/* Screens, inheritance would be nice */ function LoadingScreen( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; this.lastPercent = -1; this.picture = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Loading-Title.png" ); this.pictureFront = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/PanFront.png" ); this.cooking = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TextCooking.png" ); this.done = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TextDone.png" ); this.turkeyState = [ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey0.png" ), new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey25.png" ), new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey50.png" ), new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey75.png" ), new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TurkeyDone.png" ) ]; this.done.alpha= 0; stage.addChild( this.picture ); stage.addChild( this.cooking ); stage.addChild( this.turkeyState[0] ); var textContent = new createjs.Text( "0 %", "25px Arial", "black" ); textContent.x = 500; textContent.y = 20; stage.addChild( textContent); gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "Load", function(percent){ textContent.text = (percent * 25).toFixed(2) + " %"; var wholeNum = percent.toFixed(0); if( that.lastPercent != percent){ that.lastPercent = percent; stage.addChild( that.turkeyState[wholeNum] ); stage.addChild( that.pictureFront ); } //If we're still on image one, don't fade it out, it's the base image! if( wholeNum != 0 ) that.turkeyState[wholeNum].alpha = percent.toFixed(2) - wholeNum; // Done! if( wholeNum == 4 ){ that.turkeyState[4].alpha = 1; that.cooking.alpha=0; that.done.alpha = 1; that.done.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; } ); that.done.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; } ); that.done.addEventListener( "click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "MainScreen"); }); that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='pointer'; } ); that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){ document.body.style.cursor='default'; } ); that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "MainScreen"); }); } }); stage.addChild( this.done ); stage.addChild( this.pictureFront ); return { blit : function(){ } } } function MainScreen( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MainScreen/Main-Screen.png" ); stage.addChild( this.background ); var turkeyAnimations = { peck:[14,24,"peck"], ruffle:[0,13,"ruffle"], stare:[25,35,"stare"] }; var data = { images: ["res/screens/MainScreen/TurkeySprite.png"], frames: { width:400, height:350 }, animations: turkeyAnimations }; var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data); var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "stare"); animation.x = 140; animation.y = 210; animation.addEventListener("tick", handleTick); function handleTick(event){ if ( turkeyAnimations[event.currentTarget.currentAnimation][1] == event.currentTarget.currentFrame ){ event.currentTarget.paused = true; } // Click happened. } stage.addChild(animation); this.grassLayer = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MainScreen/Grass.png" ); this.grassLayer.x = -60; stage.addChild( this.grassLayer ); // buttons info/credits/start new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 571,527, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonStart.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonStart.png","SwitchScreen", "DifficultyScreen", "Click" ); new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 17,470, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonHelp.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonHelp.png",null, null, "Click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowHelp",""); } ); new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 17,527, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonCredits.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonCredits.png","SwitchScreen", "CreditsScreen", "Click" ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"TitleMusic", pos:5650, volume:0.7} ); this.uiElems = []; return { blit : function(){ if( createjs.Ticker.getTicks() %50 == 0 ){ animation.gotoAndPlay(["peck", "ruffle", "stare"][UtilityFunctions.randRange(0,2)]); } // Draw all the uiElements for( var index in that.uiElems ){ that.uiElems[ index ].tick(); } } } //start button } function DifficultyScreen( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/Difficulty-Selection.png" ); stage.addChild( this.background ); var turkeyAnimations = { peck:[14,24,"peck"], ruffle:[0,13,"ruffle"], stare:[25,35,"stare"] }; var data = { images: ["res/screens/MainScreen/TurkeySprite.png"], frames: { width:400, height:350 }, animations: turkeyAnimations }; var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data); var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "stare"); animation.x = 140; animation.y = 210; animation.addEventListener("tick", handleTick); function handleTick(event) { if ( turkeyAnimations[event.currentTarget.currentAnimation][1] == event.currentTarget.currentFrame ){ event.currentTarget.paused = true; } // Click happened. } stage.addChild(animation); this.grassLayer = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MainScreen/Grass.png" ); this.grassLayer.x = -60; stage.addChild( this.grassLayer ); // Difficulty selection UI this.buttonsAndText = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonsandText.png" ); stage.addChild( this.buttonsAndText ); this.maleSelection = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonMale.png" ); stage.addChild( this.maleSelection ); this.femaleSelection = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/DifficultyScreen/ButtonFemale.png" ); this.femaleSelection.alpha = 0; stage.addChild( this.femaleSelection ); var nameInput = new createjs.Text( "", "48px Arial", "black" ); nameInput.x = 47; nameInput.y = 85; nameInput.lineWidth = 175; stage.addChild( nameInput ); // handle keyboard typing document.onkeyup = function(event){ // keycode var keynum = 48; if(window.event){ // IE keynum = event.keyCode; } else{ if(event.which){ // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keynum = event.which; } } if( keynum != 8 && keynum < 91 && keynum > 47 && nameInput.text.length < 22 ){ nameInput.text += String.fromCharCode(keynum); gameState.name = nameInput.text; } }; // Backspace gets special treatment document.onkeydown = function(event){ var keynum = 0; if(window.event){ // IE keynum = event.keyCode; } else{ if(event.which){ // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keynum = event.which; } } if(keynum == 8 && nameInput.text.length > 0 ){ nameInput.text = nameInput.text.substr(0, nameInput.text.length-1); gameState.name = nameInput.text; } event.preventDefault(); } // Easy/Hard Button stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 500, 235, 100, 55, "ChangeGender", "Male" ) ); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 500, 300, 100, 55, "ChangeGender", "Female" ) ); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 503, 370, 200, 55, null, null, function(){ document.onkeyup = function(){}; gameState.hard = false; gameState.gameStarted = true; gameState.hardcoreModifier=1; gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen"); } ) ); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 500, 495, 205, 55, null, null, function(){ document.onkeydown = function(){}; gameState.hard = true; gameState.gameStarted = true; gameState.hardcoreModifier=20; gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen"); } ) ); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 35, 495, 85, 55, "SwitchScreen", "MainScreen" ) ); gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ChangeGender", function(gender){ gameState.gender=gender; if( gender == "Male" ){ that.maleSelection.alpha = 1; that.femaleSelection.alpha = 0; gameState.pronoun = "he"; }else{ that.maleSelection.alpha = 0; that.femaleSelection.alpha = 1; gameState.pronoun = "she"; } }) return { blit : function(){ if( createjs.Ticker.getTicks() %50 == 0 ){ animation.gotoAndPlay(["peck", "ruffle", "stare"][UtilityFunctions.randRange(0,2)]); } // Draw all the uiElements for( var index in