function DialogueSequence( sequence ){ var targetStory = story[sequence] ? story[sequence].slice(0) : messages[sequence].slice(0); return { next: function(){ return targetStory.shift().split(": "); }, more: function(){ return targetStory.length > 0; } } } function DialogUI( stage, gameState ){ var that = this; // Dialog States var DIALOG_RECEDING = 0; var DIALOG_SHOWING = 1; var DIALOG_PAUSING = 2; var MILLIS_PER_CHAR = 150; var peopleImg = { "Boyfriend": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Boyfriend.png"), "Brother": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Brother.png"), "Cat": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Cat.png"), "Dad": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Dad.png"), "Girlfriend": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Girlfriend.png"), "Grandma": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Grandma.png"), "Grandpa": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Grandpa.png"), "Mom": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/Mom.png"), "Female": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/PlayerFemale.png"), "Male": new createjs.Bitmap("res/people/PlayerMale.png") }; var dialogueList = Object.keys(story); this.dialogSpeed = 30; this.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; this.dialogMotionQueue = [DIALOG_RECEDING]; this.currDialogueSeq = new DialogueSequence("Null"); dialogQueue = []; this.dialogBox = new createjs.Bitmap("res/screens/GUI/DialogueBox.png"); this.dialogBox.x = 0; this.dialogBox.y = 250; this.currentFace = peopleImg["Male"]; this.currentFace.x = 0; this.textContent = new createjs.Text( "", "24px Arial", "#00000000" ); this.textContent.x = 205; this.textContent.y = 705; this.textContent.lineWidth = 565; this.textContent.lineHeight = 30; this.textContent.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } ); this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } ); this.dialogBox.addEventListener( "click", function(){ setTimeout( clickEvent, 100); }); this.textContent.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } ); this.textContent.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } ); this.textContent.addEventListener( "click", function(){ setTimeout( clickEvent, 100); }); this.showDialog= function( textSeq ){ if( !peopleImg["Me"] ){ peopleImg["Me"] = peopleImg[gameState.gender]; } if( !peopleImg["Spouse"] ){ if( gameState.gender == "Male" ){ peopleImg["Spouse"] = peopleImg["Girlfriend"] ; }else{ peopleImg["Spouse"] = peopleImg["Boyfriend"] ; } } if( textSeq.seq == "custom" ){ messages["custom"] = ["Me: " + textSeq.customText ]; } if( textSeq.random ){ that.showRandomConvo(); } that.currDialogueSeq = new DialogueSequence( textSeq.seq ); var nextDialogue =; that.textContent.text=nextDialogue[1]; that.currentFace.y = 250; that.currentFace = peopleImg[nextDialogue[0]] || that.currentFace; that.autoAdvance = textSeq.autoAdvance; that.dialogMotionQueue = [DIALOG_SHOWING]; } this.showRandomConvo = function(){ dialogueList = Object.keys(story); // check if there is something going on if( !that.currDialogueSeq.more() ){ this.showDialog( story[ dialogueList[ UtilityFunctions.randRange(0, dialogueList.length) ] ] || story["Dad Tells a bad Joke"] ); } } gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowDialog", this.showDialog ); // negate double setTimeout if clicked var oldTime = new Date().getTime(); var delayCounter = 0; var clickEvent = function( timer ){ if( !peopleImg["Me"] ){ peopleImg["Me"] = peopleImg[gameState.gender]; } // if there is more dialogue text, then keep going, otherwise, recede if( that.currDialogueSeq.more() ){ var nextDialogue =; that.dialogMotionQueue.push(DIALOG_SHOWING); that.textContent.text=nextDialogue[1]; console.log("showing face:" +nextDialogue[0] ); // swap out face immediately that.currentFace.y = 250; that.currentFace = peopleImg[nextDialogue[0]] || that.currentFace; that.currentFace.y = 0; }else{ // pause and close dialog setTimeout( function(){that.dialogMotionQueue.push(DIALOG_RECEDING)}, 250 ); } delayCounter = 0; oldTime = new Date().getTime(); } stage.addChild( this.dialogBox ); stage.addChild( this.textContent ); for(var i in peopleImg ){ peopleImg[i].alpha = 1; peopleImg[i].y = 250; stage.addChild( peopleImg[i] ); } return { tick: function(){ delayCounter = new Date().getTime() - oldTime; if( that.autoAdvance == true && that.dialogBox.y ==435 && delayCounter > ( that.textContent.text.length * MILLIS_PER_CHAR ) ){ clickEvent(); } if( that.dialogState == DIALOG_RECEDING ){ that.dialogBox.y+=that.dialogSpeed; that.textContent.y += that.dialogSpeed; that.currentFace.y += that.dialogSpeed; //console.log( "Receding" + that.dialogBox.y ); } if( that.dialogState == DIALOG_SHOWING ){ that.dialogBox.y-=that.dialogSpeed; that.textContent.y -= that.dialogSpeed; that.currentFace.y -= that.dialogSpeed; //console.log( "Advancing" + that.dialogBox.y ); } // toggle states if( that.dialogBox.y > 250 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_RECEDING ){ that.dialogBox.y = 250; that.textContent.y = 735; that.currentFace.y = 250; that.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; //console.log( "Pausing on recede" + that.dialogBox.y ); } if( that.dialogBox.y < 0 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_SHOWING ){ that.dialogBox.y = 0; that.textContent.y = 480; that.currentFace.y = 0; that.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; //console.log( "Pausing on showing" + that.dialogBox.y ); } /* next states if there are any on the queue */ if( that.dialogMotionQueue.length > 0 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_PAUSING ){ that.dialogState = that.dialogMotionQueue.shift(); } }, minDialog: function(){ that.dialogMotionQueue.push( DIALOG_RECEDING ); }, maxDialog: function(){ that.dialogMotionQueue.push( DIALOG_SHOWING ); }, render: function(){ stage.addChild( that.dialogBox ); stage.addChild( that.textContent ); for(var i in peopleImg ){ peopleImg[i].alpha = 1; stage.addChild( peopleImg[i] ); } } } }