Opera
+ keynum = event.which;
+ }
+ }
+ if(keynum == 8 && nameInput.text.length > 0 )
+ nameInput.text = nameInput.text.substr(0, nameInput.text.length-1);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ gameState.name = nameInput.text;
+ // Easy/Hard Button
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 500, 235, 100, 55, "ChangeGender", "Male" ) );
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 500, 300, 100, 55, "ChangeGender", "Female" ) );
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 503, 370, 200, 55, null, null, function(){ gameState.hard = false; gameState.gameStarted = true; gameState.hardcoreModifier=20; gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen"); } ) );
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 500, 495, 205, 55, null, null, function(){ gameState.hard = true; gameState.gameStarted = true; gameState.hardcoreModifier=1; gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen"); } ) );
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 35, 495, 85, 55, "SwitchScreen", "MainScreen" ) );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ChangeGender", function(gender){
+ gameState.gender=gender;
+ if( gender == "Male" ){
+ that.maleSelection.alpha = 1;
+ that.femaleSelection.alpha = 0;
+ gameState.pronoun = "he";
+ }else{
+ that.maleSelection.alpha = 0;
+ that.femaleSelection.alpha = 1;
+ gameState.pronoun = "she";
+ }
+ })
+ return {
+ blit : function(){
+ if( createjs.Ticker.getTicks() %50 == 0 ){
+ animation.gotoAndPlay(["peck", "ruffle", "stare"][UtilityFunctions.randRange(0,2)]);
+ }
+ // Draw all the uiElements
+ for( var index in that.uiElems ){
+ that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function KitchenScreen( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ // Fade out any other sounds
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "FadeOut", "" );
+ //gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"Sizzle", pos:0, volume:0.5} );
+ this.uiElems = [];
+ this.uiElems.push( new WindowUI( stage, gameState ) );
+ this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/KitchenScreen.png" );
+ stage.addChild( this.background );
+ if(DEBUG) console.log(gameState.purchasedItems);
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("KitchenScreen");
+ for(var i in gameState.purchasedItems ){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log(gameState.purchasedItems);
+ gameState.purchasedItems[i].draw( stage );
+ }
+ this.uiElems.push( gameState.ovenUI ? gameState.ovenUI.render() : ( gameState.ovenUI = new OvenUI( stage, gameState ) ).render() );
+ this.uiElems.push( new ClockUI( stage, gameState ) );
+ if( gameState.alarmBought )
+ this.uiElems.push( new AlarmUI(stage, gameState) );
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 14, 17, 73, 45, null,null, function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowHelp","");} ) );
+ new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 0,0, "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochure.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochureGlow.png", null,null, "Click", function(){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "MarketScreen");
+ gameState.storeVisits++;
+ } );
+ // If player did not buy a turkey, tell them
+ if( !gameState.turkeyBought ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"KitchenInitial", autoAdvance:false} );
+ }
+ return {
+ blit : function(){
+ // Draw all the uiElements
+ for( var index in that.uiElems ){
+ that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function MarketScreen( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MarketScreen/MarketScreen.png" );
+ var price = new createjs.Text( "", "16px Arial", "black" );
+ price.x = 120;
+ price.y = 560;
+ var wallet = new createjs.Text( "$" + parseFloat(gameState.wallet).toFixed(2), "20px Arial", "black" );
+ wallet.x = 725;
+ wallet.y = 550;
+ var walletTag = new createjs.Bitmap("res/items/Wallet.png");
+ walletTag.x = 670;
+ walletTag.y = 535;
+ var clipboardImg = new createjs.Bitmap("res/items/Clipboard.png");
+ clipboardImg.x = 5;
+ clipboardImg.y = 315;
+ var clipboardTitle = new createjs.Text( "Shopping List", "18px Arial", "black" );
+ clipboardTitle.x = 25;
+ clipboardTitle.y = 385;
+ clipboardTitle.lineWidth = 175;
+ var clipboardText = new createjs.Text( "Turkey", "16px Arial", "black" );
+ clipboardText.x = 23;
+ clipboardText.y = 425;
+ clipboardText.lineWidth = 173;
+ var clipboardWeight = new createjs.Text( "", "16px Arial", "black" );
+ clipboardWeight.x = 120;
+ clipboardWeight.y = 540;
+ clipboardWeight.lineWidth = 175;
+ // Play soundz
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", {name:"Entrance", volume:0.3} );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"MarketMusic", volume:1} );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"MarketBackgroundSound", volume:0.4} );
+ stage.addChild(this.background);
+ stage.addChild(wallet);
+ stage.addChild(walletTag);
+ stage.addChild(clipboardImg);
+ stage.addChild(clipboardTitle);
+ stage.addChild(clipboardText);
+ stage.addChild(clipboardWeight);
+ stage.addChild(price);
+ this.uiElems = [];
+ this.uiElems.push( new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 690,0, "res/items/ExitSign.png", "res/items/ExitGlow.png","SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen", "Click" ) );
+ var marketItemKeys = Object.keys(gameState.marketItems);
+ for (var index in marketItemKeys ) {
+ gameState.marketItems[marketItemKeys[index]].draw( stage );
+ }
+ this.topground = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MarketScreen/MarketTopShelf.png" );
+ stage.addChild( this.topground );
+ this.showPrice = function( cost ){
+ price.text = "$ " + ( cost == NaN ? "" : parseFloat(cost).toFixed(2) );
+ }
+ this.clearClipboard = function(){
+ price.text = "";
+ clipboardTitle.text = "";
+ clipboardText.text = "";
+ clipboardWeight.text = "";
+ }
+ this.showDesc = function( desc ){
+ clipboardTitle.text = desc.title;
+ clipboardText.text = desc.desc;
+ if( desc.weight ){
+ clipboardWeight.text = desc.weight.toFixed(2) + " lbs.";
+ }
+ }
+ this.setWalletAmount = function(newAmount){
+ wallet.text="$" + ( gameState.wallet=newAmount.toFixed(2) );
+ }
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe("ShowDesc", this.showDesc);
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe("ShowPrice", this.showPrice );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe("WalletAmount", this.setWalletAmount);
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe("ClearClipboard", this.clearClipboard);
+ return {
+ blit : function(){
+ // Draw all the uiElements
+ for( var index in that.uiElems ){
+ that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function ScoreScreen( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ // All the text for the entries
+ var totalCookTime = gameState.turkeyCookCounter;
+ var realTimeElapsed = Date.now() - gameState.startTime;
+ console.log("total cook time:"+ realTimeElapsed);
+ var turkeyState = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState();
+ var totalScore = 0;
+ var skinScoreChart = {
+ "raw": 0,
+ "undercooked": -100,
+ "slightly cooked": 75,
+ "cooked": 500,
+ "overcooked": 200,
+ "dry": -300,
+ "burnt": -500
+ };
+ var coreScoreChart = {
+ "raw": 0,
+ "undercooked": 125,
+ "slightly cooked": 750,
+ "cooked": 1000,
+ "overcooked": 1000,
+ "dry": 400,
+ "burnt": 0
+ };
+ var typeToMod = {
+ "Organic Turkey" : 1.03,
+ "Free Range Turkey" : 1.02,
+ "Sunny Farms Turkey" : 0.98,
+ "Pastured Turkey": 1.05,
+ "General Turkey": 1.00
+ };
+ // Optimal Temperature to be served at
+ this.scoreDistribution= function(inputTemp, layer) {
+ desiredAverage = 165;
+ if(layer=="skin") desiredAverage = 260;
+ variance = 1000; //Std Deviation 31.62
+ return(Math.exp(-(Math.pow((inputTemp-desiredAverage),2)/(2*variance))))
+ };
+ // Temperature Score
+ var outerTemp = UtilityFunctions.C2F(turkeyState.skin.temp).toFixed(2);
+ var coreTemp = UtilityFunctions.C2F(turkeyState.core.temp).toFixed(2);
+ var outerTempScore = that.scoreDistribution( outerTemp ) * 200;
+ var coreTempScore = that.scoreDistribution( coreTemp ) * 200;
+ totalScore += parseInt(skinScoreChart[ turkeyState.skin.cond[2]]);
+ totalScore += parseInt(skinScoreChart[ turkeyState.core.cond[2]]);
+ totalScore += parseInt(outerTempScore.toFixed(0));
+ totalScore += parseInt(coreTempScore.toFixed(0));
+ resultsDialogue = [];
+ if (totalScore>=2000) {
+ randomDiag = perfect;
+ }
+ else if (totalScore>=1200) {
+ randomDiag = great;
+ }
+ else if (totalScore>=625) {
+ randomDiag = average;
+ }
+ else if (totalScore>=300) {
+ randomDiag = subPar;
+ }
+ else {
+ randomDiag = terrible;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i<=5; i++) {
+ resultsDialogue.push(randomString(randomDiag));
+ }
+ messages["end"] = resultsDialogue;
+ function randomString(stringArray) {
+ var index = UtilityFunctions.randRange(0, stringArray.length-1);
+ var stringResult = stringArray[index];
+ stringArray.splice(index,1);
+ return (stringResult)
+ }
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "FadeOut", "" );
+ this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/ScoreScreen/Score-Evaluation-1.png" );
+ this.background.alpha = 1;
+ stage.addChild( this.background );
+ background1 = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/ScoreScreen/Score-Evaluation-2.png" );
+ background1.alpha = 0;
+ stage.addChild( background1 );
+ for (i in gameState.turkeyStates){
+ gameState.turkeyStates[i].scaleX = gameState.turkeyStates[i].scaleY = 1;
+ gameState.turkeyStates[i].x = 490;
+ gameState.turkeyStates[i].y = 110;
+ stage.addChild(gameState.turkeyStates[i]);
+ }
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"TitleMusic", pos:5650, volume:0.7} );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"end", autoAdvance:true, endFunc:function(){
+ background1.alpha=1;
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 590, 540, 190, 50, null, null, function(){ document.location.reload(); } ) );
+ // Cooking stats
+ var hours = parseInt( totalCookTime / 3600 ) % 24;
+ var minutes = parseInt( totalCookTime / 60 ) % 60;
+ var seconds = totalCookTime % 60;
+ var timeText = ("00"+hours.toFixed(0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+minutes.toFixed(0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+seconds.toFixed(0)).slice(-2);
+ var totalCookTimeText = new createjs.Text( timeText, "20px Arial", "black" );
+ totalCookTimeText.x = 270;
+ totalCookTimeText.y = 107;
+ realTimeElapsed = realTimeElapsed / 1000;
+ hours = parseInt( realTimeElapsed / 3600 ) % 24;
+ minutes = parseInt( realTimeElapsed / 60 ) % 60;
+ seconds = realTimeElapsed % 60;
+ timeText = ("00"+hours.toFixed(0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+minutes.toFixed(0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+seconds.toFixed(0)).slice(-2);
+ var realtimeElapsedText = new createjs.Text( timeText, "20px Arial", "black" );
+ realtimeElapsedText.x = 270;
+ realtimeElapsedText.y = 127;
+ var ovenOpenedText = new createjs.Text( gameState.ovenOpened, "20px Arial", "black" );
+ ovenOpenedText.x = 270;
+ ovenOpenedText.y = 147;
+ var dialogueHeardText = new createjs.Text( gameState.dialogueHeard, "20px Arial", "black" );
+ dialogueHeardText.x = 270;
+ dialogueHeardText.y = 167;
+ stage.addChild( totalCookTimeText );
+ stage.addChild( realtimeElapsedText );
+ stage.addChild( ovenOpenedText );
+ stage.addChild( dialogueHeardText );
+ // Cookedness Score
+ var outerConditionDesc = new createjs.Text( turkeyState.skin.cond[2], "20px Arial", "black" );
+ outerConditionDesc.x = 150;
+ outerConditionDesc.y = 320;
+ var coreConditionDesc = new createjs.Text( turkeyState.core.cond[2], "20px Arial", "black" );
+ coreConditionDesc.x = 150;
+ coreConditionDesc.y = 340;
+ var outerConditionText = new createjs.Text( skinScoreChart[ turkeyState.skin.cond[2] ], "20px Arial", "black" );
+ outerConditionText.x = 310;
+ outerConditionText.y = 320;
+ var coreConditionText = new createjs.Text( coreScoreChart[ turkeyState.skin.cond[2] ], "20px Arial", "black" );
+ coreConditionText.x = 310;
+ coreConditionText.y = 340;
+ stage.addChild( coreConditionText );
+ stage.addChild( outerConditionText );
+ stage.addChild( coreConditionDesc );
+ stage.addChild( outerConditionDesc );
+ // Temperature Score
+ var outerTemperatureText = new createjs.Text( outerTempScore.toFixed(0), "20px Arial", "black" );
+ outerTemperatureText.x = 680;
+ outerTemperatureText.y = 320;
+ var coreTemperatureText = new createjs.Text( coreTempScore.toFixed(0), "20px Arial", "black" );
+ coreTemperatureText.x = 680;
+ coreTemperatureText.y = 340;
+ var outerTemperatureDesc = new createjs.Text( outerTemp + " F", "20px Arial", "black" );
+ outerTemperatureDesc.x = 530;
+ outerTemperatureDesc.y = 320;
+ var coreTemperatureDesc = new createjs.Text( coreTemp + " F", "20px Arial", "black" );
+ coreTemperatureDesc.x = 530;
+ coreTemperatureDesc.y = 340;
+ stage.addChild( outerTemperatureText );
+ stage.addChild( coreTemperatureText );
+ stage.addChild( coreTemperatureDesc );
