39 changed files with 1115 additions and 0 deletions
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# Ignore the renderd site |
/site/ |
# Ignore the photo's |
/photo/*/*.jpg |
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© R.P. Neeleman |
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</pre> |
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</body> |
</html> |
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<html> |
<head> |
<title></title> |
</head> |
<body bgcolor='0066FF' text='white' link='white' vlink='white'> |
<table><tr><td width=82> |
<pre> |
<a href='__SITEURL__/index.html'>Home</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/blog/index.html'>Blog</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/photo/index.html'>Photo's</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/howto/index.html'>Howto</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/index.html'>Servers</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/links.html'>Links</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/about.html'>About</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/contact.html'>Contact</a> |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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\ <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/index.html'>Layout</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/status.html'>Status</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/graph.html'>Graphs</a> / |
+-----------------------------+ |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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<b>About</b> |
<img src='__SITEURL__/images/foto_me.jpg' align='right'> |
My name is Rogier, or Roger as most non-dutch speakers |
will prefer. I am a 33 year old computer engineer, |
living in The Netherlands. |
Besides being a computer nerd, I spend my time with |
Scouting, Geocaching, hiking and biking. And sometimes |
climbing and skiing. |
<b>The name Sciuro</b> |
The name Sciuro is a nickname I got from some Swiss |
scouts. In Switserland it's common to give every scout |
a nickname and they came up with the nickname Sciuro. |
It's pronounced as and meaning 'squirrel' in |
Esperanto. If you don't know what esperanto is, <a href='' target='new'>here</a> |
is an explaination. |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<b>Geek and Poke</b> |
I found a new cartoon. It's a couple of years old, but is a very good one! |
Especially for computer geeks. Made by Oliver Widder, an IT-guy from Hamburg, |
Germany. Look for his cartoons on <a href='' target=new></a>. |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<b>Can't assign requested address</b> |
Using Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) I noticed that my browser wasn't working. Except |
some sites like google. Almost nothing works anymore. Except IPV6 connections. |
There was no problem with that. Also incomming connections on IPV4 like SSH or |
VNC works. |
So I tried to connect from the terminal: |
imac:~ rogier$ telnet 80 |
Trying |
telnet: connect to address Can't assign requested address |
Trying |
telnet: connect to address Can't assign requested address |
Trying |
telnet: connect to address Can't assign requested address |
Trying |
telnet: connect to address Can't assign requested address |
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host |
No connection possible. So what went wrong? |
The netstat -a gives me really a lot of "CLOSED" connections. That could not be a |
good sign. After some digging on the internet I came to an article on the Apple |
discussion list about this problem. It turns out that there is (probably) a bug |
in Mavericks. It gives you a lot of LAST_ACK connections. You can check your |
connection state with the following command: |
netstat -n | egrep '^(tcp|udp)' | awk '{print $NF}' | psort |
If you do the same for IPV6, you get a whole different situation: |
netstat -l |
It turns out that after 20 to 25 days, something went very very wrong inside your |
mac. The only thing that will help is rebooting the whole system. Looking at my |
own system, I rebooted 24 day's ago. |
imac:~ rogier$ last reboot |
reboot ~ Sun Jan 12 11:15 |
reboot ~ Thu Dec 19 10:53 |
reboot ~ Wed Dec 11 08:31 |
reboot ~ Sat Dec 7 09:56 |
reboot ~ Fri Dec 6 07:24 |
reboot ~ Thu Dec 5 14:31 |
Anyone a solution? |
Update: A temporary solution could be: Thanks <a href='' target=new>Erik J. Barzeski</a> |
sudo ifconfig en0 down |
sudo route flush |
sudo ifconfig en0 up |
More information: <a href='' target=new></a> |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<b>Plotting users on facebook</b> |
I was playing with Munin, the "network resource monitoring tool". But you can also |
plot other things than CPU usage or network traffic. As long as you can capture it |
in a value. |
