function ClockUI( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; this.minuteRadius = 30; this.hourRadius = 0.7 * this.minuteRadius; this.clockX = 246; this.clockY = 146; this.getClockAngles = function( ){ var currTime = new Date( gameState.currentTime ); var hourAngle = 720 * ( currTime.getHours() / 24 ) - 90; var minuteAngle = 360 * ( currTime.getMinutes() / 60 ) - 90; return [ hourAngle, minuteAngle ]; } var minuteLine = new createjs.Shape(); minuteWidth = this.minuteRadius; minuteHeight = 1;'black').drawRect( 0, 0, minuteWidth, minuteHeight ); minuteLine.regX = 0; minuteLine.regY = minuteHeight / 2; minuteLine.x = this.clockX; minuteLine.y = this.clockY; var hourLine = new createjs.Shape(); hourWidth = this.hourRadius; hourHeight = 1;'black').drawRect( 0, 0, hourWidth, hourHeight ); hourLine.regX = 0; hourLine.regY = hourHeight / 2; hourLine.x = this.clockX; hourLine.y = this.clockY; stage.addChild( minuteLine ); stage.addChild( hourLine ); return { tick: function(){ var angles = that.getClockAngles(); hourLine.rotation = angles[0]; minuteLine.rotation = angles[1]; } } } function HelpUI( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; this.showingHelp = false; var helpPages = [ new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP1P2.png"), new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP3P4.png"), new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP5P6.png"), new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/HelpCreditsScreen/HelpP7P8.png") ]; var position = 0; var helpImg = helpPages[0]; var closeButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 708, 8, 80, 50,null, null, function(){ that.hideHelp(); } ); var nextButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 645, 543, 80, 50, null,null, function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Open_Cookbook"); if( helpImg ){ position++; helpImg.visible = false; helpImg = helpPages[ position % 4 ]; helpImg.visible = true; } else{ that.hideHelp(); } }); var prevButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 77, 546, 80, 50, null,null, function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Open_Cookbook"); if( helpImg ){ position--; helpImg.visible = false; helpImg = helpPages[ Math.abs(position) % 4 ]; helpImg.visible = true; } else { that.hideHelp(); } }); this.hideHelp = function(){ helpImg.visible=false; stage.removeChild( closeButton ); stage.removeChild( nextButton ); stage.removeChild( prevButton ); for( var i in helpPages ){ helpPages[i].visible = false; stage.removeChild( helpPages[i] ); } that.showingHelp = false; gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Close_Cookbook"); } // Show core temperature this.showHelp = function(){ if( that.showingHelp ) return; gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Open_Cookbook"); for( var i in helpPages ){ helpPages[i].visible = false; stage.addChild( helpPages[i] ); } helpPages[0].visible = true; stage.addChild( that.background ); stage.addChild( closeButton ); stage.addChild( nextButton ); stage.addChild( prevButton ); that.showingHelp = true; } // change temperature, this one's for the UI gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowHelp", this.showHelp ); } function FinalConfirmationUI(stage, gameState){ var that = this; this.showingConfirm = false; var finalImg = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/KitchenScreen/FinalConfirmation.png"); var yesButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 355, 338, 388, 50, null, null, function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Ding" ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "SwitchScreen", "ScoreScreen" ); that.hideFinalConfirm(); } ); var noButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 355, 395, 388, 50, null, null, function(){that.hideFinalConfirm();} ); this.hideFinalConfirm = function(){ stage.removeChild( finalImg ); stage.removeChild( yesButton ); stage.removeChild( noButton ); that.showingConfirm = false; }; // Show core temperature this.showFinalConfirm = function(){ if(DEBUG) console.log("Showing final confirm"); if( !that.showingConfirm ){ that.showingConfirm = true; stage.addChild( finalImg ); stage.addChild( noButton ); stage.addChild( yesButton ); } }; // change temperature, this one's for the UI gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowFinalConfirm", this.showFinalConfirm ); } function DeathUI(stage, gameState){ var that = this; this.showingConfirm = false; var finalImg = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/KitchenScreen/HouseFireRetry.png"); var deathCount = new createjs.Text( UtilityFunctions.randRange(1,6), "24px Arial", "black" ); deathCount.x = 695; deathCount.y = 260; var retryButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 578, 520, 200, 50, null, null, function(){ document.location.reload(); } ); var explosion = { boom:{ frames:[35,34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0], next:false } }; var data = { images: ["res/screens/KitchenScreen/Explosion_AnimationLowRes.png"], frames: { width:400, height:300 }, animations: explosion }; var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data); var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "treeAnimations"); animation.x = 0; animation.y = 0; animation.scaleX = animation.scaleY = 2; // Show core temperature this.showDeath = function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", {name:"Explosion", volume:1} ); stage.addChild( finalImg ); animation.gotoAndPlay("boom"); stage.addChild( deathCount ); stage.addChild( animation ); stage.addChild( retryButton ); }; // change temperature, this one's for the UI gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "Death", this.showDeath ); } function AlarmUI(stage, gameState){ var that = this; this.showingConfirm = false; var oldTime =; var showColon = true; var timerText = new createjs.Text("00:00", "24px Arial", "black" ); timerText.x = 372; timerText.y = 290; var clearButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 364, 327, 17, 13, null, null, function(){ gameState.alarmTimer = 0; gameState.alarmActivated = false; that.updateTimer(); } ); var hourButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 386, 327, 24, 13, null, null, function(){ gameState.alarmTimer +=3600; gameState.alarmActivated = true; that.updateTimer(); } ); var minuteButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 414, 327, 24, 13, null, null, function(){ gameState.alarmTimer +=300; gameState.alarmActivated = true; that.updateTimer(); } ); this.updateTimer = function(){ var colon = showColon ? ":" : " "; var totalSec = gameState.alarmTimer; var hours = parseInt( totalSec / 3600 ) % 24 var minutes = parseInt( totalSec / 60 ) % 60; var timeText = ("00"+hours).slice(-2) + colon + ("00"+minutes).slice(-2); timerText.text = timeText; } this.activateTimer = function(){ gameState.alarmActivated = true; } // Show core temperature stage.addChild( timerText ); stage.addChild( clearButton ); stage.addChild( hourButton ); stage.addChild( minuteButton ); this.updateTimer(); return{ tick: function(){ // IMPORTANT: SECOND TIMER var diff = - oldTime; if( diff > 1000 ){ if( gameState.alarmActivated && gameState.alarmTimer <=0 ){ gameState.alarmTimer = 0; gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "BeepBeep") } that.updateTimer(); showColon = !showColon; if( gameState.alarmActivated ) gameState.alarmTimer --; oldTime =; } } } } function CookbookUI( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; this.showingCookbook = false; var cookbookImg = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/KitchenScreen/Cookbook-Open.png"); var closeButton = new Button( stage, gameState, 710, 10, 100, 50, null, null, function(){that.hideCookbook();} ); var turkeyTypeText = new createjs.Text("", "18px Arial", "black" ); turkeyTypeText.x = 535; turkeyTypeText.y = 56; var turkeyWeightText = new createjs.Text("", "18px Arial", "black" ); turkeyWeightText.x = 553; turkeyWeightText.y = 85; var logEntries = []; this.hideCookbook = function(){ stage.removeChild( closeButton ); stage.removeChild( cookbookImg ); stage.removeChild( turkeyTypeText ); stage.removeChild(turkeyWeightText); for( i in logEntries ){ stage.removeChild(logEntries[i]); } that.showingCookbook = false; gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Close_Cookbook"); } // Show core temperature this.showCookbook = function(){ if( !that.showingCookbook ){ stage.addChild( cookbookImg ); stage.addChild( closeButton ); turkeyTypeText.text = gameState.turkeyType; turkeyWeightText.text = gameState.turkeyWeight + " lbs"; for( i in gameState.peekRecords ){ var record = gameState.peekRecords[i]; var time = new Date( gameState.peekRecords[i].getTime() ); var logLine = new createjs.Text( "OFF", "12px Arial", "black" ); logLine.x = 423; logLine.y = 50 * i+ 165; logLine.