+ stage.addChild( outerTemperatureDesc );
+ // Modifiers
+ var turkeyMod = typeToMod[gameState.turkeyType];
+ var turkeyTypeModifierText = new createjs.Text( "+"+(Math.abs(turkeyMod-1)*100).toFixed(0) + "%", "20px Arial", "black" );
+ turkeyTypeModifierText.x = 310;
+ turkeyTypeModifierText.y = 437;
+ totalScore *= turkeyMod;
+ var stuffingTypeModifierText = new createjs.Text( "+"+(Math.abs(gameState.stuffingTypeModifier-1)*100).toFixed(0)+"%" , "20px Arial", "black" );
+ stuffingTypeModifierText.x = 310
+ stuffingTypeModifierText.y = 457;
+ totalScore *= gameState.stuffingTypeModifier;
+ var frillsModifierText = new createjs.Text( "x"+gameState.frillsModifier, "20px Arial", "black" );
+ frillsModifierText.x = 310
+ frillsModifierText.y = 477;
+ totalScore *= gameState.frillsModifier;
+ var hardcoreModifierText = new createjs.Text( "x"+gameState.hardcoreModifier, "20px Arial", "black" );
+ hardcoreModifierText.x = 310
+ hardcoreModifierText.y = 497;
+ totalScore *= gameState.hardcoreModifier;
+ var totalText = new createjs.Text( totalScore.toFixed(0), "32px Arial", "black" );
+ totalText.x = 250;
+ totalText.y = 550;
+ stage.addChild( totalText );
+ stage.addChild( stuffingTypeModifierText );
+ stage.addChild( turkeyTypeModifierText );
+ stage.addChild( frillsModifierText );
+ stage.addChild( hardcoreModifierText );
+ }} );
+ return {
+ blit : function(){}
+ }
+function CreditsScreen( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/Credits.png" );
+ stage.addChild( this.background );
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 698, 533, 80, 50, "SwitchScreen", "MainScreen" ) );
+ this.uiElems = [];
+ return {
+ blit : function(){
+ // Draw all the uiElements
+ for( var index in that.uiElems ){
+ that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
diff --git a/js/soundmanager.js b/js/soundmanager.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05e3c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/soundmanager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+function SoundInstance( soundObj, loop ){
+ this.soundObj = soundObj;
+function SoundManager( gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ var soundCache = {};
+ var AUDIO_OUT = 1;
+ var AUDIO_IN = 2;
+ var AUDIO_STABLE = 0;
+ this.audioState = AUDIO_STABLE;
+ // Register all sounds loaded in gameState
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/turkey_in_the_straw.mp3", "TitleMusic");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Store/Waterford.mp3", "MarketMusic");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/GUI/lowclick.mp3", "LowClick");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/GUI/click.mp3", "Click");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/GUI/buzz.mp3", "Error");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Store/buy.mp3", "Buy");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Store/entrance.mp3", "Entrance");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/GUI/ding.mp3", "Ding");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Kitchen/Double_Beep.mp3", "BeepBeep");
+ // Kitchen sound
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Full_Open.mp3", "Oven_Door_Full_Open");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Full_Close.mp3", "Oven_Door_Full_Close");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Peek_Close.mp3", "Oven_Door_Peek_Close");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Kitchen/Oven_Door_Peek_Open.mp3", "Oven_Door_Peek_Open");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Kitchen/Explosion_Sound.mp3", "Explosion");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Kitchen/Open_Cookbook.mp3", "Open_Cookbook");
+ createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/Kitchen/Close_Cookbook.mp3", "Close_Cookbook");
+ this.backgroundSounds = [];
+ this.backgroundSoundsQueue = [];
+ this.fadeOut = function(){
+ for ( var i in that.backgroundSounds ){
+ that.backgroundSounds[i].audioState = AUDIO_OUT;
+ }
+ };
+ this.play = function( soundName ){
+ var channel = createjs.Sound.createInstance("Click");
+ if( typeof soundName != "object" ){
+ channel = ( soundCache[soundName] ? soundCache[soundName] : soundCache[soundName] = createjs.Sound.createInstance(soundName) );
+ channel.volume = 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ channel = ( soundCache[soundName.name] ? soundCache[soundName.name] : soundCache[soundName.name] = createjs.Sound.createInstance(soundName.name) );
+ channel.volume = soundName.volume;
+ }
+ channel.play();
+ };
+ this.backgroundLoop = function( soundName ){
+ var newBackgroundSound;
+ if( typeof soundName != "object" ){
+ newBackgroundSound = soundCache[soundName] ? soundCache[soundName] : soundCache[soundName] = createjs.Sound.createInstance(soundName);
+ }
+ else{
+ newBackgroundSound = soundCache[soundName.name] ? soundCache[soundName.name] : soundCache[soundName.name] = createjs.Sound.createInstance( soundName.name );
+ newBackgroundSound.setPosition(soundName.pos || 0);
+ newBackgroundSound.volume = newBackgroundSound.desiredVolume = soundName.volume || 1;
+ newBackgroundSound.play();
+ // loop-de-loop
+ newBackgroundSound.addEventListener("complete", function(){
+ if( newBackgroundSound.volume == 0 ){ newBackgroundSound.stop(); return; }
+ newBackgroundSound.setPosition(soundName.pos || 0);
+ newBackgroundSound.volume = newBackgroundSound.desiredVolume = soundName.volume || 1;
+ newBackgroundSound.play();
+ });
+ }
+ that.backgroundSoundsQueue.push(newBackgroundSound);
+ };
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "Play", this.play );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "BackgroundLoop", this.backgroundLoop );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "FadeOut", this.fadeOut );
+ return {
+ tick: function(){
+ for ( var i in that.backgroundSounds ){
+ if( that.backgroundSounds[i].audioState == AUDIO_OUT ){
+ that.backgroundSounds[i].volume -=0.03;
+ }
+ if( that.backgroundSounds[i].audioState == AUDIO_IN ){
+ that.backgroundSounds[i].volume +=0.03;
+ }
+ if( that.backgroundSounds[i].volume >= that.backgroundSounds[i].desiredVolume ){
+ that.backgroundSounds[i].volume = that.backgroundSounds[i].desiredVolume;
+ }
+ if( that.backgroundSounds[i].volume <= 0.0 ){
+ that.backgroundSounds[i].volume = 0;
+ that.backgroundSounds[i].stop();
+ that.backgroundSounds.splice( i, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ if( that.backgroundSounds.length == 0 ){
+ for ( var i in that.backgroundSoundsQueue ){
+ var newSound = that.backgroundSoundsQueue[i];
+ newSound.audioState = AUDIO_IN;
+ that.backgroundSounds.push( newSound );
+ }
+ that.backgroundSoundsQueue = [];
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/stories.js b/js/stories.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ae1d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/stories.js
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+var messages = {
+ "Null":["Me: "],
+ "KitchenInitial" : ["Me: I should run to the store and buy a delicious turkey!"],
+ "CannotBuyTurkey" : ["Me: I barely have time for ONE turkey, let alone TWO!"],
+ "NoMoney" : ["Me: I can't afford this!"],
+ "BuyTurkeyFirst" : ["Me: I should buy a turkey first!"],
+ "EmptyOven" : ["Me: Ah, the oven is already preheated..."],
+ "OpenDoor" :["Me: I should probably try opening the oven door to measure the turkey's temperature"]
+//Terrible Results
+var terrible = [
+"Grandpa: Outrageous. I didn't fight for freedom for this kind of meal.",
+"Grandpa: I could have cooked a better fowl with a flamethrower in Korea.",
+"Grandma: My sister can make feast out of a potato. What is this?",
+"Dad: Don't expect my blessing.",
+"Mom: No thanks, I'm actually a vegetarian.",
+"Brother: Who taught you how to cook?",
+"Brother: What an awful turkey.",
+"Girlfriend: I'm leaving you honey. It's not you, its the turkey.",
+"Cat: Meow Meow ('Get out of my house!')"];
+//Subpar Results
+var subPar = [
+"Grandpa: My fake teeth can't chew through this tough turkey.",
+"Grandpa: Treat the turkey with respect next time.",
+"Grandma: Dear grandchild, next year let Grandmother do cooking.",
+"Dad: I had high expectations from you.",
+"Dad: You've brought shame to your family.",
+"Dad: Not bad, but it could have been better.",
+"Mom: Remember, it is the thought that matters.",
+"Mom: You are welcome here no matter how well you cook.",
+"Mom: Honey, I think this turkey could have turned out better.",
+"Brother: Uhh, What's for dessert?",
+"Brother: We should get a pre-baked turkey next time",
+"Girlfriend: Hey, the cat seems to like it.",
+"Girlfriend: We'll have to go to some cooking classes together.",
+"Cat: Hisssssss"];
+//Average Results
+var average = [
+"Grandpa: Hmm. Passable.",
+"Grandma: This turkey tastes good, you have done well.",
+"Dad: Pretty decent turkey have you cooked here.",
+"Mom: Tastes better than store cooked turkeys.",
+"Brother: This is way better than I expected.",
+"Girlfriend: Not bad.",
+"Cat: Meow meow ('I may not leave a present in your shoes today')"];
+//Great Results
+var great = [
+"Grandpa: Fine job, sonny! Just like the golden days.",
+"Grandpa: Tender and juicy, just the way I like it.",
+"Grandma: Such a talented little cook. Welcome to family.",
+"Grandma: Most enjoyable dinner. Now, who wants baked apples?",
+"Dad: Good and meaty, mmm-mmm!",
+"Mom: The second best turkey I have ever had!",
+"Mom: You should teach me your secrets",
+"Brother: Way to go, this turkey is fantastic.",
+"Girlfriend: Oh, what a nice turkey.",
+"Cat: Meow MEOW! ('I am pleased, human')"];
+//Perfect Results
+var perfect = [
+"Grandpa: Damn good gobsmackingly delicious piece of freedom!",
+"Grandma: Excellent! You will cook festival dinner next year, yes?",
+"Dad: Finger-licking perfection!",
+"Mom: This turkey is delicious. Let's get you two wed immediately!",
+"Mom: Never have I had a more scrumptious turkey!",
+"Brother: All-praise the turkeymeister!",
+"Girlfriend: Bite after bite of gourmet delight!",
+"Girlfriend: We should get married. Tonight!",
+"Cat: Puuuurrrrrrr"];
+var story = {
+"Duck Story":
+["Dad: So I was in the office last week, typing up the TPS reports that need to be turned in every Friday, when I heard a quacking sound.",
+"Dad: I thought it was Larry again. He has one of those old Blackintosh computers at his desk, you know, the ones with the smiley winking face.",
+"Brother: Dad, that's such old technology. When is your company going to upgrade to SuckBox 87?",
+"Dad: I know, but let me finish my story. Well, you know how when you click or an alert box comes up the computer can be set to a quacking sound?",
+"Dad: So I tell Larry, what's up with all his alert boxes.",
+"Mom: Who's Larry again hun?",
+"Dad: He's my stall partner. We share he cubicle remember? So he turns around in his office chair, and asks 'what?'",
+"Dad: 'The quacking, what's with all the quacking?'",
+"Dad: 'I'm not doing it', he tells me.",
+"Dad: 'Well, It isn't me.'",
+"Dad: Just then the quacking noise happened again.",
+"Dad: 'Did you hear that Larry?'",
+"Dad: 'Yeah.'",
+"Dad: We poked our head above the cubicle to look out and didn't see anybody else in the room. Yet the quacking came again.",
+"Dad: Besides the quacking, the room had fallen very silent.",
+"Mom: So, what did ya do?",
+"Dad: I droop down on my hands and knees, and that's when it got me.",
+"Mom: Mercy!",
+"Brother: You got attacked by a duck?",
+"Dad: That duck ran into me, face first. In its flight to escape, it pooped on my hands. Lucky me.",
+"Dad: Larry and I grabbed a few guys on break and we corralled the duck out of the office.",
+"Dad: Some of the guys wanted to keep it as a pet, but these are the same guys who don't get much done anyways. No help to office productivity.",
+"Grandma: Son, You let a good meal go to waste.",
+"Dad: Mom, we don't eat ducks we find on the street. That's just cruel.",
+"Grandma: That doesn't stop those Chinese from eating street cats and dogs. Why do you think there are all those missing pet posters in the neighborhood?",
+"Mom: Oh good lord!",
+"Dad: Mom, you should stop spreading those rumors. It is cars and wild animals.",
+"Grandma: Oh I'm sure those are SOME of the reasons. But lying to yourself isn't good honey.",
+"Cat: Meow.",
+"Dad: Oh hey Kasey. You like being an indoor cat don't you? Don't have to worry about all those cars and wild animals. Don't you little girl?",
+"Grandma: And Chinese.",
+"Dad: Mooom!"],
+"Golf Story":
+["Grandpa: Son, what's your par on the John Milton Golf Course?.",
+"Dad: I'm a little rusty, but my average is about 76.",
+"Grandpa: Oh really? Chaahooooo I am down to 69.",
+"Dad: Congratulations Dad.",
+"Grandpa: How about you and I hit a few around next week?",
+"Dad: I will have to check my calendar, but I would love to."],
+"Creeper Worker":
+["Brother: ...and so this guy kept trying to see what I wrote down on my notepad, and I keep trying to hide it from his prying eyes. Anyways...",
+"Dad: Hey that reminds me of this guy at work.",
+"Brother: I'm trying to tell a story here Dad.",
+"Mom: Let Greg finish.",
+"Dad: Ok, finish your story.",