My default chat application is not facebook, but IRC. To chat with facebook users, |
I use a ZNC bouncer together with Bitlbee. |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ |
| | | | | | | | |
| Client |--->| ZNC |--->| Bitlbee |--->| Facebook| |
| (me) | | (log) | | | | | |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ |
The ZNC bouncer is logging the users coming and going to the channel when they |
use facebook. I used the Munin plugin "loggrep_" with the next config on that |
logfile: |
[loggrep_facebook] |
user rogier |
env.regex localhost sets mode |
env.label Facebook users |
env.logfile /home/rogier/.znc/users/rogier/moddata/log/facebook.log |
env.title User count on facebook |
So I filter the logfile for the text "localhost sets mode" because when a user |
came online, he get's a +v from bitlbee. After a while, you will get the next |
graph. |
<center> |
<img src=''> |
</center> |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<b>A new text based website</b> |
Yes, a new text based website! After some time without a website, with a website |
based on a CMS, and with some 'almost finished' websites, I feel the need to make |
a website with the following criteria: |
-Fast |
-Simple |
-Logica during generating |
I found jekyll, but it took me to much time to learn and I ran into some simple |
problems. So I made my own CMS like environment. At this moment written in Bash. |
Maybe in the future (Ugh) I will rewrite it in Python, but till then I got a |
working solution. |
It relies on a script, a directory structure and some text files. Nothing more. |
The script is looking through the directories for text files and reorder, |
combine and replace the files for the website itself. |
I hope this one will work a little bit longer. :-) |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<b>Contact</b> |
You can reach me as follows: |
<b>E-Mail:</b> <a href=''></a> |
<b>IRC:</b> Sciuro on FreeNode, IRCNet, EFNet and Scoutlink |
<b>Twitter:</b> <a href='' target=new>Sciuro_NL</a> |
<b>ICQ:</b> 17135284 |
<b>GPG</b>: You can find my pgp/gpg key <a href='__SITEURL__/files/pgp.txt'>here</a> |
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin) |
Comment: GPGTools - |
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@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
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#!/bin/bash |
# Variables |
SITEURL="/newsite" |
LAYOUT=_layout |
SITE=site |
EXTRA='images scripts files' |
# Prereq |
mkdir -p $SITE |
# Root pagina's |
rm -rf $SITE/*.html |
for i in `ls *.txt`; do |
FILENAME=`echo $i |cut -d\. -f1` |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $i >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
done |
# Server directory |
mkdir -p $SITE/servers/ |
rm -rf $SITE/servers/*.html |
for i in `ls servers/*.txt`; do |
FILENAME=`echo $i |cut -d\. -f1` |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/servers.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $i >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
done |
for i in $SERVERS; do |
HNAME=`echo $i | cut -d\. -f1` |
DNAME=`echo $i | cut -d\. -f2,3 --output-delimiter=\.` |
FILENAME=servers/graph-$HNAME |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/servers.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat servers/graph.txt >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "<center>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "<img src='$DNAME/$i/cpu-day.png'>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "<img src='$DNAME/$i/memory-day.png'>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "<img src='$DNAME/$i/if_eth0-day.png'>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "</center>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
done |
# Howto directory |
mkdir -p $SITE/howto/ |
rm -rf $SITE/howto/*.html |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/howto/index.html |
echo "<b>Howto's</b>" >> $SITE/howto/index.html |
echo "" >> $SITE/howto/index.html |
echo "Some howto's I wrote. If something is wrong, or you need help, please send me" >> $SITE/howto/index.html |
echo "a message." >> $SITE/howto/index.html |
echo "" >> $SITE/howto/index.html |
for i in `ls howto/*.txt`; do |
FILENAME=`echo $i |cut -d\. -f1` |
HTT=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2` |
echo "-<a href='__SITEURL__/$FILENAME.html'>$HTT</a>" >> $SITE/howto/index.html |
done |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/howto/index.html |
for i in `ls howto/*.txt`; do |
FILENAME=`echo $i |cut -d\. -f1` |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $i >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
MODTIME=`date -r $i +%A\ %B%e\ %Y,\ %R` |
echo "" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "<a href='$FILENAME'>React to Howto</a>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "Last modification: $MODTIME" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
