function GameState(){ var that = this; this.pubsub = {}; BindPubSub( this.pubsub ); this.currentTime = new Date().getTime(); this.oldTime = new Date().getTime(); // Load all our resources: var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue(true); queue.installPlugin(createjs.Sound); //queue.addEventListener("fileload", handleFileComplete); queue.loadFile( {id: "TitleMusicFile", src:"res/sound/turkey_in_the_straw.mp3"} ); queue.loadFile( {id: "MarketBackgroundSoundFile", src:"res/sound/supermarket.mp3"} ); queue.loadFile( {id: "MarketBackgroundSoundFile", src:"res/items/FrillsBox.png"} ); this.screenState = 0; this.newScreen = ""; // Game State flags this.turkeyBought = false; this.marketItems = { "FrillsBox" : new MarketItem( this, "FrillsBox", 133,92, 100, "res/items/FrillsBox.png", "res/items/FrillsBoxGlow.png" ), "TuTempProberkey" : new MarketItem( this, "TuTempProberkey", 200, 57, 100, "res/items/TempProbe.png", "res/items/TempProbeGlow.png" ), "OvenLightBox" : new MarketItem( this, "OvenLightBox", 131,222, 100, "res/items/OvenLightBox.png", "res/items/OvenLightBoxGlow.png" ), "Alarm" : new MarketItem( this, "Alarm", 173,248, 100, "res/items/Alarm.png", "res/items/AlarmGlow.png" ), "Cookbook" : new MarketItem( this, "Cookbook", 283,203, 100, "res/items/Cookbook1.png", "res/items/Cookbook1Glow.png" ), "StuffingRepurposed" : new MarketItem( this, "StuffingRepurposed", 510,197, 100, "res/items/StuffingRepurposed.png", "res/items/StuffingRepurposedGlow.png" ), "StuffingExquisite" : new MarketItem( this, "StuffingExquisite", 458,210, 100, "res/items/StuffingExquisite.png", "res/items/StuffingExquisiteGlow.png" ), "StuffingSpecial" : new MarketItem( this, "StuffingSpecial", 390,220, 100, "res/items/StuffingSpecial.png", "res/items/StuffingSpecialGlow.png" ), "Turkey1" : new MarketItem( this, "Turkey1", 170,350, 100, "res/items/Turkey5.png", "res/items/Turkey5Glow.png" ), "Turkey2": new MarketItem( this, "Turkey2", 540,320, 100, "res/items/Turkey4.png", "res/items/Turkey4Glow.png" ), "Turkey3" : new MarketItem( this, "Turkey3", 265,415, 100, "res/items/Turkey3.png", "res/items/Turkey3Glow.png" ), "Turkey4": new MarketItem( this, "Turkey4", 474,357, 100, "res/items/Turkey2.png", "res/items/Turkey2Glow.png" ), "Turkey5": new MarketItem( this, "Turkey5", 368,426, 100, "res/items/Turkey1.png", "res/items/Turkey1Glow.png" ) }; this.purchasedItems = []; // did we already show the player the kitchen intro? this.kitchenIntro = false; this.mainUI = new GameUI( "demoCanvas", this ); createjs.Ticker.addEventListener( "tick", gameLoop ); function gameLoop(){ that.mainUI.draw(); } return { // "main": this } } /* createjs.Sound.registerSound("res/sound/supermarket.mp3", "TitleMusic"); var backgroundSound = createjs.Sound.createInstance("TitleMusic"); // play using id. Could also use full sourcepath or event.src. var backgroundSounds = createjs.Sound.createInstance("TitleMusic"); backgroundSound.setPosition(0); backgroundSound.volume = 1; setTimeout(function(){;},2000);; // loop-de-loop backgroundSound.addEventListener("complete", playAgain); backgroundSound.addEventListener("complete", playAgainMe); function playAgain(event) { backgroundSound.setPosition(0);; } function playAgainMe(event){ setTimeout(function(){;},1000); } */ function GameUI( canvasElem, gameState ){ var that = this; var SCREEN_OUT = 1; var SCREEN_IN = 2; var SCREEN_STABLE = 0; this.stage = new createjs.Stage( canvasElem ); this.stage.enableMouseOver(20); this.activeScreenName = "EndingScreen"; this.activeScreenObj = {}; /* Initialize All Screens */ this.screens = { "LoadingTitleScreen" : LoadingTitleScreen, "InfoHelpScreen" : InfoHelpScreen, "MainScreen" : MainScreen, "DifficultyScreen" : DifficultyScreen, "KitchenScreen" : KitchenScreen, "MarketScreen" : MarketScreen, "TurkeyOutScreen" : TurkeyOutScreen, "EndingScreen" : EndingScreen, "ScoreScreen" : ScoreScreen, "CreditsScreen" : CreditsScreen } this.activeScreenObj = new MarketScreen( this.stage, gameState ); var textContent = new createjs.Text( "", "20px Arial", "#00000000" ); textContent.x = 750; textContent.y = 30; this.stage.addChild( textContent); var overlay = new createjs.Shape();"#fffffff").drawRect(0, 0, 800, 600 ); overlay.alpha = 0; this.stage.addChild(overlay); var soundManager = new SoundManager( gameState ); // delay for fade in and fade-out this.switchScreen = function( screenName ){ gameState.screenState = SCREEN_OUT; gameState.pubsub.publish( "FadeOut", "" ); console.log("Switch screen called with" + screenName); gameState.newScreen = screenName; }; this.actuallySwitchScreen = function( screenName ){ that.stage.removeAllChildren(); that.activeScreenObj = new that.screens[ screenName ]( that.stage, gameState ); that.stage.addChild( textContent ); that.stage.addChild( overlay ); }; gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "SwitchScreen", this.switchScreen ); gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ActuallySwitchScreen", this.actuallySwitchScreen ); // Allow items to be removed if they don't have access to stage gameState.pubsub.subscribe("RemoveItems", function(items){ for (var index in items ){ that.stage.removeChild(items[index]); } }); return { draw : function(){ if( gameState.screenState == SCREEN_OUT ){ overlay.alpha +=0.3; } if( gameState.screenState == SCREEN_IN ){ overlay.alpha -=0.3; } if( overlay.alpha > 1.0 ){ gameState.screenState = SCREEN_IN; overlay.alpha = 1; gameState.pubsub.publish( "ActuallySwitchScreen", gameState.newScreen ); } if( overlay.alpha < 0.0 ){ gameState.screenState = SCREEN_STABLE; overlay.alpha = 0; } soundManager.tick(); that.activeScreenObj.blit(); textContent.text = createjs.Ticker.getMeasuredFPS().toFixed(1); that.stage.update(); } } } function DialogUI( stage ){ var that = this; // Dialog States var DIALOG_RECEDING = 0; var DIALOG_SHOWING = 1; var DIALOG_PAUSING = 2; var MILLIS_PER_CHAR = 100; this.dialogSpeed = 30; this.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; this.dialogMotionQueue = [DIALOG_SHOWING]; this.currDialogueSeq = new DialogueSequence(); dialogQueue = []; this.dialogBox = new createjs.Bitmap("res/DialogueBox.png"); this.dialogBox.x = 10; this.dialogBox.y = 675; this.textContent = new createjs.Text( "Hey there kids!", "24px Arial", "#00000000" ); this.textContent.x = 205; this.textContent.y = 705; this.textContent.lineWidth = 565; this.textContent.lineHeight = 30; this.textContent.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } ); this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } ); this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "click", function(){ setTimeout( clickEvent, 100); }); this.textContent.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } ); this.textContent.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } ); this.textContent.addEventListener( "click", function(){ setTimeout( clickEvent, 100); }); // negate double setTimeout if clicked var oldTime = new Date().getTime(); var delayCounter = 0; var clickEvent = function( timer ){ // if there is more dialogue text, then keep going, otherwise, recede if( that.currDialogueSeq.more() ){ setTimeout( function(){ that.dialogMotionQueue.push(DIALOG_SHOWING) }, 1000);; delayCounter = 0; oldTime = new Date().getTime() }else{ // pause and close dialog setTimeout( function(){that.dialogMotionQueue.push(DIALOG_RECEDING)}, 1000 ); } } stage.addChild( this.dialogBox ); stage.addChild( this.textContent ); return { tick: function(){ delayCounter = new Date().getTime() - oldTime; if(that.dialogBox.y ==435 && delayCounter > ( that.textContent.text.length * MILLIS_PER_CHAR ) ){ clickEvent(); } if( that.dialogState == DIALOG_RECEDING ){ that.dialogBox.y+=that.dialogSpeed; that.textContent.y +=that.dialogSpeed; console.log( "Receding" + that.dialogBox.y ); } if( that.dialogState == DIALOG_SHOWING ){ that.dialogBox.y-=that.dialogSpeed; that.textContent.y -=that.dialogSpeed; console.log( "Advancing" + that.dialogBox.y ); } // toggle states if( that.dialogBox.y > 675 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_RECEDING ){ that.dialogBox.y = 675; that.textContent.y = 705; that.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; console.log( "Pausing on recede" + that.dialogBox.y ); } if( that.dialogBox.y < 435 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_SHOWING ){ that.dialogBox.y = 435; that.textContent.y = 480; that.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; console.log( "Pausing on showing" + that.dialogBox.y ); } /* next states if there are any on the queue */ if( that.dialogMotionQueue.length > 0 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_PAUSING ){ that.dialogState = that.dialogMotionQueue.shift(); } }, minDialog: function(){ that.dialogMotionQueue.push( DIALOG_RECEDING ); }, maxDialog: function(){ that.dialogMotionQueue.push( DIALOG_SHOWING ); }, } } function Dialogue( character, text ){ var that = this; this.text = text; this.character = character; return { getText: function(){ return that.text; }, getCharacter: function(){ return that.character; }, getDuration: function(){ // length of text, for each dialog }, } // Render one character at a time } function BindPubSub( obj ){ (function(q) { var topics = {}, subUid = -1; q.subscribe = function(topic, func) { if (!topics[topic]) { topics[topic] = []; } var token = (++subUid).toString(); topics[topic].push({ token: token, func: func }); return token; }; q.publish = function(topic, args) { if (!topics[topic]) { return false; } setTimeout(function() { var subscribers = topics[topic], len = subscribers ? subscribers.length : 0; while (len--) { subscribers[len].func(args); } }, 0); return true; }; q.unsubscribe = function(token) { for (var m in topics) { if (topics[m]) { for (var i = 0, j = topics[m].length; i < j; i++) { if (topics[m][i].token === token) { topics[m].splice(i, 1); return token; } } } } return false; }; }(obj)); }