+"Brother: Well... I forgot where I was going with it. Err, the guy was trying to view my notepad...and well, that's about it. Look what you did Dad.",
+"Dad: Sorry. But hey! Now you can hear my story.",
+"Dad: Just like you, we had a nosey co-worker. This co-worker was showing around a new customer to our branch when a screensaver caught his in a nearby room.",
+"Grandma: What is a screensaver?",
+"Dad: You know on a computer when you don't use it and the screen goes black? It is like that, except this computer has an animated display like a slide show.",
+"Grandma: Ok, a slide show on the computer.",
+"Dad: Yes, sort of like that.",
+"Dad: Well, the co-worker enters the room, with the new customer, to check out the screen saver. Now this room belongs to Julia, our PR rep.",
+"Dad: I'm not sure why he entered the room. He could have just viewed the screen saver through the office window.",
+"Dad: Julia wasn't there at the time, but word gets around quickly in the office.",
+"Dad: She found out that Rob, that's the co-worker, entered the room, and filed a complaint with Internal Relations.",
+"Dad: Then Internal relations sends a message to Rob, asking if he did enter the room.",
+"Dad: And then Rob sends a long email response back, all the while with our customer in tow, even asking the customer advice about what to include in the E-mail.",
+"Brother: Wow, so did you lose the customer?",
+"Dad: We don't know yet, but management did send an internal memo around re-affirming the boundaries of privacy.",
+"Dad: This whole thing was completely overblown though. Rob was just looking at a screensaver. He didn't even try and hide it either.",
+"Dad: But that's life. People who get excited over nothing.",
+"Wife: Well, he did seem kind of creepy asking for the customer's advice on the E-mail.",
+"Brother: And what about Julia? She seemed to know a littttle bit too much about the goings on in her office cubicle.",
+"Dad: Maybe she has an office camera or something. I'm not sure.",
+"Brother: Do you have one?",
+"Dad: No, but then again I'm not in PR. Sometimes workers try and find out what the dirt is on them, or try and change their records on the computer.",
+"Brother: Sorry to say, it honestly sounds like a terrible place to work.",
+"Dad: It isn't as bad as it seems. Every now and then sometime like this happens and it becomes the talk of the town.",
+"Brother: Maybe just a boring place."],
+"Paint Bucket Sucks":
+["Brother: Hey Grandpa, I've got a funny story about that primer you gave me.",
+"Grandpa: You'll have to remind me again, my memory isn't too good in my old age.",
+"Brother: Well, you gave me some primer to redo my room.",
+"Mom: How is the painting going? Last I heard you had the priming done.",
+"Brother: Yup. Well, almost. I still have a mess to clean up.",
+"Mom: What happened?",
+"Brother: Yeaahh well, grandpa's can of primer was pretty old. And it rusted on the bottom and developed small holes.",
+"Brother: So, there I was prepping everything, ready to go to town on the walls, when I start feeling some wetness on my pants.",
+"Brother: I look down and there are primer drops all over my pants.",
+"Dad: Why were you holding the paint bucket though? Don't you just pour it in a roller pan and do it that way like I taught you?",
+"Brother: Well yes, but I was also cutting the edges of the room before hand, like you taught me. And that was easier with the paint bucket in my hand.",
+"Brother: Or so I thought...",
+"Mom: What happened next Greggy?",
+"Brother: Mom, don't call me 'Greggy'.",
+"Brother: Anywaaays, I quickly put the can down in the roller pan I had nearby. I turned around to find some paper towels to clean myself off with.",
+"Brother: That's when I noticed a drip line all the way from the garage. That's not good.",
+"Brother: I dashed for the towels and once I reached them, I tried to soak up as much as possible. And well... not good.",
+"Brother: In the future, I probably won't go for your primer Grandpa.",
+"Grandpa: You know what'll get that paint out? Some turpentine. If you don't have some of that handy you should try out some kerosene.",
+"Brother: I tried some paint remover already, but it also took out the color in my pants. Luckily, I wasn't wearing my best pants.",
+"Brother: I did have to go for a heavy duty carpet cleaning service. My wife wasn't too happy about that",
+"Grandpa: You should have asked me for help. I would have shown you how to do it, and I would have done it for free too.",
+"Brother: Thanks Grandpa, I'll definitely keep that in mind."],
+"Hanging Doorway Ornaments":[
+"Grandma: A real bother these days are the people that decorations in their doorways. They get in your face as you try to walk through.",
+"Grandma: And what if there is an Earthquake!",
+"Grandpa: It isn't like we live on a fault line.",
+"Grandma: Just stop hanging your bears in the doorway.",
+"Grandpa: I have the kitchen and you have the garage, that was the deal.",
+"Grandma: Maybe I'll just take both the garage and the kitchen and then put you out on the street with your keychain bears.",
+"Grandpa: I'd like to see you try.",
+"Grandma: Oohh don't make me get my shotgun.",
+"Grandpa: Err, speaking of kitchens. HOW IS THAT TURKEY COMING ALONG IN THERE. YOU NEED A HAND?"],
+"Spouse gets surprise movie tickets":
+["Mom: Hey, seen any interesting movies y'all?",
+"Spouse: I have. Recently I was...",
+"Grandpa: Back in my day, we burned rats for fun.",
+"Spouse: errr.. Grandpa?",
+"Grandma: Don't mind him. He's losing his mind.",
+"Grandpa: I keep it right here. *Taps head* But where did you put the lock on that mouse of yours?",
+"Dad: Dad, Mom, don't keep interrupting the story.",
+"Grandpa: Well, she started it.",
+"Grandma: Ahh, you old coot.",
+"Mom: Please continue.",
+"Spouse: ummmmm",
+"Spouse: Ah, now I remember. [Player] and I were at the mall when a woman came up to us.",
+"Spouse: 'Hey guys, sorry to bother you. I'm the host of a free movie screening preview, and we are trying to fill as many seats as possible.'",
+"Spouse: 'We severely underestimated the number of people who were going to show up. If you have time, it would really help me out if you two would attend.'",
+"Spouse: [Player] thought going to see the free movie was a no brainer, but I knew that we had somewhere to be in less than two hours.",
+"Spouse: 'How long is the movie', I asked. She replied, 'About an hour and a half'. Which is about standard.",
+"Grandpa: Back in my day...",
+"Spouse: 'WE CAN ALWAYS leave early', [Player] whispered to me.",
+"Dad: Did you end up seeing it?",
+"Spouse: Actually, yes.",
+"Spouse: We lined up at the theater, and noticed that all the others in line had a pamphlet ticket. We might be in the wrong line!",
+"Spouse: The women told us to mention her name 'Stephanine' at the door to get in, but what if we go up to the doorman, mention 'Stephanine', and they respond ' Stephanine, who is Stephaine?' ",
+"Spouse: The line begins to move, and we approach to the ticket-taker.",
+"Spouse: 'Stephanie told us to come'. After a heart wrenching pause, the doorman nodded, and we were allowed in.",
+"Dad: What movie was it?",
+"Spouse: Stephanie mentioned it was going to be an action documentary about Poland but when we got our seats, the pre-ads were all childish.",
+"Spouse: Legos, Toys, cartoons, etc. [Player] and I wondered if the movie we were about to see wasn't even what they told us.",
+"Brother: Legos aren't just for kids.",
+"Spouse: Maybe not, but the marketing is primarily kid focused. Anyhow, the movie turned out to be the Poland one.",
+"Spouse: However, the movie was two hours rather than the expected one hour thirty.",
+"Mom: Did you stay the whole time? I could not see myself walking out. I would feel too embarrassed about the whole audience staring at me.",
+"Spouse: It isn't that hard, you just treat it like you are headed to the bathroom. Except you never come back.",
+"Spouse: But yes, we did leave early, so we'll have to check the rest of the movie on DVD, or see it in theatres when it officially releases.",
+"Mom: Good thing the staff didn't send a search party for you. Maybe you fell into the toilet",
+"Spouse: Haha",
+"Dad: Say, what was the title of the movie?",
+"Spouse: 'Randy Staples Shares the Pain.' We saw all the build up, but missed the payoff.",
+"Grandpa: Back in my day, we used to watch movies for a nickel.",
+"Mom: I remember when gas used to be twenty cents a gallon.",
+"Brother: And I remember when the PS3 cost $599 US dollars.",
+"Cat: Meow, meow meow"],
+"Youtube Sensation":
+["Grandpa: Back in my day, we burned rats for fun.",
+"Brother: Ok Grandpa. Anyways, I was at Frankfort mall the other day.",
+"Brother: Just walking around, not really focused on any particular purchase when I noticed a long line. Naturally, you see the line, and wonder what's for.",
+"Brother: So, my buddies and I walked up the line to find out the sitch.",
+"Mom: What's a 'sitch'.",
+"Brother: It means situation.",
+"Mom: I see. How long was the line?",
+"Brother: Oh, it stretched, maybe, half the mall. There were security guards out, to make sure that traffic could get through gaps in the line.",
+"Brother: As we neared the front, we saw that the line moved into some kind of makeup store.",
+"Brother: The flier outside said they had one of those video sensations, you know the one who does the makeup? I can't remember her name.",
+"Mom: So did you go in?",
+"Brother: And wait in that long line? I don't even wear makeup!",
+"Mom: Yeah, but what about your fiancee'? Why not get her something nice?",
+"Brother: I'm sure she would love some makeup, but I can buy that stuff on any day.",
+"Brother: One kind of interesting, but obvious, thing about the line composition was that it was majorly women. There was a handful of guys, but I'd assume they were boyfriends.",
+"Grandpa: Back in my day, I would have gotten in that line and wooed all the women.",
+"Grandma: You can't even grab the attention of a taxi.",
+"Grandpa: You're not making sense. Why would I want to take a taxi out to dinner?",
+"Grandma: No, not taking a taxi out to dinner. Forget it. Just forget it."],
+"Girlfriend's Boba Keeps on a-flowing":
+["Girlfriend: You know what boba is right Mom?",
+"Mom: What's Boba?",
+"Girlfriend: Ok, I guess not.",
+"Grandma: What's booba?",
+"Girlfriend: I take it you mean boba?",
+"Grandma: Yes, that thing.",
+"Girlfriend: What most people talk about when they mean 'boba' are tea drinks with milk in them.",
+"Girlfriend: The boba tea drinks are not hard to make, just make black tea, and then add any kind of milk you have, some sweetener, then chill with ice.",
+"Girlfriend: [Player] and I made it at home one time, but that's another story. Anyways, the 'boba' itself are these little black balls that are made out of sweet potato.",
+"Dad: Sweet Potatoes, like a yam?",
+"Brother: Dad, you know that sweet potatoes and yams are not the same right?",
+"Dad: What? They aren't?",
+"Brother: No",
+"Dad: Well, what's the difference?",
+"Brother: I don't know, but the point is they are different.",
+"Girlfriend: Boba is usually made from sweet potatoes, but it can also be made from other starchy materials, I suppose.",
+"Dad: What's it taste like? Kind of...potatoey?",
+"Girlfriend: Not really, it is chewy, a bit like... when you take the first bite into some gum. Right before it gets soft.",
+"Girlfriend: Though when places heat it up, it is really soft and moldable.",
+"Grandma: Hmm. I wouldn't mind trying this boba sometime.",
+"Girlfriend: You definitely should since I know you like your morning tea.",
+"Girlfriend: Now that you all know what boba is, I can tell you about this cool, and somewhat awkward event that happened.",
+"Girlfriend: [Player] and I were driving down the freeway when we remembered that a new boba place was opening up on Teller St.",
+"Girlfriend: As part of their opening promotion, they were offering one free boba drink per customer.",
+"Girlfriend: Since I was thirsty, I suggested we drop by and see what's up.",
+"Girlfriend: We parked and walk up to the building. There weren't too many people about, and a sign revealed why.",
+"Girlfriend: The free boba promotion ended at 8PM, and it was already 10!",
+"Mom: Aww, that's too bad",
+"Girlfriend: I decided to get a drink anyways.",
+"Girlfriend: But when I ordered, the worker said 'Would you like to try one of our free drinks?', and motioned towards the sign",
+"Girlfriend: 'Sure!', Then he asked [Player] what [GenderPronoun] wanted.",
+"Girlfriend: So we both got a full-sized free drink!",
+"Mom: What flavor did you get? I assume there are flavors of boba?",
+"Girlfriend: Yes, there are. I ordered Strawberry. It tasted ok, but was really missing that strawberry flavor.",
+"Girlfriend: The worker asked how they were, and well Mom, you raised me to be an honest individual, so it was lacking in flavor.",
+"Girlfriend: So the worker says, 'Alright, let me make you another one'",
+"Girlfriend: He makes me a completely new boba drink, while letting me keep the old one to drink. At this point I haven't even paid for anything yet",
