# all the imports import os import sqlite3 from flask import Flask, request, g, redirect, url_for, abort, \ render_template, flash, session import random from datetime import datetime, timedelta # create our little application :) app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(__name__) # Load default config and override config from an environment variable app.config.update(dict( DATABASE = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'nfgame.db'), TAGS = {'taghash1': 'tagname1', 'taghash2': 'tagname2', 'taghash3': 'tagname3', 'taghash4': 'tagname4' }, START_KEY = 'None', MAX_TIME = '3600', SHOW_TIME = '120', REFRESH_TIME = '10', SECRET_KEY = 'Very secret key!', ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'changeme!' )) app.config.from_envvar('NFGAME_SETTINGS', silent=True) app.secret_key = app.config['SECRET_KEY'] def connect_db(): """Connects to the database.""" rv = sqlite3.connect(app.config['DATABASE']) rv.row_factory = sqlite3.Row return rv def init_db(): db = get_db() with app.open_resource('schema.sql', mode='r') as f: db.cursor().executescript(f.read()) db.commit() @app.cli.command('initdb') def initdb_command(): """Initializes the database.""" init_db() print 'Initialized the database.' def get_db(): """Opens a new database connection if there is none yet for the current application context. """ if not hasattr(g, 'sqlite_db'): g.sqlite_db = connect_db() return g.sqlite_db @app.teardown_appcontext def close_db(error): """Closes the database again at the end of the request.""" if hasattr(g, 'sqlite_db'): g.sqlite_db.close() @app.route('/') def index(): """Calculate starttime""" now = datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=int(app.config['MAX_TIME'])) - timedelta(seconds=int(app.config['SHOW_TIME'])) maxstarttime = datetime.strptime((str(now.year)+"-"+str(now.month)+"-"+str(now.day)+" "+str(now.hour)+":"+str(now.minute)+":"+str(now.second)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") db = get_db() cur = db.execute('select * from score where starttime > ? order by duration asc', [maxstarttime]) entries = cur.fetchall() user = {} tags = app.config['TAGS'] for entry in entries: if entry['tags'] == None: found_tags = [] else: found_tags = entry['tags'].split(',') user[entry['id']] = {} for tag in tags: user[entry['id']][tag] = 'Not' for found_tag in found_tags: if found_tag == tag: user[entry['id']][tag] = 'Found' return render_template('overview.html', entries=entries, tags=app.config['TAGS'], user=user, type='Current players', refresh=app.config['REFRESH_TIME']) @app.route('/highscores') def highscores(): tagquery = "" for tag in app.config['TAGS']: if tagquery == "": tagquery = 'where tags like "%' + tag + '%"' else: tagquery = tagquery + ' and tags like "%' + tag + '%"' print(tagquery) db = get_db() cur = db.execute('select * from score ' + tagquery + ' order by duration asc') entries = cur.fetchall() user = {} tags = app.config['TAGS'] for entry in entries: if entry['tags'] == None: found_tags = [] else: found_tags = entry['tags'].split(',') user[entry['id']] = {} for tag in tags: user[entry['id']][tag] = 'Not' for found_tag in found_tags: if found_tag == tag: user[entry['id']][tag] = 'Found' return render_template('overview.html', entries=entries, tags=app.config['TAGS'], user=user, type='Highscores', refresh=app.config['REFRESH_TIME']) @app.route('/newuser/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @app.route('/newuser//', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def new_user(newhash='None'): """Check if there is a key to the new user""" if not app.config['START_KEY'] == 'None': if not newhash == app.config['START_KEY']: return redirect(url_for('index')) """If it's a GET request, no new user should be made""" if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('newuser.html', newhash=newhash) """Now we got a POST request""" now = datetime.now() time = datetime.strptime((str(now.year)+"-"+str(now.month)+"-"+str(now.day)+" "+str(now.hour)+":"+str(now.minute)+":"+str(now.second)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") """Check for unique username""" db = get_db() cur = db.execute('select count(username) as count from score where username = ? COLLATE NOCASE', [request.form['username']]) usercount = cur.fetchone() if not usercount['count'] == 0: return render_template('newuser.html', newhash=newhash, msg='Username already taken!') db = get_db() cur = db.execute("insert into score (username,starttime,duration) values (?, ?, ?)", [request.form['username'], time, '99:99:99']) db.commit() session['username'] = request.form['username'] db = get_db() cur = db.execute('select * from score where username = ?', [session['username']]) entries = cur.fetchall() session['id'] = entries[0]['id'] if not 'tag' in session: return render_template('newuser_done.html') else: return redirect(url_for('tag_found', taghash=session['tag'])) @app.route('/tag/') def tag_found(taghash): session.pop('tag', None) if not 'id' in session: '''If a user does not require central registration show new user form''' if app.config['START_KEY'] == 'None': session['tag'] = taghash return redirect(url_for('new_user')) else: return render_template('gotoregistration.html', registration=app.config['REGISTRATION_DESK'], color='#FF9999') tags = app.config['TAGS'] if not tags.has_key(taghash): return render_template('tagnotfound.html', color='#FF9999') db = get_db() cur = db.execute('select * from score where id = ?', [session['id']]) entries = cur.fetchall() if not entries: session['tag'] = taghash return redirect(url_for('new_user')) cur_score = entries[0]['tags'] if cur_score == None: cur_score = taghash else: found_tags = cur_score.split(',') for found_tag in found_tags: if taghash == found_tag: return render_template('tagalreadyfound.html', tagname=tags.get(taghash), color='#FFFF80') break cur_score = cur_score + "," + taghash '''Calculate duration''' starttime = datetime.strptime(entries[0]['starttime'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") now = datetime.now() lasttime = datetime.strptime((str(now.year)+"-"+str(now.month)+"-"+str(now.day)+" "+str(now.hour)+":"+str(now.minute)+":"+str(now.second)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") timediff = lasttime - starttime hours = timediff.seconds / 3600 minutes = (timediff.seconds - (hours * 3600)) / 60 seconds = timediff.seconds - (minutes * 60) time = str(hours) + ":" + str(minutes) + ":" + str(seconds) if int(timediff.seconds) > int(app.config['MAX_TIME']): return render_template('timeout.html', color='#FF9999') db = get_db() cur = db.execute('update score set tags = ?, lasttime = datetime(), duration = ? where id = ?', [cur_score, time, session['id']]) db.commit() return render_template('tagfound.html', tagname=tags.get(taghash), color='#00FF00') @app.route('/admin/') def admin_page(password): if password == app.config['ADMIN_PASSWORD']: return render_template('admin_page.html') else: return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route('/deletescore') def delete_score(): db = get_db() cur = db.execute("delete from score") db.commit() return render_template('admin_page.html') @app.route('/deleteuser') def delete_user(): session.pop('username', None) session.pop('id', None) return render_template('admin_page.html') if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(threaded=True)