function GameState(){ var that = this; this.pubsub = {}; BindPubSub( this.pubsub ); this.currentTime = new Date().getTime(); this.oldTime = new Date().getTime(); this.mainUI = new GameUI( "demoCanvas", this ); createjs.Ticker.addEventListener( "tick", gameLoop ); function gameLoop(){ if( ( new Date().getTime() - that.oldTime ) > 1000 ){ // It's been at least one second, do logic loop depending on difference console.log("One second"); // Maintain our own internal clock that.currentTime+=1000; that.oldTime = new Date().getTime(); } that.mainUI.draw(); } return { "main": this } } function GameUI( canvasElem, gameState ){ var that = this; this.stage = new createjs.Stage( canvasElem ); this.activeScreenName = "EndingScreen"; this.activeScreenObj = {}; /* Initialize All Screens */ this.screens = { "LoadingTitleScreen" : LoadingTitleScreen, "InfoHelpScreen" : InfoHelpScreen, "MainScreen" : MainScreen, "DifficultyScreen" : DifficultyScreen, "KitchenScreen" : KitchenScreen, "MarketScreen" : MarketScreen, "TurkeyOutScreen" : TurkeyOutScreen, "EndingScreen" : EndingScreen, "ScoreScreen" : ScoreScreen, "CreditsScreen" : CreditsScreen } this.activeScreenObj = new MainScreen( this.stage, gameState ); this.switchScreen = function( screenName ){ console.log("Switch screen called with" + screenName); that.stage.removeAllChildren(); that.activeScreenObj = new that.screens[ screenName ]( that.stage, gameState ); } gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "SwitchScreen", this.switchScreen ); return { draw : function(){ that.activeScreenObj.blit(); that.stage.update(); } } } function DialogUI( stage ){ var that = this; // Dialog States var DIALOG_RECEDING = 0; var DIALOG_SHOWING = 1; var DIALOG_PAUSING = 2; this.dialogSpeed = 15; this.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; this.dialogMotionQueue = [DIALOG_RECEDING,DIALOG_SHOWING,DIALOG_RECEDING]; dialogQueue = []; // Replace with bitmap this.dialogBox = new createjs.Shape(); "#00ffff" ).drawRect( 0, 450, 800, 150 ); this.textContent = new createjs.Text( "Hello World This is some conversation text", "20px Arial", "#ff7700" ); this.textContent.x = 50; this.textContent.y = 500; this.textContent.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; stage.addChild( this.dialogBox ); stage.addChild( this.textContent ); return { tick: function(){ if( that.dialogState == DIALOG_RECEDING ){ that.dialogBox.y+=that.dialogSpeed; that.textContent.y +=that.dialogSpeed; console.log( "Receding" + that.dialogBox.y ); } if( that.dialogState == DIALOG_SHOWING ){ that.dialogBox.y-=that.dialogSpeed; that.textContent.y -=that.dialogSpeed; console.log( "Advancing" + that.dialogBox.y ); } // toggle states if( that.dialogBox.y > 150 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_RECEDING ){ that.dialogBox.y = 150; that.textContent.y = 650; that.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; console.log( "Pausing on recede" + that.dialogBox.y ); } if( that.dialogBox.y < 0 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_SHOWING ){ that.dialogBox.y = 0; that.textContent.y = 500; that.dialogState = DIALOG_PAUSING; console.log( "Pausing on showing" + that.dialogBox.y ); } /* next states if there are any on the queue */ if( that.dialogMotionQueue.length > 0 && that.dialogState == DIALOG_PAUSING ){ that.dialogState = that.dialogMotionQueue.pop(); } }, minDialog: function(){ that.dialogMotionQueue.push( DIALOG_RECEDING ); }, maxDialog: function(){ that.dialogMotionQueue.push( DIALOG_SHOWING ); }, } } function Dialogue( character, text ){ var that = this; this.text = text; this.character = character; return { getText: function(){ return that.text; }, getCharacter: function(){ return that.character; }, getDuration: function(){ // length of text, for each dialog }, } // Render one character at a time } function BindPubSub( obj ){ (function(q) { var topics = {}, subUid = -1; q.subscribe = function(topic, func) { if (!topics[topic]) { topics[topic] = []; } var token = (++subUid).toString(); topics[topic].push({ token: token, func: func }); return token; }; q.publish = function(topic, args) { if (!topics[topic]) { return false; } setTimeout(function() { var subscribers = topics[topic], len = subscribers ? subscribers.length : 0; while (len--) { subscribers[len].func(args); } }, 0); return true; }; q.unsubscribe = function(token) { for (var m in topics) { if (topics[m]) { for (var i = 0, j = topics[m].length; i < j; i++) { if (topics[m][i].token === token) { topics[m].splice(i, 1); return token; } } } } return false; }; }(obj)); }