+"Dad: That's just good customer service. Since this place is new, he is trying to build up customer relations.",
+"Girlfriend: True, but I feel like it got a little out of hand. The next drink also lacked the strawberry flavor. The worker said it is probably because of the syrup.",
+"Girlfriend: He then proceeded to make another drink, still free, using fresh strawberries in lieu of the syrup flavoring.",
+"Girlfriend: Now the syrup drinks were probably really cheap to make, but making drinks with real fruit costs considerably more.",
+"Girlfriend: By the end of our time at the place, the two of us had six drinks in hand without a cent spent.",
+"Girlfriend: The worker just kept offering us samples and I felt really guilty about being so honest.",
+"Girlfriend: I decided to order the drink I was originally going to get, even though I had consumed 2 whole boba drinks already. Sugar overload!",
+"Brother: I hope you left him a fat tip for his troubles.",
+"Girlfriend: Yes, I tipped, [Player] made sure of that.",
+"Girlfriend: With all the caffeine and sugar, I couldn't sleep all night. My heart was in trepidation even through the next morning.",
+"Girlfriend: I probably wouldn't do that again.",
+"Grandma: This sounds like the place I should try my first boba.",
+"Girlfriend: I don't think I could boba for at least a month I'm so burnt out.",
+"Brother: It is settled, right after this meal we're all going out for boba.",
+"Girlfriend: Hah, no.",
+"Brother: No, seriously.",
+"Girlfriend: And seriously. No"],
+"Grandmother reveals the virtues of the bread line":
+["Brother: The Turkey is taking a while to cook. [Player] isn't too good at cooking is [GenderPronoun]?",
+"Girlfriend: How dare you talk about [Player] like that. [Player] is a great cook. You'll see!",
+"Grandma: You guys have it lucky. Where I grew up we had bread lines.",
+"Grandma: My family would stand in a bread line for over six hours with the POSSIBILITY of receiving a loaf of bread.",
+"Grandma: I remember one particular occasion where my mom told me to take my baby sister with me and go stand in the bread line.",
+"Grandma: I was only 8 years old, and my baby sister was less than a year.",
+"Grandma: Standing is a whole day affair. Some people brought laundry. Others did their crafts in line.",
+"Grandma: My sister and I stood in that line together for over eight hours until we finally reached the front.",
+"Grandma: When we got there. The man with the bread said, 'One loaf of Bread.'",
+"Grandma: I held my baby sister outstretched and said 'Two.'",
+"Grandma: The bread man responded. 'Baby doesn't count. One loaf of bread.' We were then pushed out of line with our one loaf.",
+"Mom: Jesus, that sounds horrible.",
+"Grandma: It was, but it was also necessary. Though when I hear people complaining how they are tired of waiting, I like to retell that story.",
+"Brother: Alright, I suppose it could be worse, but let's hope that [Player] can do better than that."],
+"Father talks about the virtues of Automated Cars":
+["Mom: Roger, tell everyone about your automated cars meeting.",
+"Dad: It wasn't a meeting, it was closer to a seminar.",
+"Dad: At work, we accrue credits that can be put towards educational events. Our managers think that an educated workforce is a happy and productive workforce.",
+"Dad: So we are required to spend these credits every year on our choice of relevant education events.",
+"Girlfriend: That's cool. What kind of choices for educational events are there?",
+"Dad: As one example, employees can go to a local college or high school and present about their work at the company.",
+"Dad: Other options are to attend talks about various topics, such as aerospace engineering, materials science, manager relations, customer relations, etc.",
+"Dad: I decided to spend my credits on a five person panel from the various automotive manufacturers about the future of automated vehicles.",
+"Dad: Disappointingly, the panel never went in-depth about the technology side of automated cars.",
+"Dad: The panel just already affirmed what I already knew. Self-driving cars are coming.",
+"Grandpa: Why would you want a self-driving car anyways? Driving is fun!",
+"Grandpa: I remember driving my old station wagon across country to California. Now that was a trip to remember.",
+"Grandpa: The sun was beating down, and we didn't have air conditioning in the car, so you rolled down the window and enjoyed the breeze.",
+"Grandpa: Nowadays, you are spoiled with automatic windows, automatic car washers, automatic transmission.",
+"Grandpa: Why even call it a car? Sounds to me more like a train you ride.",
+"Dad: Yes Dad, which was the general gist of the whole thing. Some people like to drive their car.",
+"Dad: Though one panelist seemed confident that it will eventually take over.",
+"Dad: They quoted 48 minutes as the average amount of time a driver spends in their car per day.",
+"Dad: If most of that time is spent in traffic, or just getting somewhere, then people will adopt a car that can do the nitty gritty driving.",
+"Dad: Drivers can then spend their five leisure minutes on the beach boulevard cruising with manual control.",
+"Grandpa: Enjoy your fandangled self-driving cars, if they ever come.",
+"Grandpa: In the 1960s they used to say we'd have flying cars in the 2000s, but you don't see that now.",
+"Brother: Maybe in my generation. First the self-driving cars, then the flying ones.",
+"Cat: Meow (and then the world!)"],
+"Brother recounts a hockey game he saw recently, and his friend has to go to the hospital":
+["Brother: Yo, I watched a hockey game recently. There were cheap group tickets, so a bunch of my friends jumped on it to watch the game.",
+"Girlfriend: Who was playing?",
+"Brother: Some minor league team, the 'Raging Tornados', I believe? It isn't important. The point is seeing two teams pummel each other over a little puck.",
+"Grandpa: Yes, exactly!",
+"Girlfriend: I suppose since we're glorifying the violence of the sport, were there any fights?",
+"Brother: Ah hell yeah! The gloves were thrown to the ice, and the two players starting man-hugging each other.",
+"Brother: The refs just let it go. There was no blood, but it was the intention that mattered.",
+"Brother: Sadly, it isn't like some video games where the winner of the fight gets to stay on the ice. The perpetrator in this case got the penalty.",
+"Brother: But anyways, what was cool was we were allowed to play some broomball on the ice before the game due to our group size.",
+"Brother: That was loads of fun. Until someone got injured.",
+"Mom: Heavens no!",
+"Brother: Well, it wasn't from the broomball.",
+"Brother: Later, when our group was walking around, waiting for the actual game to start, the two hockey teams were practicing and a puck flew into the crowd.",
+"Brother: It smacked one of my friends in the neck, and they had to go to the infirmary.",
+"Mom: But were they okay?",
+"Brother: Yeah, they were fine. They decided to go home however. Too much trauma. They would be flinching with every one-timer during the game.",
+"Mom: Aww, that's a shame. It wasn't Charles was it? Poor Charles...",
+"Brother: No, Mom, Charles is fine.",
+"Girlfriend: Close game?",
+"Brother: Hardly. 3-0",
+"Brother: The tornado mascot kept it interesting though, with his kazoo.",
+"Brother: 'Bzzzwoooooo'",
+"Brother: Ah, here's something. A Catholic girl's school came to sing the national anthem.",
+"Brother: You have to imagine these girls were about five to six years old. So it was mind-numbingly cute.",
+"Brother: The stadium was filled with 'awwws' when they approached the mics.",
+"Brother: Well anyways, these girls were out near the mechanical bull before the game started.",
+"Dad: The stadium has a mechanical bull?",
+"Brother: Yup, pay your five dollars and take it for a ride. The operators know their clientele.",
+"Brother: They let young kids 'tame the bull' while they throw the wrath of God down on the teenagers. Cause they know the teens want to flex their muscle.",
+"Brother: I watched one teen tumble backwards over his head and shoulders in one bout.",
+"Brother: The best part though was those little girls I mentioned earlier.",
+"Brother: They surrounded the bull-riding-rink, all dressed in their school outfits.",
+"Brother: 'Ride the bull. Ride the Bull!', They shouted in unison.",
+"Brother: Then when someone got on.",
+"Brother: 'Make them fall, make them fall!'",
+"Mom: Dawwww",
+"Brother: No Mom! Those little girls are evil!",
+"Brother: But, it was definitely a lot of fun to watch."],
+"Mom talks about her students and reading over summer vacation":
+["Girlfriend: Well Mom, how are your students doing?",
+"Mom: Thank you for asking. They are doing well.",
+"Brother: Still teaching the third grade?",
+"Mom: Yessum",
+"Girlfriend: Soo, lay on the juicy stories.",
+"Mom: Mmmm, well, for the winter break coming up I'm planning on having them read 'The BFG'.",
+"Girlfriend: oooh, I liked that book.",
+"Brother: Mom, winter break reading is THE reason that students hate their teachers. Can't you let them enjoy their break in peace?",
+"Mom: But reading is fundamental. We can't let our students forget what they learned.",
+"Girlfriend: It isn't that bad, 'The BFG' is a fun and entertaining book.",
+"Brother: Granted, but forcing one to read kills their love of reading. It did for me.",
+"Brother: After I began reading for fun rather than the school forcing me to do it, I could really appreciate the work for what they are.",
+"Mom: Greg, you are right. But you have to remember that if we don't force kids to do a little reading, they may not do the reading at all.",
+"Mom: I sleep better knowing that my students have been given the opportunity discover works they like, whether or not a little encouragement was given.",
+"Brother: You are an inspiration to us all.",
+"Mom: That's very kind of you to say."],
+"Grandmother reveals her name":
+["Grandpa: Lana, did I ever tell you that I am blessed to be married to you?",
+"Grandma: Well, you just know all the right things to say to make a woman feel good.",
+"Brother: Grandma, if you don't mind me asking, I was wondering if your name, 'Lana' had any special meaning in Russian.",
+"Brother: Like, I know some American names, like Mark, are biblical in nature.",
+"Grandma: Ahh, well yes. Very similar",
+"Grandma: Lana is short for Svetlana, which was my given name. I shortened it to 'Lana' because it was easier to pronounce in those parts.",
+"Brother: Sweatlana?",
+"Grandma: Close, but you need to put more 'V' into it.",
+"Grandma: Stalin's daughter was named Svetlana, and so many mothers named their daughters the same in honor.",
+"Grandma: It was be loosely translated to light, and holy. Sort of biblical as you mentioned.",
+"Brother: That's very interesting. Mom, Dad, was there any special reason for naming me Greg?",
+"Mom: Well.",
+"Dad: We looked at a lot baby naming books, and we were having trouble deciding.",
+"Mom: I had a good friend named Greg when I was growing up so I liked that name.",
+"Dad: It sounded good to me, and you ended up a boy, so it worked out.",
+"Brother: So, did the 'Greg' you knew Mom, do anything special or notable? Like, was he famous?",
+"Mom: Uhhh, well, we dated for a while, but it didn't work out.",
+"Brother: Whaat? I'm named after your former lover?! Did you know about this Dad?!",
+"Dad: Yes, but what's the big deal? I still like the name Greg. It's a good strong name.",
+"Brother: I don't think I'll be able to think about my name the same way ever again.",
+"Girlfriend: Hah ha brother. Sucks to be you. Hah ha!",
+"Girlfriend: But please Mom and Dad, don't tell ever me how I got my name.",
+"Mom: Ooh, but your name origin is quite special.",
+"Girlfriend: La la la, I'm not listening!"],
+"Grandparents sings a Patriotist song":
+["Grandpa: Since dinner is taking a while, it seems like a good time for a song don't you think?",
+"Dad: Dad, please no...",
+"Grandpa: Ooooh, I saw Mussolini sitting on a log",
+"Grandpa: All puffed up like a great big frog",
+"Grandpa: Sneaked up close and stuck him with a wire",
+"Grandpa: And he just went poof like an old flat tire.",
+"Grandpa: took his hide and hung it on a tree,",
+"Grandpa: and he said 'hey don't do that to me' ",
+"Grandpa: so I took it on home to my mother in law",
+"Grandpa: She threw me outside with the Turkey in the Straw",
+"Grandma: Oooooh Adolf Hitler grabbed a tail, ",
+"Grandma: And he hung right on with tooth and nail, ",
+"Grandma: and he saw what he had and he began to swear, ",
+"Grandma: On the end of the tail was a Russian bear, ",
+"Grandpa: The old bear growled and started in to shake, ",
+"Grandma: Adolf knew he'd made a big mistake.",
+"Grandpa: He tried to hang on and he tried to let go ",
+"Grandma: Now they have a new dance called Hitler in the snow. ",
+"Grandpa: Wow, I didn't know you knew that one. ",
+"Grandma: Word travels fast on the front. Just don't let the officers hear you singing it or they'll whoop your ass faster than you can say vodka. ",
+"Grandpa: Advice to keep close at heart. "],