done |
# Blog pages |
mkdir -p $SITE/blog/ |
rm -rf $SITE/blog/*.html |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/blog/index.html |
echo "<b>Blog</b>" >> $SITE/blog/index.html |
for i in `ls -r blog/*.txt`; do |
FILENAME=`echo $i |cut -d\. -f1` |
BTITLE=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2 |cut -b12-` |
BFILEDATE=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2 |cut -b-10` |
CURMONTH=`date -d$BFILEDATE +%B\ %Y` |
if [ "$CURMONTH" != "$LASTMONTH" ]; then |
echo "" >> $SITE/blog/index.html |
echo "$CURMONTH" >> $SITE/blog/index.html |
fi |
echo "-<a href='__SITEURL__/$FILENAME.html'>$BTITLE</a>" >> $SITE/blog/index.html |
done |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/blog/index.html |
for i in `ls blog/*.txt`; do |
FILENAME=`echo $i |cut -d\. -f1` |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
BFILEDATE=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2 |cut -b-10` |
BDATE=`date -d$BFILEDATE +%A\ %B\ %e\ %Y` |
echo $BDATE >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $i >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
BLOGID=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2` |
echo "" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "<a href='$BLOGID'>React to blog</a>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
done |
# Photo pages |
mkdir -p $SITE/photo/ |
rm -rf $SITE/photo/*.html |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/photo/index.html |
echo "<b>Photo's</b>" >> $SITE/photo/index.html |
for i in `ls -r photo/*.txt`; do |
FILENAME=`echo $i |cut -d\. -f1` |
PTITLE=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2 |cut -b12-` |
PFILEDATE=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2 |cut -b-10` |
CURMONTH=`date -d$PFILEDATE +%B\ %Y` |
if [ "$CURMONTH" != "$LASTMONTH" ]; then |
echo "" >> $SITE/photo/index.html |
echo "$CURMONTH" >> $SITE/photo/index.html |
fi |
echo "-<a href='__SITEURL__/$FILENAME.html'>$PTITLE</a>" >> $SITE/photo/index.html |
done |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/photo/index.html |
for i in `ls photo/*.txt`; do |
FILENAME=`echo $i |cut -d\. -f1` |
BFILEDATE=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2 |cut -b-10` |
BDATE=`date -d$BFILEDATE +%A\ %B\ %e\ %Y` |
BLOGID=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2` |
DIRNAME=`echo $FILENAME |cut -d\/ -f2` |
mkdir -p $SITE/$FILENAME/normal/ |
mkdir -p $SITE/$FILENAME/thumbs/ |
#rm -rf $SITE/$FILENAME/thumbs/*.jpg |
rm -rf $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/*.html |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $i >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo $BDATE >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
echo "<center><table border='0'>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
T=0 |
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' $FILENAME/* |
for j in `ls $FILENAME/*.jpg`; do |
if [ $T == '0' ]; then |
echo "<tr><td>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
T=$((T+1)) |
elif [ $T == '5' ]; then |
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
T=1 |
else |
echo "</td><td>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
T=$((T+1)) |
fi |
IMAGENAME=`echo $j |cut -d\/ -f3` |
if [ ! -f $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/thumbs/$IMAGENAME ]; then |
convert -resize 120 photo/$DIRNAME/$IMAGENAME $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/thumbs/$IMAGENAME |
fi |
if [ ! -f $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/normal/$IMAGENAME ]; then |
convert -resize 480 photo/$DIRNAME/$IMAGENAME $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/normal/$IMAGENAME |
fi |
NAME=`echo $IMAGENAME |cut -d\. -f1` |
echo "<a href='__SITEURL__/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html'><img src='__SITEURL__/photo/$DIRNAME/thumbs/$IMAGENAME' width=120px></a>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
# Picture page |
cat $LAYOUT/header.html >> $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html |
cat $i >> $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html |
echo "" >> $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html |
echo $BDATE >> $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html |
echo "" >> $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html |
echo "<center><a href='__SITEURL__/$FILENAME.html'>index</a></center>" >> $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html |
echo "<center><img src='__SITEURL__/photo/$DIRNAME/normal/$IMAGENAME' width=480px></center>" >> $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/photo/$DIRNAME/$NAME.html |
done |
echo "</table></center>" >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
cat $LAYOUT/footer.html >> $SITE/$FILENAME.html |
done |
# Other directories |
for i in $EXTRA; do |
