load->model('api_model'); $result = $this->api_model->check_key($key); if (! $result) { echo "Not authorized!"; } else { $this->update_servers($option); } } else { echo "No key!"; } } private function update_servers($option = NULL) { // Load settings model $this->load->model('config_model'); $data['setting'] = $this->config_model->get_settings(); // Load server model $this->load->model('servers_model'); $data['servers'] = $this->servers_model->get_servers_cron(); if ($option == 'refresh') { echo ""; } if ($option == 'debug') {echo "
			foreach ($data['servers'] as $server)
				if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": start checking server\n";}
				if ($server['defaultproxy'] == '1') {
					// Override the proxy settings
					if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Using default proxy\n";}
					$server['proxyhost'] = $data['setting']['proxyhost'];
					$server['proxyport'] = $data['setting']['proxyport'];
					$server['proxytype'] = $data['setting']['proxytype'];
					$server['proxyuser'] = $data['setting']['proxyuser'];
					$server['proxypassword'] = $data['setting']['proxypassword'];
				// Check all the monit servers.
				if ($server['type'] == '1') {
					if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Servertype is monit \n";}
					$result = $this->check_server_monit($server['hostname'], $server['port'], $server['username'], $server['password'],$server['proxyhost'] , $server['proxyport'], $server['proxytype'], $server['proxyhost']);
					if (! $result) {
						if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Connection error\n";}
						// Update server status
						$this->servers_model->update_server_status($server['id'], 'na');
						// Update logbook
						$this->save_logitem($server['id'], '', 'na', 'Connection error');
					} else {
						if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Connection ok \n";}
						$this->parse_server_monit($server, $result, $option);
				} else {
					if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Servertype is unknown\n";}
					// Update logbook
					$this->save_logitem($server['id'], '', 'na', 'Servertype is unknown');
					// Update server status
					$this->servers_model->update_server_status($server['id'], 'na');
		private function check_server_monit($server, $port, $username = NULL, $password = NULL, $proxyhost = NULL, $proxyport = NULL, $proxytype = NULL, $proxyuser = NULL, $proxypassword = NULL)

			curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_URL,'http://' . $server . ':' . $port . '/_status?format=xml');
			if ($username && $password) {
				curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
				curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username . ':' . $password);
			if ($proxyhost && $proxyport && $proxytype) {
				$proxy = $proxyhost.':'.$proxyport;
				curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
				if ($proxytype == 'socks5') {
					curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_SOCKS5);
				if ($proxyuser && $proxypassword) {
					$proxyauth = $proxyuser.':'.$proxypassword;
					curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyauth);
			$buffer = curl_exec($curl_handle);

			if (curl_errno($curl_handle)) {
				return FALSE;
			} else {
				$info = curl_getinfo($curl_handle);
				if ($info['http_code'] != '200') {
					return FALSE;
				} else {
					$return = $buffer;


			return $return;

		private function parse_server_monit($server, $data, $option = NULL)
			if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Parsing data\n";}
			$serverdata = xml2array($data);
			if ($option == 'showxml') {
				echo "
				echo "
"; } if (!isset($serverdata['monit']['platform']['swap'])) {$serverdata['monit']['platform']['swap'] = '0';} // Update the serverinfo. $this->load->model('serverinfo_model'); $this->serverinfo_model->update($server['id'], $serverdata['monit']['platform']['name'], $serverdata['monit']['platform']['release'], $serverdata['monit']['platform']['machine'], $serverdata['monit']['platform']['cpu'], $serverdata['monit']['platform']['memory'], $serverdata['monit']['platform']['swap']); // A server is healty at this moment. $serverstatus = 'ok'; foreach ($serverdata['monit']['service'] as $service) { // Insert new service if not exists. $this->load->model('services_model'); if (!$this->services_model->check_service($server['id'], $service['name'])) { $this->services_model->new_service($server['id'], $service['name']); if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Service ".$service['name']." inserted\n";} } // Get service id number $this->load->model('services_model'); $serviceinfo = $this->services_model->get_serviceid($server['id'], $service['name']); // check if service is disabled. if ($service['monitor'] == '0') { if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Service ".$service['name']." disabled.\n";} $servicestatus = 'na'; } else { // If status = 0, then everything is ok. if ($service['status'] == '0') { if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Service ".$service['name']." OK\n";} $servicestatus = 'ok'; // Warning for special items. } elseif ($service['status'] == '2' || $service['status'] == '32768') { if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Service ".$service['name']." Warning\n";} if ($serverstatus != 'error') {$serverstatus = 'warning';} $servicestatus = 'warning'; // The rest is an error. } else { if ($option == 'debug') {echo $server['hostname'].": Service ".$service['name']." Error\n";} $serverstatus = 'error'; $servicestatus = 'error'; } } // Update the servicestatus information $this->save_logitem($server['id'], $serviceinfo['id'], $servicestatus, 'Servicestatus changed to '.$servicestatus); $this->services_model->update_service_status($serviceinfo['id'], $servicestatus); } // Update the server information $this->load->model('servers_model'); //$prevstatus = $this->servers_model->get_serverstatus($server['id']); //if () { $this->save_logitem($server['id'], '0', $serverstatus, 'Serverstatus changed to '.$serverstatus); $this->servers_model->update_server_status($server['id'], $serverstatus); } private function save_logitem($serverid, $serviceid, $status, $message) { $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $lastitem = $this->logbook_model->get_lastitem($serverid, $serviceid); if ((!$lastitem) || ($lastitem['status'] != $status)) { $this->logbook_model->save_logitem($serverid, $serviceid, $status, $message); } } }