+"Dad Tells a Bad Dad Joke":
+["Dad: Hey guys, what's the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?",
+"Mom: Of course it is the loving family?",
+"Brother: I bet it is the pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes.",
+"Girlfriend: It is the turkey right?",
+"Dad: That's right, its the turKEY",
+"Dad: turKEY, get it?",
+"Girlfriend: What?",
+"Dad: The KEY to a great thanksgiving dinner is the turKEY.",
+"Girlfriend: Aww, come on Dad. That's terrible.",
+"Grandma: Is this a joke?",
+"Dad: Yes Mom,",
+"Grandma: Well, what do you mean 'key' .",
+"Dad: A 'key', something that is of vital importance.",
+"Grandma: hmmm, ok. I think I get it.",
+"Dad: Ok...."],
+"Mom Butter Story":
+["Mom: My favorite color is butter.",
+"Girlfriend: That's cool."],
+"Cat Story":
+["Cat: Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow",
+"Dad: I think the cat's hungry!",
+"Cat: Meow",
+"Mom: Look at it, poor thing wants some turkey!",
+"Cat: Meow",
+"Cat: (Translation) If you turn the oven past 1000 degrees, something fun happens!"],
+"Cat Story II":
+["Cat: Meow Meow Meow!",
+"Mom: What is it, sweetie?",
+"Cat: Meow Meow Meow!",
+"Cat: (Translation) Why aren't we cooking fish? I want fish for dinner.",
+"Mom: Yes sweetie, that's an oven with a turkey inside! We're going to have a nice dinner.",
+"Cat: Meow",
+"Cat: (Translation) It's like you don't love me anymore.",
+"Mom: It'll be done very soon, I promise! You can have a few bites.",
+"Cat: Meow Meow Meow Meow!",
+"Cat: (Translation) I don't want turkey, I want fish!"],
+"Mom Talks About Her Bathroom Policy and her Students":
+["Mom: I make sure my students are well hydrated and well rested.",
+"Mom: We have 20 minutes of reading time, 20 minutes of sleeping time, and 20 cumulative daily minutes of bathroom time.",
+"Mom: I bring bottles of water and juice on my own dime to make sure the students are at maximum productivity.",
+"Dad: What if someone needs to use the restroom for 30 minutes?",
+"Mom: It doesn't bug me, but the school has some strict bathroom policies. I've gotten in trouble in the past.",
+"Dad: Oh, You never told me about this. What happened honey?",
+"Mom: I didn't want to bother you with the details. But I guess there's no harm in letting you know.",
+"Mom: For a while I allowed all my students to use the bathroom whenever they wanted. They didn't even have to ask. I wanted the students to feel independent.",
+"Mom: But then the administration told me that all students were required to have a bathroom pass. Too many students were skipping class they feared.",
+"Mom: I never lost a student and all my students knew not to abuse their privileges, but I did as I was told.",
+"Mom: I made sure students signed themselves out, wrote their name, signed it, then took the bathroom pass.",
+"Girlfriend: That seems very efficient. But are the third graders mature enough to get themselves to the bathroom and not goof off?",
+"Mom: Well, every student has their 20 minutes. I don't want to parent them. That's not my job. My job is to teach lessons.",
+"Mom: It seemed to work well. None of my students abused the system.",
+"Mom: But it seemed the administration didn't appreciate the system. They changed the rules once again.",
+"Mom: Now students are only allowed to go to the bathroom once per day. No more than 5 minutes or else I have to go looking for them.",
+"Mom: I told all my students. 'Make sure you use the restroom at recess and before school'. And they did.",
+"Brother: Your students seem very well behaved. I can't even imagine a class of third graders acting as well-mannered as you describe.",
+"Mom: You would be surprised what putting a little trust in a person can do.",
+"Mom: Well, the newest method was working dandy. I wouldn't say it was as good as what we had setup before, but it was fine.",
+"Mom: Less than a week later however, I got another memo.",
+"Mom: 'Students are to be allowed to use the restroom facilities whenever they need.",
+"Dad: They reverted their one-bathroom per child policy?",
+"Mom: I hate to bring this up at the dinner table.",
+"Grandma: Don't be worrying. Tell us the story.",
+"Mom: Sigh, ok. One of the students in the other class, not mine of course, had to use the restroom. But she had already used her one bathroom break.",
+"Mom: So the teacher told her to go back to her seat.",
+"Mom: A while later....",
+"Brother: Ahh geeez, she peed everywhere?",
+"Mom: Greg!",
+"Brother: What? It isn't like this is the first time this has ever happened? I hear about this happening all the time on internet message boards.",
+"Mom: It was certainly a surprise for me!",
+"Dad: I'm sorry to, hehehe, hear that honey.",
+"Mom: This isn't a laughing matter.",
+"Dad: Sorry ma'am."],
+"Grandpa tells a story about how a bug crawls in the ear of one of his fellow army buddies during the Korean War":
+["Grandpa: Mmmm mmm, I can't wait to hear the sizzling of that turkey.",
+"Grandma: You never seem to hear when I call you.",
+"Grandpa: That's called selective hearing. My hearing is fine.",
+"Grandpa: Which reminds me of my old friend Jimmy.",
+"Grandma: How is ol' Jimmy?",
+"Grandpa: Deaf in the one ear as usual, but he couldn't be a happier soul. We're going golfing next week.",
+"Mom: I don't believe I've met Jimmy.",
+"Grandpa: He and I go way back. We were GIs together during the Korean War. Then he lost his hearing.",
+"Brother: Was it due to the loudness of the guns? A mortar round? Shrapnel?",
+"Grandpa: I don't know what the media has filled your noggin with, but not all injury in war is glamorous.",
+"Brother: I agree, war is terrible. But, I must say the technology is interesting.",
+"Grandpa: Be glad you don't have to serve and only reap the riches of wartime development.",
+"Grandpa: As for Jimmy, he lost his hearing at camp.",
+"Grandpa: We went to sleep for the night and a beetle bug crawled in his ear.",
+"Grandpa: Tried to fish it out but he ended up crushing it.",
+"Grandpa: Field medics couldn't get all the pieces out, and we were at least two days away from a decent hospital.",
+"Grandpa: The ear got infected and Jimmy lost his hearing soon after.",
+"Grandpa: 'Bug Brain' we used to call him. Great guy.",
+"Girlfriend: I'm sorry to hear that.",
+"Grandpa: Can't undo the past. Those dang bugs were everywhere though.",
+"Mom: Gross, Gross, Gross. ",
+"Grandpa: It isn't that bad. Be grateful I didn't tell you the story where we ate them. Not bad. A little crunchy. Not as good as turkey though.",
+"Mom: !!!"],
+"Story about Girlfriend's teacher that makes buzzer noises when you got something wrong":
+["Girlfriend: Greg, here's something that might tinkle your fancy.",
+"Girlfriend: I saw my old professor from a couple years back, Professor Ronfleur. The Humanities teacher. Do you remember him?",
+"Brother: The guy who always wore the purple bow tie? Who could forget him? Did he buzz you?",
+"Girlfriend: Ha-ha, no, but that's why I brought it up. That buzz!",
+"Mom: What buzz?",
+"Girlfriend: I guess we never told you Mom. Remember when we took that humanities class at the local community college during the summer?",
+"Girlfriend: We were trying to get the lower division English requirements out the way so could take classes at college that were actually worth our time.",
+"Girlfriend: This Professor Ronfleur used to make a buzzing sound whenever anybody got something wrong.",
+"Girlfriend: 'In what way does Aristotle disagree with Plato's Allegory of the Cave?' and then...",
+"Girlfriend: BRRZZZZZZZT!",
+"Girlfriend: He would make this super nasally buzzing noise.",
+"Brother: Seriously! Whenever I see the guy, I can just imagine pressing his bow tie and a buzzing noise coming out.",
+"Girlfriend: And he did it ALL. THE. TIME.",
+"Brother: Yeah! Did he say anything to you when he saw you?",
+"Girlfriend: I said hello and introduced myself, but he didn't know me. Just gave me the glazed ham eye look.",
+"Brother: Glazed ham?",
+"Girlfriend: For Thanksgiving.",
+"Brother: He gave you the glazed turkey look.",
+"Girlfriend: Exactly."],
+"Brother's Fiancee is on Business Trip":
+["Mom: Greg, where's your fiancée? Why didn't you invite her over for Thanksgiving dinner?",
+"Brother: I did invite her, but she couldn't make it. She is on a business trip and could not get the time off.",
+"Mom: A business trip on Thanksgiving? But Thanksgiving only happens once per year! This is the perfect time to rekindle the spirit of family.",
+"Brother: I know Mom, but Thanksgiving doesn't happen everywhere, and her job in sales demands that she travel abroad to meet with potential clients in person.",
+"Brother: I miss her a lot when she leaves, but whenever she returns home, we make every moment count. We count our blessings every day.",
+"Mom: Amen",
+"Brother: Though, it is too bad that since we're both so busy all the time, our new house remains largely unoccupied throughout the day.",
+"Mom: Awww honey, I'll have to come and visit.",
+"Brother: uh, well yeah, sure Mom. You can come and visit.",
+"Grandpa: What!? I want to come and see your new place too.",
+"Brother: Sure...yeah ok.",
+"Girlfriend: You aren't going to invite me?",
+"Brother: Yes, definitely. Everyone can come and visit. Just... I don't want to stress out my fiancée when she comes home.",
+"Brother: She likes to relax at home.",
+"Mom: Don't worry honey, we won't stress her out. I'll make her my delicious breakfast omelet.",
+"Grandpa: And I'll tell her my war stories.",
+"Brother: Oh, good..."],
+"Turkey Fact - Snood":
+["Turkey: Gobble Gobble. Turkeys have a fleshy bit that comes off their forehead called the snood. Turkey farmers will occasional remove the snood, in a process called 'de-snooding'.",
+"Turkey: Male turkeys like their snood intact to attract a mate, and for dominance. Be kind to your turkey. Do not lose the snood."],
+"Turkey Fact - Cat Puns":
+["Turkey: Gobble Gobble. I suppose it is too late to ask you not to eat me. But is it too late to ask for you to kick that cat of yours?",
+"Cat: Hey Turkey, it has been a long time. I see you're dead.",
+"Turkey: Kasey, how dare you speak to me. First, you steal my plans for world domination and now you gloat at my passing. For shame.",
+"Cat: It isn't my fault you taste so delicious. I'm going to delight in eating your flesh. Maybe if I beg enough they may give me your head on a platter",
+"Turkey: Oooh, don't get me fired up.",
+"Cat: Meow meow meow! The oven is doing that quite nicely.",
+"Turkey: Ga-Gobble!",
+"Cat: Meow Meow",
+"Dad: Aww Kasey, can't you a cute little kitty."],
+"Turkey Fact - Wattle":
+["Turkey: Hey, it is time for another turkey fact.",
+"Turkey: Most people will recognize the wattle on a chicken as that piece of red flesh that hangs down from the beak.",
+"Turkey: But did you know turkeys have them too?",
+"Turkey: I personally believe they are much sexier on a turkey than a chicken anyhow. And you can bet a fine wattle will attract the hen's attention.",
+"Turkey: Gobble Gobble"],
+"Turkey Fact - Unsuscribe":
+["Turkey: I hope I'm worth it. But hey, now you can listen to a wonderful fact about turkeys.",
+"Turkey: Turkeys are members of the order Galliformes. That means we share relations to other birds like the chicken and pheasant.",
+"Turkey: To unsubscribe from Turkey facts, please gobble like a turkey into the microphone.",
+"Turkey: 'Gobble' in 3",
+"Turkey: 2",
+"Turkey: 1",
+"Turkey: Now Recording...",
+"Turkey: I'm sorry, we didn't recognize your dialect. Please try again soon.",
+"Turkey: You are now automatically renewed for another full year of Turkey Facts",
+"Turkey: Please have a nice day."],
+"Turkey Fact - genus":
+["Turkey: My friend, welcome to another fantastic turkey fact!",
+"Turkey: Today we're learning that turkeys are in the genus Meleagris.",
+"Turkey: This is probably useless information for you. Good!",
+"Turkey: Until next time."],
+"Turkey Fact - gobble":
+["Turkey: The turkey is often associated with the gobble sound. But that is just sexist.",
+"Turkey: Only male turkeys gobble. Females instead make cooing and clicking noises. Put an end to stereotypes!"],
+"Turkey Fact - poult":
+["Turkey: Don't eat me, I have children. Zillions of children.",
+"Turkey: But since we're talking about children, did you know that a young turkey is called a poult?",
+"Turkey: Now you do.",
+"Turkey: By the way, the best way to cook a turkey is to not at all."],
+"Turkey Fact - World Dominination":
+["Turkey: Hey Kasey.",
+"Cat: What may I do for you juicy?",
+"Turkey: Don't piss off turkeys or they'll gang up on you.",
+"Turkey: That's because a group of turkeys is called a gang.",
+"Turkey: A turkey group may also be called a rafter.",
+"Turkey: I'm more of a kayaker personally.",
+"Cat: Get meowta here",
+"Turkey: That pun was fowl",
+"Cat: Purrrsonally, not as bad as yours.",
+"Turkey: Gobble Gobble"]
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+ stage.addChild( hourLine );
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+ } else{
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+ }
+ // Show core temperature
+ this.showHelp = function(){