rm -rf $SITE/$i |
cp -a $i $SITE/$i |
done |
# Replace variables |
for i in `find $SITE/ -name *.html`; do |
sed -i 's/__SITEURL__/\/newsite/g' $i |
done |
# Publish |
rsync --delete --recursive $SITE/* 314:/usr/share/mini-httpd/html/newsite/ |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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<b>Always the same error during restarting apache</b> |
If you restart your Apache webserver, you could get the following error message: |
Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, |
using for ServerName |
The reason is because your netwerk is not completly setup properly. |
-Check if your hostname is set in /etc/hostname |
-Check if your domainname is set in /etc/resolv.conf |
And the final trick: Put in your /etc/hosts file the next line: |
IP-addres fully-quallified-hostname small-hostname |
Do not swap the fully-quallified-hostname and the small-hostname, because Apache |
only looks at the first entry and that one should be the fully quallified hostname |
So for example, for me it will become: |
|||| scrat |
Restart your apache and the message is gone. |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<b>Proxy HTTP requests in Apache 2.2 with mod_proxy and mod_balancer</b> |
You can actually use an Apache web server as a front web server to proxy |
specified requests to other web servers. For example to load balance your backend |
servers or to make a failover system in case of an failure. Yes, we are talking |
about high availability! |
<b>Simple</b> |
First enable the modules mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http. Now we can do a simple |
request forward. Of course we use a Debian system, so to enable the proxy modules |
we will do: |
a2enmod proxy proxy_http |
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart |
Now we can make use of the proxy capabilities of Apache. Put the next part in |
your virtual host or any other place. |
ProxyPass /application http://servername:port/somethingelse/ |
ProxyPassReverse /application http://servername:port/somethingelse/ |
<b>Loadbalance and/or failover</b> |
For this part we need some more modules. So we enable them. You can also enable |
the ftp and ajp connectors if you need them. It's exactly the same as with the |
mod_proxy_http. |
a2enmod proxy proxy_http proxy_balancer |
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart |
Now we can have fun! The ProxyPreserveHost is technically not needed. But there |
are some more options in the proxy module that makes life a little bit easier. |
We will not proxy requests for /context/static. All the rest will be proxied to |
the right server. Server1 is active now. Server2 is disabled. (maintenance?) So |
if Server1 will fail, everybody is moved to a balanced cluster of Server3 and |
Server4. I know, it's a little bit strange setup, but it's only an example. |
ProxyPreserveHost On |
ProxyPass /context/static ! |
ProxyPass /context balancer://clustername/something |
<Proxy balancer://clustername> |
BalancerMember http://servername1:port lbset=0 route=server1 |
# The next server is temporary disabled. |
BalancerMember http://servername2:port lbset=0 route=server2 status=+D |
# |
# Backupservers if other servers failed |
BalancerMember http://servername3:port lbset=1 route=server3 |
BalancerMember http://servername4:port lbset=1 route=server4 |
</Proxy> |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<b>Apache webserver and rewrite rules</b> |
Here are some rewrite codes I sometimes use. Rewrite is a very powerful Apache |
module and so almost everything is possible. Some examples. |
To rewrite your to the new URL |
||||, you can use the next code: |
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\ [NC] |
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] |
To do an action when the user don't have a special cookie, for example to force |
somebody to the login page or redirect him to a welcome page. Take a look at the |
second rule. This one prevents looping over these rule again and again. |
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !logincookie |
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !page=login |
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{REQUEST_URI}?page=login [L,R] |
To rewrite a request if it's a search result from google. |
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://www\.google [NC] |
RewriteRule ^ [R] |
To simple forward your request to your internal server2 on port 8080: |
RewriteEngine On |
RewriteRule ^/app/(.*)$ http://server2:8080/app1/$1 [P] |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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<b>Clustered AwStats</b> |
To use AWStats in a multiple vhost environment, you can make a new crontab for |
every new site. But that's not very smart. I made this script to look at the |