that.uiElems ){ that.uiElems[ index ].tick(); } } } } function KitchenScreen( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; // Fade out any other sounds gameState.pubsub.publish( "FadeOut", "" ); //gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"Sizzle", pos:0, volume:0.5} ); this.uiElems = []; this.uiElems.push( new WindowUI( stage, gameState ) ); this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/KitchenScreen.png" ); stage.addChild( this.background ); if(DEBUG) console.log(gameState.purchasedItems); if(DEBUG) console.log("KitchenScreen"); for(var i in gameState.purchasedItems ){ if(DEBUG) console.log(gameState.purchasedItems); gameState.purchasedItems[i].draw( stage ); } this.uiElems.push( gameState.ovenUI ? gameState.ovenUI.render() : ( gameState.ovenUI = new OvenUI( stage, gameState ) ).render() ); this.uiElems.push( new ClockUI( stage, gameState ) ); if( gameState.alarmBought ) this.uiElems.push( new AlarmUI(stage, gameState) ); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 14, 17, 73, 45, null,null, function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowHelp","");} ) ); new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 0,0, "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochure.png", "res/screens/KitchenScreen/StoreBrochureGlow.png", null,null, "Click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "MarketScreen"); gameState.storeVisits++; } ); // If player did not buy a turkey, tell them if( !gameState.turkeyBought ){ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"KitchenInitial", autoAdvance:false} ); } return { blit : function(){ // Draw all the uiElements for( var index in that.uiElems ){ that.uiElems[ index ].tick(); } } } } function MarketScreen( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MarketScreen/MarketScreen.png" ); var price = new createjs.Text( "", "16px Arial", "black" ); price.x = 120; price.y = 560; var wallet = new createjs.Text( "$" + parseFloat(gameState.wallet).toFixed(2), "20px Arial", "black" ); wallet.x = 725; wallet.y = 550; var walletTag = new createjs.Bitmap("res/items/Wallet.png"); walletTag.x = 670; walletTag.y = 535; var clipboardImg = new createjs.Bitmap("res/items/Clipboard.png"); clipboardImg.x = 5; clipboardImg.y = 315; var clipboardTitle = new createjs.Text( "Shopping List", "18px Arial", "black" ); clipboardTitle.x = 25; clipboardTitle.y = 385; clipboardTitle.lineWidth = 175; var clipboardText = new createjs.Text( "Turkey", "16px Arial", "black" ); clipboardText.x = 23; clipboardText.y = 425; clipboardText.lineWidth = 173; var clipboardWeight = new createjs.Text( "", "16px Arial", "black" ); clipboardWeight.x = 120; clipboardWeight.y = 540; clipboardWeight.lineWidth = 175; // Play soundz gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", {name:"Entrance", volume:0.3} ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"MarketMusic", volume:1} ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"MarketBackgroundSound", volume:0.4} ); stage.addChild(this.background); stage.addChild(wallet); stage.addChild(walletTag); stage.addChild(clipboardImg); stage.addChild(clipboardTitle); stage.addChild(clipboardText); stage.addChild(clipboardWeight); stage.addChild(price); this.uiElems = []; this.uiElems.push( new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 690,0, "res/items/ExitSign.png", "res/items/ExitGlow.png","SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen", "Click" ) ); var marketItemKeys = Object.keys(gameState.marketItems); for (var index in marketItemKeys ) { gameState.marketItems[marketItemKeys[index]].draw( stage ); } this.topground = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MarketScreen/MarketTopShelf.png" ); stage.addChild( this.topground ); this.showPrice = function( cost ){ price.text = "$ " + ( cost == NaN ? "" : parseFloat(cost).toFixed(2) ); } this.clearClipboard = function(){ price.text = ""; clipboardTitle.text = ""; clipboardText.text = ""; clipboardWeight.text = ""; } this.showDesc = function( desc ){ clipboardTitle.text = desc.title; clipboardText.text = desc.desc; if( desc.weight ){ clipboardWeight.text = desc.weight.toFixed(2) + " lbs."; } } this.setWalletAmount = function(newAmount){ wallet.text="$" + ( gameState.wallet=newAmount.toFixed(2) ); } gameState.pubsub.subscribe("ShowDesc", this.showDesc); gameState.pubsub.subscribe("ShowPrice", this.showPrice ); gameState.pubsub.subscribe("WalletAmount", this.setWalletAmount); gameState.pubsub.subscribe("ClearClipboard", this.clearClipboard); return { blit : function(){ // Draw all the uiElements for( var index in that.uiElems ){ that.uiElems[ index ].tick(); } } } } function ScoreScreen( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; // All the text for the entries var totalCookTime = gameState.turkeyCookCounter; var realTimeElapsed = Date.now() - gameState.startTime; console.log("total cook time:"+ realTimeElapsed); var turkeyState = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState(); var totalScore = 0; var skinScoreChart = { "raw": -1000, "undercooked": -100, "slightly cooked": 75, "cooked": 500, "overcooked": 200, "dry": -300, "burnt": -500 }; var coreScoreChart = { "raw": 0, "undercooked": 125, "slightly cooked": 750, "cooked": 1000, "overcooked": 600, "dry": 400, "burnt": 0 }; var typeToMod = { "Organic Turkey" : 1.03, "Free Range Turkey" : 1.02, "Sunny Farms Turkey" : 0.98, "Pastured Turkey": 1.05, "General Turkey": 1.00 }; // Optimal Temperature to be served at this.scoreDistribution= function(inputTemp, layer) { desiredAverage = 165; if(layer=="skin") desiredAverage = 260; variance = 1000; //Std Deviation 31.62 return(Math.exp(-(Math.pow((inputTemp-desiredAverage),2)/(2*variance)))) }; // Temperature Score var outerTemp = UtilityFunctions.C2F(turkeyState.skin.highest).toFixed(2); var coreTemp = UtilityFunctions.C2F(turkeyState.core.temp).toFixed(2); var outerTempScore = that.scoreDistribution( outerTemp, "skin" ) * 200; var coreTempScore = that.scoreDistribution( coreTemp ) * 200; totalScore += parseInt(skinScoreChart[ turkeyState.skin.cond[2]]); totalScore += parseInt(skinScoreChart[ turkeyState.core.cond[2]]); totalScore += parseInt(outerTempScore.toFixed(0)); totalScore += parseInt(coreTempScore.toFixed(0)); resultsDialogue = []; if (totalScore>=4000) { randomDiag = perfect; } else if (totalScore>=2500) { randomDiag = great; } else if (totalScore>=800) { randomDiag = average; } else if (totalScore>=300) { randomDiag = subPar; } else { randomDiag = terrible; } for (var i = 0; i<=5; i++) { resultsDialogue.push(randomString(randomDiag)); } messages["end"] = resultsDialogue; function randomString(stringArray) { var index = UtilityFunctions.randRange(0, stringArray.length-1); var stringResult = stringArray[index]; stringArray.splice(index,1); return (stringResult) } gameState.pubsub.publish( "FadeOut", "" ); this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/ScoreScreen/Score-Evaluation-1.png" ); this.background.alpha = 1; stage.addChild( this.background ); background1 = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/ScoreScreen/Score-Evaluation-2.png" ); background1.alpha = 0; stage.addChild( background1 ); for (i in gameState.turkeyStates){ gameState.turkeyStates[i].scaleX = gameState.turkeyStates[i].scaleY = 1; gameState.turkeyStates[i].x = 490; gameState.turkeyStates[i].y = 110; stage.addChild(gameState.turkeyStates[i]); } gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"TitleMusic", pos:5650, volume:0.7} ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"end", autoAdvance:true, endFunc:function(){ background1.alpha=1; stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 590, 540, 190, 50, null, null, function(){ document.location.reload(); } ) ); // Cooking stats var hours = parseInt( totalCookTime / 3600 ) % 24; var minutes = parseInt( totalCookTime / 60 ) % 60; var seconds = totalCookTime % 60; var timeText = ("00"+hours.toFixed(0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+minutes.toFixed(0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+seconds.toFixed(0)).slice(-2); var totalCookTimeText = new createjs.Text( timeText, "20px Arial", "black" ); totalCookTimeText.x = 270; totalCookTimeText.y = 107; realTimeElapsed = realTimeElapsed / 1000; hours = parseInt( realTimeElapsed / 3600 ) % 24; minutes = parseInt( realTimeElapsed / 60 ) % 60; seconds = realTimeElapsed % 60; timeText = ("00"+hours.toFixed(0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+minutes.toFixed(0)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+seconds.toFixed(0)).slice(-2); var realtimeElapsedText = new createjs.Text( timeText, "20px Arial", "black" ); realtimeElapsedText.x = 270; realtimeElapsedText.y = 127; var ovenOpenedText = new createjs.Text( gameState.ovenOpened, "20px Arial", "black" ); ovenOpenedText.x = 270; ovenOpenedText.y = 147; var dialogueHeardText = new createjs.Text( gameState.dialogueHeard, "20px Arial", "black" ); dialogueHeardText.x = 270; dialogueHeardText.y = 167; stage.addChild( totalCookTimeText ); stage.addChild( realtimeElapsedText ); stage.addChild( ovenOpenedText ); stage.addChild( dialogueHeardText ); // Cookedness Score var outerConditionDesc = new createjs.Text( turkeyState.skin.cond[2], "20px Arial", "black" ); outerConditionDesc.x = 150; outerConditionDesc.y = 320; var coreConditionDesc = new createjs.Text( turkeyState.core.cond[2], "20px Arial", "black" ); coreConditionDesc.x = 150; coreConditionDesc.y = 340; var outerConditionText = new createjs.Text( skinScoreChart[ turkeyState.skin.cond[2] ], "20px Arial", "black" ); outerConditionText.x = 310; outerConditionText.y = 320; var coreConditionText = new createjs.Text( coreScoreChart[ turkeyState.skin.cond[2] ], "20px Arial", "black" ); coreConditionText.x = 310; coreConditionText.y = 340; stage.addChild( coreConditionText ); stage.addChild( outerConditionText ); stage.addChild( coreConditionDesc ); stage.addChild( outerConditionDesc ); // Temperature Score var outerTemperatureText = new createjs.Text( outerTempScore.toFixed(0), "20px Arial", "black" ); outerTemperatureText.x = 680; outerTemperatureText.y = 320; var coreTemperatureText = new createjs.Text( coreTempScore.toFixed(0), "20px Arial", "black" ); coreTemperatureText.x = 680; coreTemperatureText.y = 340; var outerTemperatureDesc = new createjs.Text( outerTemp + " F", "20px Arial", "black" ); outerTemperatureDesc.x = 530; outerTemperatureDesc.y = 320; var coreTemperatureDesc = new createjs.Text( coreTemp + " F", "20px Arial", "black" ); coreTemperatureDesc.x = 530; coreTemperatureDesc.y = 340; stage.addChild( outerTemperatureText ); stage.addChild( coreTemperatureText ); stage.addChild( coreTemperatureDesc ); stage.addChild( outerTemperatureDesc ); // Modifiers var turkeyMod = typeToMod[gameState.turkeyType]; var turkeyTypeModifierText = new createjs.Text( -1*((1-turkeyMod)*100).toFixed(0) + "%", "20px Arial", "black" ); turkeyTypeModifierText.x = 310; turkeyTypeModifierText.y = 437; totalScore *= turkeyMod; var stuffingTypeModifierText = new createjs.Text( -1*((1-gameState.stuffingTypeModifier)*100).toFixed(0)+"%" , "20px Arial", "black" ); stuffingTypeModifierText.x = 310 stuffingTypeModifierText.y = 457; totalScore *= gameState.stuffingTypeModifier; var frillsModifierText = new createjs.Text( "x"+gameState.frillsModifier, "20px Arial", "black" ); frillsModifierText.x = 310 frillsModifierText.y = 477; totalScore *= gameState.frillsModifier; var hardcoreModifierText = new createjs.Text( "x"+gameState.hardcoreModifier, "20px Arial", "black" ); hardcoreModifierText.x = 310 hardcoreModifierText.y = 497; totalScore *= gameState.hardcoreModifier; var totalText = new createjs.Text( totalScore.toFixed(0), "32px Arial", "black" ); totalText.x = 250; totalText.y = 550; stage.addChild( totalText ); stage.addChild( stuffingTypeModifierText ); stage.addChild( turkeyTypeModifierText ); stage.addChild( frillsModifierText ); stage.addChild( hardcoreModifierText ); }} ); return { blit : function(){} } } function CreditsScreen( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/Credits.png" ); stage.addChild( this.background ); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 698, 533, 80, 50, "SwitchScreen", "MainScreen" ) ); this.uiElems = []; return { blit : function(){ // Draw all the uiElements for( var index in that.uiElems ){ that.uiElems[ index ].tick(); } } } // }