+ if( that.showingHelp ) return;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Open_Cookbook");
+ for( var i in helpPages ){
+ helpPages[i].visible = false;
+ stage.addChild( helpPages[i] );
+ }
+ helpPages[0].visible = true;
+ stage.addChild( that.background );
+ stage.addChild( closeButton );
+ stage.addChild( nextButton );
+ stage.addChild( prevButton );
+ that.showingHelp = true;
+ }
+ // change temperature, this one's for the UI
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowHelp", this.showHelp );
+function FinalConfirmationUI(stage, gameState){
+ var that = this;
+ this.showingConfirm = false;
+ var finalImg = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/KitchenScreen/FinalConfirmation.png");
+ var yesButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 355, 338, 388, 50, null, null, function(){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Ding" );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "SwitchScreen", "ScoreScreen" );
+ that.hideFinalConfirm();
+ } );
+ var noButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 355, 395, 388, 50, null, null, function(){that.hideFinalConfirm();} );
+ this.hideFinalConfirm = function(){
+ stage.removeChild( finalImg );
+ stage.removeChild( yesButton );
+ stage.removeChild( noButton );
+ that.showingConfirm = false;
+ };
+ // Show core temperature
+ this.showFinalConfirm = function(){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("Showing final confirm");
+ if( !that.showingConfirm ){
+ that.showingConfirm = true;
+ stage.addChild( finalImg );
+ stage.addChild( noButton );
+ stage.addChild( yesButton );
+ }
+ };
+ // change temperature, this one's for the UI
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowFinalConfirm", this.showFinalConfirm );
+function DeathUI(stage, gameState){
+ var that = this;
+ this.showingConfirm = false;
+ var finalImg = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/KitchenScreen/HouseFireRetry.png");
+ var deathCount = new createjs.Text( UtilityFunctions.randRange(1,6), "24px Arial", "black" );
+ deathCount.x = 695;
+ deathCount.y = 260;
+ var retryButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 578, 520, 200, 50, null, null, function(){
+ document.location.reload();
+ } );
+ var explosion = { boom:{ frames:[35,34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0], next:false } };
+ var data = {
+ images: ["res/screens/KitchenScreen/Explosion_AnimationLowRes.png"],
+ frames: { width:400, height:300 },
+ animations: explosion
+ };
+ var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data);
+ var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "treeAnimations");
+ animation.x = 0;
+ animation.y = 0;
+ animation.scaleX = animation.scaleY = 2;
+ // Show core temperature
+ this.showDeath = function(){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", {name:"Explosion", volume:1} );
+ stage.addChild( finalImg );
+ animation.gotoAndPlay("boom");
+ stage.addChild( deathCount );
+ stage.addChild( animation );
+ stage.addChild( retryButton );
+ };
+ // change temperature, this one's for the UI
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "Death", this.showDeath );
+function AlarmUI(stage, gameState){
+ var that = this;
+ this.showingConfirm = false;
+ var oldTime = Date.now();
+ var showColon = true;
+ var timerText = new createjs.Text("00:00", "24px Arial", "black" );
+ timerText.x = 372;
+ timerText.y = 290;
+ var clearButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 364, 327, 17, 13, null, null, function(){
+ gameState.alarmTimer = 0;
+ gameState.alarmActivated = false;
+ that.updateTimer();
+ } );
+ var hourButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 386, 327, 24, 13, null, null, function(){
+ gameState.alarmTimer +=3600;
+ gameState.alarmActivated = true;
+ that.updateTimer();
+ } );
+ var minuteButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 414, 327, 24, 13, null, null, function(){
+ gameState.alarmTimer +=300;
+ gameState.alarmActivated = true;
+ that.updateTimer();
+ } );
+ this.updateTimer = function(){
+ var colon = showColon ? ":" : " ";
+ var totalSec = gameState.alarmTimer;
+ var hours = parseInt( totalSec / 3600 ) % 24
+ var minutes = parseInt( totalSec / 60 ) % 60;
+ var timeText = ("00"+hours).slice(-2) + colon + ("00"+minutes).slice(-2);
+ timerText.text = timeText;
+ }
+ this.activateTimer = function(){
+ gameState.alarmActivated = true;
+ }
+ // Show core temperature
+ stage.addChild( timerText );
+ stage.addChild( clearButton );
+ stage.addChild( hourButton );
+ stage.addChild( minuteButton );
+ this.updateTimer();
+ return{
+ tick: function(){
+ var diff = Date.now() - oldTime;
+ if( diff > 1000 ){
+ if( gameState.alarmActivated && gameState.alarmTimer <=0 ){
+ gameState.alarmTimer = 0;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "BeepBeep")
+ }
+ that.updateTimer();
+ showColon = !showColon;
+ if( gameState.alarmActivated )
+ gameState.alarmTimer --;
+ oldTime = Date.now();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function CookbookUI( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ this.showingCookbook = false;
+ var cookbookImg = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/KitchenScreen/Cookbook-Open.png");
+ var closeButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 710, 10, 100, 50, null, null, function(){that.hideCookbook();} );
+ var turkeyTypeText = new createjs.Text("", "18px Arial", "black" );
+ turkeyTypeText.x = 535;
+ turkeyTypeText.y = 56;
+ var turkeyWeightText = new createjs.Text("", "18px Arial", "black" );
+ turkeyWeightText.x = 553;
+ turkeyWeightText.y = 85;
+ var logEntries = [];
+ this.hideCookbook = function(){
+ stage.removeChild( closeButton );
+ stage.removeChild( cookbookImg );
+ stage.removeChild( turkeyTypeText );
+ stage.removeChild(turkeyWeightText);
+ for( i in logEntries ){
+ stage.removeChild(logEntries[i]);
+ }
+ that.showingCookbook = false;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Close_Cookbook");
+ }
+ // Show core temperature
+ this.showCookbook = function(){
+ if( !that.showingCookbook ){
+ stage.addChild( cookbookImg );
+ stage.addChild( closeButton );
+ turkeyTypeText.text = gameState.turkeyType;
+ turkeyWeightText.text = gameState.turkeyWeight + " lbs";
+ for( i in gameState.peekRecords ){
+ var record = gameState.peekRecords[i];
+ var time = new Date( gameState.peekRecords[i].getTime() );
+ var logLine = new createjs.Text( "OFF", "12px Arial", "black" );
+ logLine.x = 423;
+ logLine.y = 50 * i+ 165;
+ logLine.textBaseline = "alphabetic";
+ logLine.text = record.getType() + " " + ("00"+time.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+time.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + " " + record.getContent();
+ logEntries.push(logLine);
+ stage.addChild(logLine);
+ }
+ stage.addChild(turkeyTypeText);
+ stage.addChild(turkeyWeightText);
+ that.showingCookbook = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // change temperature, this one's for the UI
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowCookbook", this.showCookbook );
+function OvenUI( stage, gameState ){
+ var that = this;
+ var OVEN_CLOSED = 0;
+ var OVEN_PEEK = 1;
+ var OVEN_OPEN = 2;
+ this.ovenDoor = OVEN_CLOSED;
+ var ovenLight = new createjs.Shape();
+ ovenLight.graphics.beginFill( "black" ).drawCircle( 181, 126, 2 );
+ var confirmation = new FinalConfirmationUI(stage, gameState );
+ var death = new DeathUI(stage,gameState);
+ // Oven light control
+ this.changeOvenLight = function( state ){
+ if( state == "On" ){
+ ovenLight.visible = false;
+ } else {
+ ovenLight.visible = true;
+ }
+ }
+ this.doneSkipTime = true;
+ // place turkeys in oven
+ for (i in gameState.turkeyStates){
+ gameState.turkeyStates[i].alpha = 0;
+ gameState.turkeyStates[i].scaleX = gameState.turkeyStates[i].scaleY =1;
+ gameState.turkeyStates[i].x = 75;
+ gameState.turkeyStates[i].y = 258;
+ }
+ var temperatureText = new createjs.Text( "OFF", "40px Arial", "#ff7700" );
+ temperatureText.x = 50;
+ temperatureText.y = 147;
+ temperatureText.textBaseline = "alphabetic";
+ var lightPressedImg = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/LightButtonDepressed.png" );
+ lightPressedImg.alpha = 0;
+ var doorClosedLightOff = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOff.png" );
+ doorClosedLightOff.alpha = 1;
+ var doorClosedLightOn = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOn.png" );
+ doorClosedLightOn.alpha = 0;
+ var doorPeekLightOff = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOff.png" );
+ doorPeekLightOff.alpha = 0;
+ var doorPeekLightOn = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOn.png" );
+ doorPeekLightOn.alpha = 0;
+ var doorOpen = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorOpen.png" );
+ doorOpen.alpha = 0;
+ var redState = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/OvenTurnRedState.png" );
+ redState.alpha = 0;
+ var panFront = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/PanFront.png" );
+ panFront.alpha = 0;
+ this.changeTemperature = function( direction ){
+ if( gameState.turkeyBought ){
+ if( temperatureText.text == "OFF" && direction == "Up" ) temperatureText.text = "125";
+ if( !( temperatureText.text == "OFF" && direction == "Down" ) ){
+ var temp = ( direction == "Up" ? parseInt(temperatureText.text)+25 : parseInt(temperatureText.text)-25);
+ // Check lower bound for OFF
+ temp = temp < 150 ? temp = "OFF" : temp;
+ // Check upper bound
+ if( temp > 500 ){
+ redState.alpha = ( temp - 500 )/( 1100 - 500 );
+ }
+ // if over 1100 F, burn house down
+ if( temp > 1100 ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Death","");
+ return;
+ }
+ temperatureText.text = temp;
+ }
+ // Tell our model to set the actual temperature
+ gameState.ovenModel.changeTemp( UtilityFunctions.F2C( temperatureText.text == "OFF" ? 125 : parseInt( temperatureText.text ) ) );
+ }
+ else{
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowDialog",{seq:"EmptyOven", autoAdvance: true});
+ }
+ }
+ this.ovenLightToggle = function(){
+ // Only work if the user bought an oven light
+ if( gameState.boughtOvenLight ){
+ lightPressedImg.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ if( that.ovenDoor == OVEN_CLOSED){
+ doorClosedLightOn.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ doorClosedLightOff.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ doorOpen.alpha = 0;
+ }
+ else if( that.ovenDoor == OVEN_PEEK ){
+ doorPeekLightOn.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ doorPeekLightOff.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ doorOpen.alpha = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.startTurkeyModel = function(){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("weight is" + gameState.turkeyWeight);
+ gameState.ovenModel = new OvenModel( gameState.turkeyWeight, gameState );
+ }
+ var handleBar = new createjs.Shape();
+ handleBar.graphics.beginFill("#ffffff").drawRect(20, 190, 300, 20);
+ handleBar.alpha = 0.01;
+ handleBar.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; } );
+ handleBar.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; } );
+ handleBar.addEventListener( "pressup", handlePress );
+ var evalSkin = {
+ "raw": "The turkey looks no different from when I put it in",
+ "undercooked": "The skin looks pink",
+ "slightly cooked": "The turkey could use a couple more minutes",
+ "cooked": "The turkey looks good enough to eat",
+ "overcooked": "The turkey looks a bit shriveled",
+ "dry": "The turkey looks like cardboard",
+ "burnt": "The turkey looks burnt"
+ };
+ // Look for a drag event
+ function handlePress(event) {
+ if( event.stageY > 300 && that.ovenDoor != OVEN_OPEN ){
+ that.ovenDoor = OVEN_OPEN;
+ doorPeekLightOn.alpha = doorClosedLightOn.alpha = 0;
+ doorPeekLightOff.alpha = doorClosedLightOff.alpha = 0;
+ doorOpen.alpha = 1;
+ handleBar.graphics.clear();
+ handleBar.graphics.beginFill("#ffffff").drawRect(5, 450, 400, 60);
+ handleBar.alpha = 0.01;
+ if( gameState.turkeyBought ){
+ var state = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState();
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"custom", autoAdvance:true, customText:evalSkin[turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]] + "." } );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "AddRecord", {type:"Open ", text:"The turkey looked " + turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]} );
+ //gameState.ovenModel.setRawTemp( (gameState.ovenModel.getRawTemp() - 25) < 150 ? 150 : gameState.ovenModel.getRawTemp() - 25 );
+ gameState.ovenOpened++;
+ }
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Oven_Door_Full_Open" );
+ }else if (that.ovenDoor == OVEN_OPEN ){
+ that.ovenDoor = OVEN_PEEK;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Oven_Door_Full_Close" );
+ handleBar.graphics.clear();
+ handleBar.graphics.beginFill("#ffffff").drawRect(20, 190, 300, 20);
+ handleBar.alpha = 0.01;
+ ovenPeek();
+ }
+ }
+ handleBar.addEventListener( "click", ovenPeek );
+ function ovenPeek(){
+ if( that.ovenDoor == OVEN_CLOSED && that.ovenDoor != OVEN_OPEN ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Oven_Door_Peek_Open" );