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; logLine.text = record.getType() + " " + ("00"+time.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00"+time.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + " " + record.getContent(); logEntries.push(logLine); stage.addChild(logLine); } stage.addChild(turkeyTypeText); stage.addChild(turkeyWeightText); that.showingCookbook = true; } } // change temperature, this one's for the UI gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowCookbook", this.showCookbook ); } function OvenUI( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; var OVEN_CLOSED = 0; var OVEN_PEEK = 1; var OVEN_OPEN = 2; this.ovenDoor = OVEN_CLOSED; var ovenLight = new createjs.Shape(); "black" ).drawCircle( 181, 126, 2 ); var confirmation = new FinalConfirmationUI(stage, gameState ); var death = new DeathUI(stage,gameState); // Oven light control this.changeOvenLight = function( state ){ if( state == "On" ){ ovenLight.visible = false; } else { ovenLight.visible = true; } } this.doneSkipTime = true; // place turkeys in oven for (i in gameState.turkeyStates){ gameState.turkeyStates[i].alpha = 0; gameState.turkeyStates[i].scaleX = gameState.turkeyStates[i].scaleY =1; gameState.turkeyStates[i].x = 75; gameState.turkeyStates[i].y = 258; } var temperatureText = new createjs.Text( "OFF", "40px Arial", "#ff7700" ); temperatureText.x = 50; temperatureText.y = 147; temperatureText.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; var lightPressedImg = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/LightButtonDepressed.png" ); lightPressedImg.alpha = 0; var doorClosedLightOff = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOff.png" ); doorClosedLightOff.alpha = 1; var doorClosedLightOn = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorClosedLightOn.png" ); doorClosedLightOn.alpha = 0; var doorPeekLightOff = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOff.png" ); doorPeekLightOff.alpha = 0; var doorPeekLightOn = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorPeekLightOn.png" ); doorPeekLightOn.alpha = 0; var doorOpen = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/DoorOpen.png" ); doorOpen.alpha = 0; var redState = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/OvenTurnRedState.png" ); redState.alpha = 0; var panFront = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/KitchenScreen/PanFront.png" ); panFront.alpha = 0; this.changeTemperature = function( direction ){ if( gameState.turkeyBought ){ if( temperatureText.text == "OFF" && direction == "Up" ) temperatureText.text = "125"; if( !( temperatureText.text == "OFF" && direction == "Down" ) ){ var temp = ( direction == "Up" ? parseInt(temperatureText.text)+25 : parseInt(temperatureText.text)-25); // Check lower bound for OFF temp = temp < 150 ? temp = "OFF" : temp; // Check upper bound if( temp > 500 ){ redState.alpha = ( temp - 500 )/( 1100 - 500 ); } // if over 1100 F, burn house down if( temp > 1100 ){ gameState.pubsub.publish("Death",""); return; } temperatureText.text = temp; } // Tell our model to set the actual temperature gameState.ovenModel.changeTemp( UtilityFunctions.F2C( temperatureText.text == "OFF" ? 125 : parseInt( temperatureText.text ) ) ); } else{ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowDialog",{seq:"EmptyOven", autoAdvance: true}); } } this.ovenLightToggle = function(){ // Only work if the user bought an oven light if( gameState.boughtOvenLight ){ lightPressedImg.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 1 : 0; if( that.ovenDoor == OVEN_CLOSED){ doorClosedLightOn.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 0 : 1; doorClosedLightOff.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 1 : 0; doorOpen.alpha = 0; } else if( that.ovenDoor == OVEN_PEEK ){ doorPeekLightOn.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 0 : 1; doorPeekLightOff.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha == 0 ? 1 : 0; doorOpen.alpha = 0; } } } this.startTurkeyModel = function(){ if(DEBUG) console.log("weight is" + gameState.turkeyWeight); gameState.ovenModel = new OvenModel( gameState.turkeyWeight, gameState ); } var handleBar = new createjs.Shape();"#ffffff").drawRect(20, 190, 300, 20); handleBar.alpha = 0.01; handleBar.