AWStats configuration files and parse all the access.log.1.gz files for all the |
different sites. |
It's made for my servers, so probably you have to change something for your own |
environment. Make sure your AWStats config match this config and exchange SSH |
key's for the AWStatst user to the webservers (read)! The access logging of the |
Apache servers in the example below should be |
/var/log/apache2/sitename/access.log.1.gz |
You can find the script <a href='__SITEURL__/scripts/awstats_cron'>here</a>. |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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<b>backup and restoring partitions</b> |
You always wonder how to make a backup of a complete disk? For example to rescue |
the disk, or you want to save te data for later on? Or mayby to make an image |
and distribute it over a lot of computers? Here is how. |
Make a backup of a partition (this could also be the whole disk): |
One-to-one: |
dd if=/dev/hdx1 of=/path/to/image |
To a compressed image: |
dd if=/dev/hdx2 | gzip > /path/to/image.gz |
To mount the partition on a local directory: |
mount -o loop /path/to/image /mnt |
To restore a partition (first make sure the partition on disk is the same size or |
bigger than the original): |
One-to-one: |
dd if=/path/to/image of=/dev/hdx1 |
From a compressed image: |
gzip -dc /path/to/image.gz |dd of=/dev/hdx2 |
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
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<b>Install Debian testing on an iBook G4</b> |
Fact one, I still have an iBook G4 and little use to it. Fact two, sometimes I |
still miss my linux desktop. (Mac OS X is not that bad) Combine those two facts |
and we are going to install Debian Testing on an iBook G4. |
<b>Getting the software</b> |
I used the netinstaller from |
|||| |
Burn the debian-testing-powerpc-netinst.iso to a CD. (I know, it's an old medium) |
<b>Do an installation</b> |
Boot your iBook and insert the CD. Press 'c' and hold while or before |
Apple-Boot-Sound to start from CD. Maybe you have to boot it again if you are too |
slow. He asks you what you want to do. type |
install video=ofonly |
The debian installer doesn't like the iBook's graphic card. Proceed like a normal |
Debian installation, until the disk layout. |
<b>Disk partitioning</b> |
Choose for 'guided partitioning'. Then you will get an reconfigured partitionschema |
which you can change. You will see an extra partition, the 'Apple' type partition. |
Change your disk partition like you want, but keep the first Apple partition!!! |
Otherwise it can't format the drive. I did it my way the first time and had some |
problems formatting my drive. Maybe it's a bug in testing, but I couldn't find the |
Apple type, but it worked using the 'guided partitioning'. |
This is my partition table: |
IDE1 master (hda) - 120.0 GB FUJITSU MHV2120AT |
#1 32.3 kB Apple |
#2 1.0 MB B K boot untitled |
#3 7.0 GB f ext4 untitled / |
#4 3.5 GB f swap swap swap |
#5 109.6 GB f ext4 untitled /home |
If you got the error 'Partition map has no partition map entry' after writing the |
partition table to disk, you forgot to make the first Apple partition. |
Your system will reboot. |
Choose the parts you want to install. I simply only choose to install basics and |
laptop. All the rest I will do by myself. |
Reboot into your new OS. The first thing I noticed was the fan. It sounds like a |
broken fan. After about 5 minutes it scaled down to zero and the noise was gone. |
<b>Console tools</b> |
Just aptitude install gpm. This will install gpm, the mouse interface for the |
console. An USB mouse will work out of the box. |
<b>X</b> |
Installing X is a bit strange in Debian because of the Radeon Mobility 9200. Main |
problem is the framebuffer loaded at boot time. The next can be done by every |
windowmanager, but I prefer KDE. Make sure your /etc/apt/sources.list contains |
besides main, also the contrib and non-free repo's. |
aptitude install xorg |
aptitude install kde-standard |
aptitude install firmware-linux |
Do not reboot now! It will freeze during boot. Add the following into your |
/etc/yaboot.conf: |
image=/boot/vmlinux |
label=Linux |
read-only |
initrd=/boot/initrd.img |
append="video=ofonly video=radeonfb:off radeon.agpmode=-1" |
image=/boot/vmlinux.old |
label=old |
read-only |
initrd=/boot/initrd.img.old |
append="video=ofonly video=radeonfb:off radeon.agpmode=-1" |
Then run: |
root@thuu:~# ybin -v |
ybin: Finding OpenFirmware device path to `/dev/hda2'... |
ybin: Installing first stage bootstrap /usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot onto /dev/hda2... |
ybin: Installing primary bootstrap /usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot onto /dev/hda2... |
ybin: Installing /etc/yaboot.conf onto /dev/hda2... |
ybin: Setting attributes on ofboot... |
