# NFGame, a simple FNC game ## Installation ### Requirements The next software is needed to run this game: - Python 2.6 or higher OR - Python 3.3 or higher - Flask 0.11 or higher - Twisted You can install this as root by doing the following: - Debian: apt-get install python-flask python-twisted - FreeBSD: pkg install py27-Flask py27-twisted - pip: pip install Flask Watch out! Raspbian has an old version of flask! (0.10) A raspberry is perfect for running this game, but install pip and use pip to install Flask. apt-get install python-pip pip install Flask ### Getting the software Just clone the software from github: git clone https://github.com/sciuro/nfgame.git ### Updating the software You can always update the software by running: git pull ### Configure the software Copy the file nfgame.cfg-example to nfgame.cfg and edit to your preferences. Please change the password! cp nfgame.cfg-example nfgame.cfg ## Running the game ./run.sh start The site is running on You can find the administator page for cleaning the database on ## Debug mode You can enable the debug mode by running: ./run.sh start debug ## Ending the game ./run.sh stop