+ doorPeekLightOn.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha;
+ doorPeekLightOff.alpha = !lightPressedImg.alpha;
+ doorClosedLightOn.alpha = 0;
+ doorClosedLightOff.alpha = 0;
+ doorOpen.alpha = 0;
+ that.ovenDoor = OVEN_PEEK;
+ handleBar.y = 48;
+ if( gameState.turkeyBought ){
+ var state = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState();
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"custom", autoAdvance:true, customText:evalSkin[turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]] } );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "AddRecord", {type:"Peek ", text:"The turkey looked " +turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]} );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (that.ovenDoor == OVEN_PEEK){
+ doorClosedLightOn.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha;
+ doorClosedLightOff.alpha = !lightPressedImg.alpha;
+ doorPeekLightOn.alpha = 0;
+ doorPeekLightOff.alpha = 0;
+ that.ovenDoor = OVEN_CLOSED;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Oven_Door_Peek_Close" );
+ doorOpen.alpha = 0;
+ handleBar.y = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Show core temperature
+ this.showTempDialog = function(){
+ if( that.ovenDoor != OVEN_OPEN ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowDialog", {seq:"OpenDoor", autoAdvance:true});
+ }
+ else{
+ state = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState();
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"custom", autoAdvance:true, customText:"The core temperature of the turkey reads " + UtilityFunctions.C2F(state.core.temp).toFixed(2) + " F" } );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "AddRecord", {type:"Probe", text:"Core temperature measured: " + UtilityFunctions.C2F(state.core.temp).toFixed(2) + " F"} );
+ }
+ }
+ new CookbookUI( stage, gameState );
+ // change temperature, this one's for the UI
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ChangeTemperature", this.changeTemperature );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowTempDialog", this.showTempDialog );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "OvenLightToggle", this.ovenLightToggle );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "OvenLight", this.changeOvenLight );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "StartTurkeyModel", this.startTurkeyModel );
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe("DoneSkipTime", function(){ that.doneSkipTime = true; });
+ this.secondTick = function(diff){
+ // check if oven door is open
+ gameState.ovenModel.secondTick();
+ gameState.currentTime += diff;
+ }
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "SkipTime", function(){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("Skipping time");
+ for(var i = 0; i < 1200; i++){
+ that.secondTick( 1000 );
+ }
+ if( gameState.alarmActivated )
+ gameState.alarmTimer -= 1200;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("DoneSkipTime","");
+ });
+ return {
+ tick: function(){
+ var diff = Date.now() - gameState.oldTime;
+ var dialoguediff = Date.now() - gameState.oldDialogueTime;
+ if( diff > 1000 ){
+ that.secondTick( diff );
+ if( gameState.turkeyBought ){
+ gameState.turkeyCookCounter++;
+ // what's the state of the turkey
+ turkeyState = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState();
+ gameState.turkeyStates[0].alpha = 1;
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Undercooked" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[1].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1];
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Cooked" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[2].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1];
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Dry" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[3].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1];
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Burnt" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[4].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1];
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Fire" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[4].alpha = 1;
+ }
+ gameState.oldTime = Date.now();
+ }
+ if( gameState.turkeyBought && dialoguediff > 5*60*1000 ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"Spouse gets surprise movie tickets", autoAdvance:true, random:true} );
+ gameState.oldDialogueTime = Date.now();
+ }
+ },
+ render: function(){
+ stage.addChild( redState );
+ stage.addChild( ovenLight );
+ stage.addChild( temperatureText );
+ stage.addChild( lightPressedImg);
+ // Turkey goes here
+ // did the player actually buy a turkey? if so, determine its cooked state
+ if( gameState.turkeyBought ){
+ // what's the state of the turkey
+ turkeyState = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState();
+ gameState.turkeyStates[0].alpha = 1;
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Undercooked" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[1].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1];
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Cooked" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[2].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1];
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Dry" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[3].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1];
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Burnt" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[4].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1];
+ if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Fire" )
+ gameState.turkeyStates[4].alpha = 1;
+ panFront.alpha = 1;
+ stage.addChild(gameState.turkeyStates[0]);
+ for(i in gameState.turkeyStates){
+ stage.addChild(gameState.turkeyStates[i]);
+ }
+ stage.addChild(panFront);
+ }
+ // Pan front goes here
+ stage.addChild( panFront );
+ //finalize button
+ if( gameState.turkeyBought ){
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 45, 250, 250, 150, null, null, function(){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Error");
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowFinalConfirm","");
+ } ) );
+ }
+ stage.addChild( doorPeekLightOn);
+ stage.addChild( doorPeekLightOff);
+ stage.addChild( doorClosedLightOn);
+ stage.addChild( doorClosedLightOff);
+ stage.addChild( doorOpen);
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 45, 163, 41, 17, "ChangeTemperature", "Up" ) );
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 95, 163, 41, 17, "ChangeTemperature", "Down" ) );
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 145, 163, 41, 17, "OvenLightToggle", "" ) );
+ if( gameState.hard == false )
+ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 205, 105, 80, 80, null, null, function(){
+ if( that.doneSkipTime ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("SkipTime","");
+ that.doneSkipTime = false;
+ }
+ }) );
+ stage.addChild( handleBar);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+function WindowUI( stage, gameState ){
+ var dayNight = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/Window/Test4-217.svg");
+ var mood = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/Window/Test4TransparencyFull.svg");
+ mood.y=30;
+ dayNight.y=30;
+ var secondCounter = 0;
+ mood.x = dayNight.x = -(new Date( gameState.currentTime ).getHours()*682.625);
+ var ground = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/Window/Ground.png" );
+ var houses = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/Window/Housefar.png" );
+ var streetLight = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/Window/StreetlightGlow.png" );
+ streetLight.alpha = 0;
+ var treeAnimations = { rustle:[0,17,"rustle"], still:[0,0,"still"] };
+ var data = {
+ images: ["res/screens/Window/Tree_Animation.png"],
+ frames: { width:386, height:287 },
+ animations: treeAnimations
+ };
+ var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data);
+ var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "treeAnimations");
+ animation.x = 415;
+ animation.y = 30;
+ // Fast forward, move sky
+ gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "SkipTime", function(){
+ var newpos = -(new Date( gameState.currentTime ).getHours()*682.625);
+ dayNight.x = mood.x =newpos < -15583 ? 0 : newpos;
+ });
+ stage.addChild( dayNight );
+ stage.addChild( ground );
+ stage.addChild( houses );
+ stage.addChild( streetLight );
+ stage.addChild( animation );
+ stage.addChild( mood );
+return {
+ tick: function(){
+ // move the sky
+ secondCounter++;
+ if( secondCounter > 60 ){
+ dayNight.x-=11.38;
+ mood.x -= 11.38;
+ secondCounter = 0;
+ }
+ if( dayNight.x < -15583 )
+ dayNight.x = 0;
+ // turn on lights
+ if( dayNight.x < 0 && dayNight.x > -4545 ){
+ // turn on random window lights
+ streetLight.alpha = 1;
+ }
+ else if( dayNight.x < -11687 ){
+ streetLight.alpha = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ streetLight.alpha = 0;
+ }
+function MarketItem( gameState, name, x, y, cost, mouseOutImg, mouseOverImg, mouseOutKitchenImg, mouseOverKitchenImg, funnyDescription, weight ){
+ var that = this;
+ this.name = name;
+ this.bought = false;
+ var mouseOverKitchen = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOverKitchenImg );
+ var mouseOutKitchen = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOutKitchenImg );
+ var mouseOver = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOverImg );
+ var mouseOut = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOutImg );
+ mouseOver.x = mouseOut.x = x;
+ mouseOver.y = mouseOut.y = y;
+ mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){
+ document.body.style.cursor='pointer';
+ mouseOver.visible = true;
+ mouseOut.visible = false;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowPrice", cost );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowDesc", {title:that.name, desc:funnyDescription, weight:weight} );
+ });
+ mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){
+ document.body.style.cursor='default';
+ mouseOver.visible = false;
+ mouseOut.visible = true;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ClearClipboard", {});
+ } );
+ mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){
+ document.body.style.cursor='pointer';
+ mouseOver.visible = true;
+ mouseOut.visible = false;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowPrice", cost );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowDesc", {title:that.name, desc:funnyDescription, weight:weight} );
+ });
+ mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){
+ document.body.style.cursor='default';
+ mouseOver.visible = false;
+ mouseOut.visible = true;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ClearClipboard", {});
+ } );
+ mouseOutKitchen.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){
+ document.body.style.cursor='pointer';
+ mouseOverKitchen.visible = true;
+ mouseOutKitchen.visible = false;
+ });
+ mouseOutKitchen.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){
+ document.body.style.cursor='default';
+ mouseOverKitchen.visible = false;
+ mouseOverKitchen.visible = true;
+ } );
+ mouseOverKitchen.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){
+ document.body.style.cursor='pointer';
+ mouseOverKitchen.visible = true;
+ mouseOutKitchen.visible = false;
+ });
+ mouseOverKitchen.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){
+ document.body.style.cursor='default';
+ mouseOverKitchen.visible = false;
+ mouseOutKitchen.visible = true;
+ } );
+ // We've bought the item, now we click it in the Kitchen
+ mouseOverKitchen.addEventListener("click",function(){
+ if ( that.name.indexOf("Temperature") != -1 ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowTempDialog", "" );
+ }
+ if ( that.name.indexOf("Cookbook") != -1 ){
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("click, show cookbook");
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowCookbook","");
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Open_Cookbook");
+ }
+ });
+ mouseOver.addEventListener( "click", function(){
+ if(!that.bought && cost <= gameState.wallet ){
+ if( that.name.indexOf("Turkey") != -1 && gameState.turkeyBought != true ){
+ gameState.turkeyBought = true;
+ gameState.turkeyWeight = weight;
+ gameState.turkeyType = that.name;
+ gameState.marketItems[ that.name ].delete();
+ that.bought = true;
+ // record time started
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "AddRecord", {type:"Note ", text:"Turkey bought and placed in oven"} );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", {name:"Buy", volume:0.7} );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("WalletAmount", gameState.wallet - Math.abs(cost))
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("StartTurkeyModel","");
+ }
+ // can we buy this? Only possible if you already bought a turkey
+ else if( that.name.indexOf("Turkey") == -1 && gameState.turkeyBought == true ){
+ // if we bought an oven light, enable it!