ybin: Setting attributes on yaboot... |
ybin: Setting attributes on yaboot.conf... |
ybin: Blessing /dev/hda2 with Holy Penguin Pee... |
ybin: Updating OpenFirmware boot-device variable in nvram... |
Now you may reboot. If you accidentally reboot your system before changing |
yaboot and you are stuk at the message: |
conflicting fb hw usage radeondrmfb |
Give during boot time in the yaboot menu the command: |
boot: Linux video=radeonfb:off radeon.agpmode=-1 |
It will boot again with the right options. |
<b>Wireless</b> |
First, make sure in your /etc/apt/sources.list contains the contrib packages. |
Update your repository and install the package b43-fwcutter. Download the |
firmware for the b43 from |
|||| |
Untar the broadcom code and cd into the driver directory |
b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware/ wl_apsta_mimo.o |
And your Wireless is working. (can somebody test this again? Maybe I missed |
something) |
<b>Bluetooth</b> |
Bluetooth is working out of the box. Install btscanner to see it for yourself. |
Config files are in /etc/bluetooth. |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<b>How to remove debian packages</b> |
The normal way to remove a Debian package is to use |
apt-get remove name |
Or |
aptitude remove name |
But in this way you are left with a bunch of configuration files. You can remove |
individual package configuration with: |
apt-get purge name |
Or all those packages that has been removed, but not completely: |
dpkg -l | grep ^rc | cut -d' ' -f3|xargs dpkg -P |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<b>iPhone headset button</b> |
The headphone of my iPhone has some more capabilities beside taking calls or |
start and pause music. I found some information on the internet. |
Incoming call: |
1. Press once to pickup the call |
2. Press twice to send the call to voicemail. |
3. Press and hold center button for about two seconds to decline the call. You |
will also hear two low beeps that confirm you the call is declined. |
While you're in a call, you can simply press once to end the call. |
While you're in a call and there is a second incoming call, you can: |
1. Press once to switch to another call and put the current call on hold. Press |
the button again to switch to the first call. |
2. Press and hold the button for about two seconds to ignore the second call. |
While you're not in a call, you can press the button once to activate iPod and |
playback your music. |
While you're listening to music in iPod, you can use the button to control the |
music playback: |
1. Press once to pause the song and press again to resume it. |
2. Press twice to skip to the next song |
3. Press three time to go back to the previous song |
For iPhone 3GS, the bundled headset is enhanced with volume control buttons. You |
can use the "+" and "-" buttons to adjust the volume. And, one more thing. You |
can press and hold the center button to activate voice control, which is a new |
feature comes with iPhone 3GS. |
(source: |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<b>Install KiwiIRC on Debian</b> |
A some people know, I use IRC a lot. Especially in combination with |
ZNC, a bouncer for all my IRC connections. But sometimes you need an |
IRC client in a browser with just your own settings. Therefore, how |
to install the fantastic webbased IRC client Kiwiirc on a Debian based |
server. |
I presume you already have git working. Otherwise, install it |
(apt-get install git). Fist we need a working server with node.js. So |
let’s install all the software as root: |
apt-get install npm |
The problem is that Debian uses the ‘nodejs’ binary, but the whole rest |
of the world called this file ‘node’. So we have to link it to the |
right name before starting the installer. |
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node |
After installing all the software, we could become the user with should |
run KiwiIRC. Probably you wouldn;t want to run this as root! So find a |
nice place to store the software (/home/kiwiirc if the user is called |
kiwiirc) and make a git clone of the software tree. |
git clone && cd KiwiIRC |
I ran into a problem with ZNC. It wouldn’t connect to ZNC, but it |
should. After upgrading from stable to the development, it worked. If |
you have no problems at all, stay with the stable branch. |
git checkout development |
Copy the config file, edit it to your prefecences and do a rebuild. |
This wil generate all you needed files. Remember that after changing |
the configfile, you have to run the build script! |
cp config.example.js config.js |
nano config.js |
./kiwi build |
After all this trouble, you can start your webbased IRC client! The |
first is for starting in the background, the second if you want to run |
it in the forground, (debuging) |
./kiwi start |
./kiwi -f start |
Happy chatting! |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