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } ); handleBar.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } ); handleBar.addEventListener( "pressup", handlePress ); var evalSkin = { "raw": "The turkey looks no different from when I put it in", "undercooked": "The skin looks pink", "slightly cooked": "The turkey could use a couple more minutes", "cooked": "The turkey looks good enough to eat", "overcooked": "The turkey looks a bit shriveled", "dry": "The turkey looks like cardboard", "burnt": "The turkey looks burnt" }; // Look for a drag event function handlePress(event) { if( event.stageY > 300 && that.ovenDoor != OVEN_OPEN ){ that.ovenDoor = OVEN_OPEN; doorPeekLightOn.alpha = doorClosedLightOn.alpha = 0; doorPeekLightOff.alpha = doorClosedLightOff.alpha = 0; doorOpen.alpha = 1;;"#ffffff").drawRect(5, 450, 400, 60); handleBar.alpha = 0.01; if( gameState.turkeyBought ){ var state = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState(); if(!evalSkin[turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]]) gameState.pubsub.publish("Death",""); gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"custom", autoAdvance:true, customText:evalSkin[turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]] + "." } ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "AddRecord", {type:"Open ", text:"The turkey looked " + turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]} ); //gameState.ovenModel.setRawTemp( (gameState.ovenModel.getRawTemp() - 25) < 150 ? 150 : gameState.ovenModel.getRawTemp() - 25 ); gameState.ovenOpened++; } gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Oven_Door_Full_Open" ); }else if (that.ovenDoor == OVEN_OPEN ){ that.ovenDoor = OVEN_PEEK; gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Oven_Door_Full_Close" );;"#ffffff").drawRect(20, 190, 300, 20); handleBar.alpha = 0.01; ovenPeek(); } } handleBar.addEventListener( "click", ovenPeek ); function ovenPeek(){ if( that.ovenDoor == OVEN_CLOSED && that.ovenDoor != OVEN_OPEN ){ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Oven_Door_Peek_Open" ); doorPeekLightOn.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha; doorPeekLightOff.alpha = !lightPressedImg.alpha; doorClosedLightOn.alpha = 0; doorClosedLightOff.alpha = 0; doorOpen.alpha = 0; that.ovenDoor = OVEN_PEEK; handleBar.y = 48; if( gameState.turkeyBought ){ var state = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState(); if(!evalSkin[turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]]) gameState.pubsub.publish("Death",""); gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"custom", autoAdvance:true, customText:evalSkin[turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]] } ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "AddRecord", {type:"Peek ", text:"The turkey looked " +turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][2]} ); } } else if (that.ovenDoor == OVEN_PEEK){ doorClosedLightOn.alpha = lightPressedImg.alpha; doorClosedLightOff.alpha = !lightPressedImg.alpha; doorPeekLightOn.alpha = 0; doorPeekLightOff.alpha = 0; that.ovenDoor = OVEN_CLOSED; gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Oven_Door_Peek_Close" ); doorOpen.alpha = 0; handleBar.y = 0; } } // Show core temperature this.showTempDialog = function(){ if( that.ovenDoor != OVEN_OPEN ){ gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowDialog", {seq:"OpenDoor", autoAdvance:true}); } else{ state = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState(); gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"custom", autoAdvance:true, customText:"The core temperature of the turkey reads " + UtilityFunctions.C2F(state.core.temp).toFixed(2) + " F" } ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "AddRecord", {type:"Probe", text:"Core temperature measured: " + UtilityFunctions.C2F(state.core.temp).toFixed(2) + " F"} ); } } new CookbookUI( stage, gameState ); // change temperature, this one's for the UI gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ChangeTemperature", this.changeTemperature ); gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowTempDialog", this.showTempDialog ); gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "OvenLightToggle", this.ovenLightToggle ); gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "OvenLight", this.changeOvenLight ); gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "StartTurkeyModel", this.startTurkeyModel ); gameState.pubsub.subscribe("DoneSkipTime", function(){ that.doneSkipTime = true; }); this.secondTick = function(diff){ // check if oven door is open gameState.ovenModel.secondTick(); gameState.currentTime += diff; } gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "SkipTime", function(){ if(DEBUG) console.log("Skipping time"); for(var i = 0; i < 1200; i++){ that.secondTick( 1000 ); } if( gameState.alarmActivated ) gameState.alarmTimer -= 1200; gameState.pubsub.publish("DoneSkipTime",""); }); return { tick: function(){ // IMPORTANT: SECOND TIMER var diff = - gameState.oldTime; var dialoguediff = - gameState.oldDialogueTime; if( diff > 1000 ){ that.secondTick( diff ); if( gameState.turkeyBought ){ gameState.turkeyCookCounter++; // what's the state of the turkey turkeyState = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState(); gameState.turkeyStates[0].alpha = 1; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Undercooked" ) gameState.turkeyStates[1].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1]; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Cooked" ) gameState.turkeyStates[2].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1]; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Dry" ) gameState.turkeyStates[3].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1]; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Burnt" ) gameState.turkeyStates[4].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1]; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][0] == "Fire" ) gameState.turkeyStates[4].alpha = 1; } gameState.oldTime =; } if( gameState.turkeyBought && dialoguediff > 2*60*1000 ){ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"Spouse gets surprise movie tickets", autoAdvance:true, random:true} ); gameState.oldDialogueTime =; } }, render: function(){ stage.addChild( redState ); stage.addChild( ovenLight ); stage.addChild( temperatureText ); stage.addChild( lightPressedImg); // Turkey goes here // did the player actually buy a turkey? if so, determine its cooked state if( gameState.turkeyBought ){ // what's the state of the turkey turkeyState = gameState.ovenModel.getTurkeyState(); gameState.turkeyStates[0].alpha = 1; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Undercooked" ) gameState.turkeyStates[1].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1]; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Cooked" ) gameState.turkeyStates[2].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1]; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Dry" ) gameState.turkeyStates[3].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1]; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Burnt" ) gameState.turkeyStates[4].alpha = turkeyState["skin"]["cond"][1]; if( turkeyState["skin"]["cond"] == "Fire" ) gameState.turkeyStates[4].alpha = 1; panFront.alpha = 1; stage.addChild(gameState.turkeyStates[0]); for(i in gameState.turkeyStates){ stage.addChild(gameState.turkeyStates[i]); } stage.addChild(panFront); } // Pan front goes here stage.addChild( panFront ); //finalize button if( gameState.turkeyBought ){ stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 45, 250, 250, 150, null, null, function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Error"); gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowFinalConfirm",""); } ) ); } stage.addChild( doorPeekLightOn); stage.addChild( doorPeekLightOff); stage.addChild( doorClosedLightOn); stage.addChild( doorClosedLightOff); stage.addChild( doorOpen); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 45, 163, 41, 17, "ChangeTemperature", "Up" ) ); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 95, 163, 41, 17, "ChangeTemperature", "Down" ) ); stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 145, 163, 41, 17, "OvenLightToggle", "" ) ); if( gameState.hard == false ) stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 205, 105, 80, 80, null, null, function(){ if( that.doneSkipTime ){ gameState.pubsub.publish("SkipTime",""); that.doneSkipTime = false; } }) ); stage.addChild( handleBar); return this; } } } function WindowUI( stage, gameState ){ var dayNight = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/Window/Test4-217.png"); var mood = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/Window/Test4TransparencyFull.png"); mood.y=30; dayNight.y=30; var