+ if( that.name.indexOf("Light") != -1 ) gameState.boughtOvenLight = true;
+ // if we bought a clock, enable it!
+ if( that.name.indexOf("Alarm") != -1 ) gameState.alarmBought = true;
+ if( that.name.indexOf("Frills") != -1 ) gameState.frillsModifier = 5;
+ if( that.name.indexOf("Exquisite") != -1 ){ gameState.stuffingTypeModifier = gameState.stuffingTypeModifier > 1.08 ? gameState.stuffingTypeModifier : 1.08; }
+ if( that.name.indexOf("Special") != -1 ){ gameState.stuffingTypeModifier = gameState.stuffingTypeModifier > 1.17 ? gameState.stuffingTypeModifier : 1.17; }
+ if( that.name.indexOf("Repurposed") != -1 ){ gameState.stuffingTypeModifier = gameState.stuffingTypeModifier > 1.05 ? gameState.stuffingTypeModifier : 1.05; }
+ gameState.purchasedItems.push( objReturn );
+ gameState.marketItems[ that.name ].delete();
+ that.bought = true;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", {name:"Buy", volume:0.7});
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("WalletAmount", gameState.wallet - Math.abs(cost));
+ }
+ // One turkey only
+ else if( that.name.indexOf("Turkey") != -1 && gameState.turkeyBought == true ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"CannotBuyTurkey", autoAdvance:true} );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Error" );
+ }
+ // Buy turkey first
+ else{
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"BuyTurkeyFirst", autoAdvance:false} );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Error" );
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"NoMoney", autoAdvance:true} );
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Error" );
+ }
+ });
+ mouseOver.visible = false;
+ var objReturn = {
+ tick: function(){},
+ getName: function(){return that.name;},
+ delete: function( stage ){
+ that.visible = false;
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("RemoveItems", [mouseOut, mouseOver]);
+ },
+ draw: function( stage, newx, newy ){
+ if( newx && newy ){
+ mouseOut.x = mouseOver.x = newx;
+ mouseOut.y = mouseOver.y = newy;
+ }
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("NewScreen for item "+that.name +" is " +gameState.newScreen );
+ if( gameState.newScreen == "KitchenScreen" ){
+ mouseOutKitchen.visible = true;
+ stage.addChild( mouseOutKitchen );
+ mouseOverKitchen.visible = false;
+ stage.addChild( mouseOverKitchen );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !that.bought ){
+ stage.addChild( mouseOut );
+ stage.addChild( mouseOver );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return objReturn;
+function ImgButton( stage, gameState, x, y, mouseOutImg, mouseOverImg, eventCmd, arg, sound, altfunc ){
+ var mouseOver = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOverImg );
+ var mouseOut = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOutImg );
+ mouseOver.x = mouseOut.x = x;
+ mouseOver.y = mouseOut.y = y;
+ mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; mouseOver.visible = true; mouseOut.visible = false; } );
+ mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; mouseOver.visible = false; mouseOut.visible = true; } );
+ mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; mouseOver.visible = true; mouseOut.visible = false; } );
+ mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; mouseOver.visible = false; mouseOut.visible = true; } );
+ mouseOver.addEventListener( "click", function(){
+ if( sound ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", sound );
+ }
+ if( !altfunc){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( eventCmd, arg );
+ return;
+ }
+ altfunc();
+ } );
+ mouseOver.visible = false;
+ stage.addChild( mouseOut );
+ stage.addChild( mouseOver );
+ return {
+ tick: function(){}
+ }
+function Button( stage, gameState, x_orig, y_orig, x_dest, y_dest, eventCmd, arg, altfunc ){
+ var that = this;
+ if(DEBUG) console.log("button clicked with "+ arg);
+ var button = new createjs.Shape();
+ button.graphics.beginFill("#ffffff").drawRect(x_orig, y_orig, x_dest, y_dest);
+ button.alpha = 0.01;
+ button.addEventListener( "click", function(){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Click" );
+ if( !altfunc ){
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( eventCmd, arg );
+ return;
+ }
+ altfunc();
+ gameState.pubsub.publish( eventCmd, arg );
+ } );
+ button.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; } );
+ button.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; } );
+ return button;
diff --git a/res/items/Alarm.png b/res/items/Alarm.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..56da1d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Alarm.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/AlarmGlow.png b/res/items/AlarmGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dabed2d
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/AlarmGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Clipboard.png b/res/items/Clipboard.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e481233
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Clipboard.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Cookbook.png b/res/items/Cookbook.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dfa340f
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Cookbook.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Cookbook1.png b/res/items/Cookbook1.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..74323c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Cookbook1.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Cookbook1Glow.png b/res/items/Cookbook1Glow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..02fe431
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Cookbook1Glow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/CookbookGlow.png b/res/items/CookbookGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3263dfe
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/CookbookGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/ExitGlow.png b/res/items/ExitGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d0f617e
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/ExitGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/ExitSign.png b/res/items/ExitSign.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..239bc52
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/ExitSign.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/FrillsBox.png b/res/items/FrillsBox.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f148423
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/FrillsBox.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/FrillsBoxGlow.png b/res/items/FrillsBoxGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1a961b
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/FrillsBoxGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/OvenLightBox.png b/res/items/OvenLightBox.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d7a938
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/OvenLightBox.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/OvenLightBoxGlow.png b/res/items/OvenLightBoxGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..705d74d
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/OvenLightBoxGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Price-Tag.png b/res/items/Price-Tag.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6373e5a
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Price-Tag.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/StuffingExquisite.png b/res/items/StuffingExquisite.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25037cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/StuffingExquisite.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/StuffingExquisiteGlow.png b/res/items/StuffingExquisiteGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..82d3cf1
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/StuffingExquisiteGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/StuffingRepurposed.png b/res/items/StuffingRepurposed.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1172e69
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/StuffingRepurposed.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/StuffingRepurposedGlow.png b/res/items/StuffingRepurposedGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..98d5042
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/StuffingRepurposedGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/StuffingSpecial.png b/res/items/StuffingSpecial.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ecbfa8d
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/StuffingSpecial.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/StuffingSpecialGlow.png b/res/items/StuffingSpecialGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4b000d
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/StuffingSpecialGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/TempProbe.png b/res/items/TempProbe.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b0fdfc
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/TempProbe.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/TempProbeGlow.png b/res/items/TempProbeGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88fed48
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/TempProbeGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey1.png b/res/items/Turkey1.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8d3b8b
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey1.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey1Glow.png b/res/items/Turkey1Glow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..891be9a
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey1Glow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey2.png b/res/items/Turkey2.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4ee1a0
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey2.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey2Glow.png b/res/items/Turkey2Glow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e17fea4
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey2Glow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey3.png b/res/items/Turkey3.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7978e5c
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey3.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey3Glow.png b/res/items/Turkey3Glow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6250e7c
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey3Glow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey4.png b/res/items/Turkey4.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4aa5ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey4.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey4Glow.png b/res/items/Turkey4Glow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ca6a758
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey4Glow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey5.png b/res/items/Turkey5.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..77a7151
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey5.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Turkey5Glow.png b/res/items/Turkey5Glow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a70ae85
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Turkey5Glow.png differ
diff --git a/res/items/Wallet.png b/res/items/Wallet.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d32b848
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/items/Wallet.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/Boyfriend.png b/res/people/Boyfriend.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..232f5ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/Boyfriend.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/Brother.png b/res/people/Brother.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a29cba1
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/Brother.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/Cat.png b/res/people/Cat.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a276dc
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/Cat.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/Dad.png b/res/people/Dad.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..173f6a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/Dad.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/Girlfriend.png b/res/people/Girlfriend.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c06df21
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/Girlfriend.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/Grandma.png b/res/people/Grandma.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..47168bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/Grandma.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/Grandpa.png b/res/people/Grandpa.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..049b42f
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/Grandpa.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/Mom.png b/res/people/Mom.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4169e8
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/Mom.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/PlayerFemale.png b/res/people/PlayerFemale.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..395d852
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/PlayerFemale.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/PlayerMale.png b/res/people/PlayerMale.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64c1228
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/PlayerMale.png differ
diff --git a/res/people/TurkeyGhost.png b/res/people/TurkeyGhost.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..167ba06
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/people/TurkeyGhost.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonFemale.png b/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonFemale.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ffaa8e4
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonFemale.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonMale.png b/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonMale.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e9b457
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonMale.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonsandText.png b/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonsandText.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6184d09
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonsandText.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/Difficulty-Selection.png b/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/Difficulty-Selection.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7442f97
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/DifficultyScreen/Difficulty-Selection.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/EndScreen/FrillsSmall.svg b/res/screens/EndScreen/FrillsSmall.svg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ef1ec35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/screens/EndScreen/FrillsSmall.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
diff --git a/res/screens/GUI/DialogueBox.png b/res/screens/GUI/DialogueBox.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..30ed734
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/GUI/DialogueBox.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/Credits.png b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/Credits.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..196bf84
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/Credits.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP1P2.png b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP1P2.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..badf192
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP1P2.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP3P4.png b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP3P4.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f99c8d
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP3P4.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP5P6.png b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP5P6.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b204d8c
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP5P6.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP7P8.png b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP7P8.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90a9605
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP7P8.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchen.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchen.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..30d25a3
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchen.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchenGlow.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchenGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa77172
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/AlarmKitchenGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/Cookbook-Open.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/Cookbook-Open.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2189dd5
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/Cookbook-Open.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchen.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchen.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e44b5ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchen.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchenGlow.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchenGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..80de0e8
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/CookbookKitchenGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOff.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOff.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6adfb4c
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOff.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOn.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOn.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..202cfd5
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOn.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorOpen.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorOpen.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e8dafe
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorOpen.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOff.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOff.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a85ea3
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOff.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOn.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOn.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7764f84
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOn.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/Explosion_AnimationLowRes.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/Explosion_AnimationLowRes.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64903ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/Explosion_AnimationLowRes.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FinalConfirmation.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FinalConfirmation.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be278e1
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FinalConfirmation.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchen.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchen.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d447405
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchen.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchenGlow.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchenGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d89617
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/FrillsBoxKitchenGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/HouseFireRetry.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/HouseFireRetry.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e99126d
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/HouseFireRetry.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/KitchenScreen.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/KitchenScreen.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a6b3300
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/KitchenScreen.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/LightButtonDepressed.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/LightButtonDepressed.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..06bc822
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/LightButtonDepressed.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/OvenTurnRedState.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/OvenTurnRedState.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f66841e
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/OvenTurnRedState.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/PanFront.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/PanFront.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..de831fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/PanFront.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochure.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochure.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ce54edb
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochure.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochureGlow.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochureGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..adfbffd
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochureGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchen.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchen.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cfd3604
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchen.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchenGlow.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchenGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bc768bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingExquisiteKitchenGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchen.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchen.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d589cb6
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchen.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchenGlow.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchenGlow.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..066cf52
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingRepurposedKitchenGlow.png differ
diff --git a/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchen.png b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchen.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fee4105
Binary files /dev/null and b/res/screens/KitchenScreen/StuffingSpecialKitchen.png differ
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index 0000000..6bbe59c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/sound/Audio Sources.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Unless Otherwise noted, all sounds and music are in the public Domain.
+Composition Licence: Traditional, arr. first published between 1829 and 1834. This MP3 (or other media file) is in the public domain because its copyright has expired. This applies to the United States, where Works published prior to 1978 were copyright protected for a maximum of 75 years. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" from the U.S. Copyright Office. Works published before 1924 are now in the public domain.
+This file is also in the public domain in countries that figure copyright from the date of death of the artist (post mortem auctoris in this case George Washington Dixon 1801? âMarch 2, 1861), and that most commonly runs for a period of 50 to 70 years from December 31 of that year.
+Performance Licence: The United States Air Force Band Web site is provided as a public service by the United States Air Force Band and Department of the Air Force.
+Information presented on the United States Air Force Band site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
+UPLOADED by Sookietex
+file name references the author name and file number.
+Title: Improved Ice Cream Truck
+Artist: Kevin MacLeod
+Genre: Folk
+Length: 0:51
+Bitrate: 320 kbps
+Size: 1.93MB
+An improved version of a traditional Ice Cream Truck melody… whose actual title I forget.
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..a6ab7f1
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