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<b>LVM cheatsheet</b> |
Here is a cheatsheet for LVM: |
LVM exists in the following order: |
-PV (physical volume) |
-VG (volume group) |
-LV (logical volume) |
Create a physical volume |
pvcreate /dev/hdX1 |
pvscan |
pvdisplay |
Create a volume group |
vgcreate vg_name /dev/hdX1 /dev/hdX2 |
vgscan |
vgdisplay |
Create a logical volume |
lvcreate -L 10G -n lv_name vg_name |
lvscan |
lvdisplay |
Activate an external LVM volume |
Usefull when you are repairing an external harddisk with a LVM volume. |
lvscan |
lvchange -a y lv_name |
lvscan |
Disable an external LVM volume |
Usefull when you are repairing an external harddisk with a LVM volume. |
lvscan |
lvchange -a n lv_name |
lvscan |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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<b>How to backup a MySql database</b> |
To backup all your databases from MySql, I made the <a href='__SITEURL__/scripts/sqlbackup'>this script</a>. |
You can run this script from your crontab. Run this every night and it will dump |
all of your databases added with a date into the directory /backup/sql You can |
also remove the very old ones by crontab. My crontab looks like the following: |
0 0 * * * find /backup/sql/ -mtime +5 -exec rm -rf {} \; |
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/sqlbackup |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<b>How to split a big file in smaler ones</b> |
Sometimes you got the problem that a file is something too big. No problem. There |
is a solution for that. The command split. |
Split a file |
How do we split a file? Simple. To split the file bigfile into smaller files from |
100 MB with the name smallfile00, smallfile01, smallfile02 etc. we do: |
split -d -b100m bigfile smallfile |
If you want an extention, some people or program's like that, you can give them |
an extention: |
for i in `ls smallfile*` do mv $i $; done |
And you got all smaller files. |
Join a file |
Later on, to join the files together, you can use the command cat. |
cat smallfile* > bigfile |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
<b>Getting Wolfenstein (wolf) running in Debian</b> |
Running games in Linux could be a pain in the ass. Here I tried to install |
Wolfenstein. |
Install your software. Probebly it goes to /usr/local/games/wolfenstein. And |
of course make your openGL working. See the big internet for doing this. |
If you start your game (./wolf) it will come up with the following error: |
Wolf 1.1b linux-i386 Jan 17 2002 |
----- FS_Startup ----- |
Current search path: |
/home/rogier/.wolf/main |
/usr/local/games/wolfenstein/main/mp_pakmaps0.pk3 (21 files) |
/usr/local/games/wolfenstein/main/mp_pak2.pk3 (3 files) |
/usr/local/games/wolfenstein/main/mp_pak1.pk3 (308 files) |
/usr/local/games/wolfenstein/main/mp_pak0.pk3 (783 files) |
/usr/local/games/wolfenstein/main/pak0.pk3 (4775 files) |
/usr/local/games/wolfenstein/main |
./wolf.x86/main |
---------------------- |
5890 files in pk3 files |
execing default.cfg |
couldn't exec language.cfg |
couldn't exec wolfconfig_mp.cfg |
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg |
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok |
Joystick is not active. |
Bypassing CD checks |
----- Client Initialization ----- |
----- Initializing Renderer ---- |
------------------------------- |
Loaded 714 translation strings from scripts/translation.cfg |
----- Client Initialization Complete ----- |
----- R_Init ----- |
...loading QGL_Init: Can't load from /etc/ |
or current dir: /usr/local/games/wolfenstein/ cannot open shared |
object file: No such file or directory |
failed |
...loading QGL_Init: Can't load |
from /etc/ or current dir: |
/usr/local/games/wolfenstein/ cannot open shared object |
file: No such file or directory |
failed |
----- CL_Shutdown ----- |
RE_Shutdown( 1 ) |
----------------------- |
----- CL_Shutdown ----- |
----------------------- |
Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem |
<b>Solution</b> |
There is nothing wrong, but Debian is missing a link. So make the link: |
cd /usr/lib32/ |
ln -s |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 25 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<b>Welcome to</b> |
This is my simple place where I will put my thoughts and _.-"""-, |
knowlege on the world wide web. .' ..::. `\ |
/ .::' `'` / |
<b>Why is it all text based?</b> / .::' .--.=; |
After trying different type's of websites and frameworks, I | ::' / C ..\ |
came to the conclusion that they all are slow, difficult | :: | \ _.) |
and not inuitive for a nerd like me. What I liked the most \ ':| / \ |
was the old text based website. So why not build one. :-) '-, \./ \)\) |
Beside that, it's also quite fast on the creepy Dutch `-| );/ |
mobile network. '--'-' |
<b>What can I find here?</b> |