secondCounter = 0; mood.x = dayNight.x = -(new Date( gameState.currentTime ).getHours()*682.625); var ground = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/Window/Ground.png" ); var houses = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/Window/Housefar.png" ); var streetLight = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/Window/StreetlightGlow.png" ); streetLight.alpha = 0; var treeAnimations = { rustle:[0,17,"rustle"], still:[0,0,"still"] }; var data = { images: ["res/screens/Window/Tree_Animation.png"], frames: { width:386, height:287 }, animations: treeAnimations }; var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data); var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "treeAnimations"); animation.x = 415; animation.y = 30; // Fast forward, move sky gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "SkipTime", function(){ var newpos = -(new Date( gameState.currentTime ).getHours()*682.625); dayNight.x = mood.x =newpos < -15583 ? 0 : newpos; }); stage.addChild( dayNight ); stage.addChild( ground ); stage.addChild( houses ); stage.addChild( streetLight ); stage.addChild( animation ); stage.addChild( mood ); return { tick: function(){ // move the sky secondCounter++; if( secondCounter > 60 ){ dayNight.x-=11.38; mood.x -= 11.38; secondCounter = 0; } if( dayNight.x < -15583 ) dayNight.x = 0; // turn on lights if( dayNight.x < 0 && dayNight.x > -4545 ){ // turn on random window lights streetLight.alpha = 1; } else if( dayNight.x < -11687 ){ streetLight.alpha = 1; } else streetLight.alpha = 0; } } } function MarketItem( gameState, name, x, y, cost, mouseOutImg, mouseOverImg, mouseOutKitchenImg, mouseOverKitchenImg, funnyDescription, weight ){ var that = this; = name; this.bought = false; var mouseOverKitchen = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOverKitchenImg ); var mouseOutKitchen = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOutKitchenImg ); var mouseOver = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOverImg ); var mouseOut = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOutImg ); mouseOver.x = mouseOut.x = x; mouseOver.y = mouseOut.y = y; mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; mouseOver.visible = true; mouseOut.visible = false; gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowPrice", cost ); gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowDesc", {, desc:funnyDescription, weight:weight} ); }); mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; mouseOver.visible = false; mouseOut.visible = true; gameState.pubsub.publish("ClearClipboard", {}); } ); mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; mouseOver.visible = true; mouseOut.visible = false; gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowPrice", cost ); gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowDesc", {, desc:funnyDescription, weight:weight} ); }); mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; mouseOver.visible = false; mouseOut.visible = true; gameState.pubsub.publish("ClearClipboard", {}); } ); mouseOutKitchen.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; mouseOverKitchen.visible = true; mouseOutKitchen.visible = false; }); mouseOutKitchen.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; mouseOverKitchen.visible = false; mouseOverKitchen.visible = true; } ); mouseOverKitchen.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; mouseOverKitchen.visible = true; mouseOutKitchen.visible = false; }); mouseOverKitchen.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; mouseOverKitchen.visible = false; mouseOutKitchen.visible = true; } ); // We've bought the item, now we click it in the Kitchen mouseOverKitchen.addEventListener("click",function(){ if ("Temperature") != -1 ){ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowTempDialog", "" ); } if ("Cookbook") != -1 ){ if(DEBUG) console.log("click, show cookbook"); gameState.pubsub.publish("ShowCookbook",""); gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", "Open_Cookbook"); } }); mouseOver.addEventListener( "click", function(){ if(!that.bought && cost <= gameState.wallet ){ if("Turkey") != -1 && gameState.turkeyBought != true ){ gameState.turkeyBought = true; gameState.turkeyWeight = weight; gameState.turkeyType =; gameState.marketItems[ ].delete(); that.bought = true; // record time started gameState.pubsub.publish( "AddRecord", {type:"Note ", text:"Turkey bought and placed in oven"} ); gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", {name:"Buy", volume:0.7} ); gameState.pubsub.publish("WalletAmount", gameState.wallet - Math.abs(cost)) gameState.pubsub.publish("StartTurkeyModel",""); } // can we buy this? Only possible if you already bought a turkey else if("Turkey") == -1 && gameState.turkeyBought == true ){ // if we bought an oven light, enable it! if("Light") != -1 ) gameState.boughtOvenLight = true; // if we bought a clock, enable it! if("Alarm") != -1 ) gameState.alarmBought = true; if("Frills") != -1 ) gameState.frillsModifier = 5; if("Exquisite") != -1 ){ gameState.stuffingTypeModifier = gameState.stuffingTypeModifier > 1.08 ? gameState.stuffingTypeModifier : 1.08; } if("Special") != -1 ){ gameState.stuffingTypeModifier = gameState.stuffingTypeModifier > 1.17 ? gameState.stuffingTypeModifier : 1.17; } if("Repurposed") != -1 ){ gameState.stuffingTypeModifier = gameState.stuffingTypeModifier > 1.05 ? gameState.stuffingTypeModifier : 1.05; } gameState.purchasedItems.push( objReturn ); gameState.marketItems[ ].delete(); that.bought = true; gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", {name:"Buy", volume:0.7}); gameState.pubsub.publish("WalletAmount", gameState.wallet - Math.abs(cost)); } // One turkey only else if("Turkey") != -1 && gameState.turkeyBought == true ){ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"CannotBuyTurkey", autoAdvance:true} ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Error" ); } // Buy turkey first else{ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"BuyTurkeyFirst", autoAdvance:false} ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Error" ); } } else{ gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"NoMoney", autoAdvance:true} ); gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Error" ); } }); mouseOver.visible = false; var objReturn = { tick: function(){}, getName: function(){return;}, delete: function( stage ){ that.visible = false; gameState.pubsub.publish("RemoveItems", [mouseOut, mouseOver]); }, draw: function( stage, newx, newy ){ if( newx && newy ){ mouseOut.x = mouseOver.x = newx; mouseOut.y = mouseOver.y = newy; } if(DEBUG) console.log("NewScreen for item " +" is " +gameState.newScreen ); if( gameState.newScreen == "KitchenScreen" ){ mouseOutKitchen.visible = true; stage.addChild( mouseOutKitchen ); mouseOverKitchen.visible = false; stage.addChild( mouseOverKitchen ); return; } if( !that.bought ){ stage.addChild( mouseOut ); stage.addChild( mouseOver ); } } } return objReturn; } function ImgButton( stage, gameState, x, y, mouseOutImg, mouseOverImg, eventCmd, arg, sound, altfunc ){ var mouseOver = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOverImg ); var mouseOut = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOutImg ); mouseOver.x = mouseOut.x = x; mouseOver.y = mouseOut.y = y; mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; mouseOver.visible = true; mouseOut.visible = false; } ); mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; mouseOver.visible = false; mouseOut.visible = true; } ); mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; mouseOver.visible = true; mouseOut.visible = false; } ); mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; mouseOver.visible = false; mouseOut.visible = true; } ); mouseOver.addEventListener( "click", function(){ if( sound ){ gameState.pubsub.publish("Play", sound ); } if( !altfunc){ gameState.pubsub.publish( eventCmd, arg ); return; } altfunc(); } ); mouseOver.visible = false; stage.addChild( mouseOut ); stage.addChild( mouseOver ); return { tick: function(){} } } function Button( stage, gameState, x_orig, y_orig, x_dest, y_dest, eventCmd, arg, altfunc ){ var that = this; if(DEBUG) console.log("button clicked with "+ arg); var button = new createjs.Shape();"#ffffff").drawRect(x_orig, y_orig, x_dest, y_dest); button.alpha = 0.01; button.addEventListener( "click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", "Click" ); if( !altfunc ){ gameState.pubsub.publish( eventCmd, arg ); return; } altfunc(); gameState.pubsub.publish( eventCmd, arg ); } ); button.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } ); button.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } ); return button; }