Everything I want. Solutions for problems I faced (<a href='__SITEURL__/howto/'>howto's</a>), scripts I use every |
day, or ones in a while (<a href='__SITEURL__/scripts/'>scripts</a>), day to day thoughts (<a href='__SITEURL__/blog/'>blog</a>) and pictures |
(<a href='__SITEURL__/photo/'>photo's</a>). And maybe a lot of other things. |
Have fun! |
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<b>Links</b> |
<b>Security</b> |
-<a href='' target=new>GPG handbook</a> |
-<a href='' target=new>GPG keysigning</a> |
<b>Geocaching</b> |
-<a href='' target=new></a> |
-<a href='' target=new>OSM charts</a> |
-<a href='' target=new>OSM charts for garmin devices</a> |
-<a href='#empty' target=new>Routing on OSM charts</a> |
<b>Scouting</b> |
-<a href='' target=new>Scoutlink</a> |
-<a href='' target=new>Jota Handboek</a> |
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
<b>Winterweer in Bilthoven</b> |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<b>Pollex autoroute</b> |
Tijdens een stamopkomst is er een autorally gereden met diverse opdrachten en |
hindernissen. |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<b>Bikkelweekend uitzetten</b> |
Foto's tijdens het uitzetten van het bikkelweekend in Heeze. |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<b>Zurich</b> |
Een weekend langs in Zurich. |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<b>Oud en nieuw 2012-2013</b> |
In Kandersteg met de LG en PBG. |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#!/bin/bash |
# Variables |
BASE_DIR=/opt/awstats |
DATA_DIR=/opt/awstats-data/data |
LOGS_DIR=/opt/awstats-data/logs |
HTML_DIR=/opt/awstats-data/html |
APACHE_LOG=/var/log/apache2 |
CONFIG_DIR=$BASE_DIR/wwwroot/cgi-bin |
# Which servers have all the access.log logfiles |
SERVERS='server1 server2 server3' |
# Make a list of all the sites that need parsing |
SITES=`ls $CONFIG_DIR |egrep '^awstats.*\.conf$' |grep -v awstats.model.conf |sed -e 's/^awstats\.//' -e 's/\.conf$//'` |
# Start making a simple HTML page with all the sites |
echo "<center>" > $HTML_DIR/index.html |
for s in $SITES; do |
# Copy the access logging to the local server |
for i in $SERVERS; do |
scp -q $i:$APACHE_LOG/$s/access.log.1.gz $LOGS_DIR/$i.$s.gz |
done |
# Combine and sort the logfile's |
$BASE_DIR/tools/ $LOGS_DIR/*.$s.gz |gzip > $LOGS_DIR/$s.gz |
# Remove the server logfiles |
rm $LOGS_DIR/*.$s.gz |
# Update the statistics |
$BASE_DIR/wwwroot/cgi-bin/ -config=$s -update |
# Remove the combined logfile |
rm $LOGS_DIR/$s.gz |
# Write an entry in the HTML file for this website |
echo "<a href='http://$s/awstats/'>$s</a><br />" >> $HTML_DIR/index.html |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#!/bin/bash |
# Settings |
MYSQL="$(which mysql)" |
MYSQLDUMP="$(which mysqldump)" |
GZIP="$(which gzip)" |
MyUSER="sys_backup" |
MyPASS="secretpassword" |
DIR="/backup/sql" |
NOW="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" |
# Get all the databases in your server |
DBS="$($MYSQL -u $MyUSER -p$MyPASS -Bse 'show databases')" |
for db in $DBS |
do |
if [ "$db" != "information_schema" ]; then |
FILE="$DIR/$db.$NOW.gz" |
$MYSQLDUMP --routines -u $MyUSER -p$MyPASS $db | $GZIP -9 > $FILE |
fi |
done |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<b>Graphs</b> |
+-----+------+------+--------+--------+-----+-------+ |
| <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/graph-314.html'>314</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/graph-chip.html'>Chip</a> | Dale | <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/graph-skippy.html'>Skippy</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/graph-slappy.html'>Slappy</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/graph-irc.html'>IRC</a> | <a href='__SITEURL__/servers/graph-lists.html'>Lists</a> | |
+-----+------+------+--------+--------+-----+-------+ |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<b>Layout servers</b> |
+---------+ |
| | |
| Router |---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ |
| | | | | | |
+---------+ | | | | |
| +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
Internet | Skippy | | Slappy | | IRC | | Lists | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ |
| |
| |
+--------------+-----------+-----------+ |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ |
| | | | | | | |
| | 314 | | Chip | | Dale | |
| | | | | | | |
| +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<b>Server Status</b> |
+--------+--------+ |
| Server | Status | |
+--------+--------+ |
| 314 | <font color='00FF00'>Ok</font> | |
| Chip | <font color='00FF00'>Ok</font> | |
| Dale | <font color='FF0000'>Error</font> | |
| Skippy | <font color='00FF00'>Ok</font> | |
| Slappy | <font color='00FF00'>Ok</font> | |
| IRC | <font color='00FF00'>Ok</font> | |
| Lists | <font color='00FF00'>Ok</font> | |
+--------+--------+ |
Reference in new issue