Install KiwiIRC on Debian A some people know, I use IRC a lot. Especially in combination with ZNC, a bouncer for all my IRC connections. But sometimes you need an IRC client in a browser with just your own settings. Therefore, how to install the fantastic webbased IRC client Kiwiirc on a Debian based server. I presume you already have git working. Otherwise, install it (apt-get install git). Fist we need a working server with node.js. So let’s install all the software as root: apt-get install npm The problem is that Debian uses the ‘nodejs’ binary, but the whole rest of the world called this file ‘node’. So we have to link it to the right name before starting the installer. ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node After installing all the software, we could become the user with should run KiwiIRC. Probably you wouldn;t want to run this as root! So find a nice place to store the software (/home/kiwiirc if the user is called kiwiirc) and make a git clone of the software tree. git clone && cd KiwiIRC I ran into a problem with ZNC. It wouldn’t connect to ZNC, but it should. After upgrading from stable to the development, it worked. If you have no problems at all, stay with the stable branch. git checkout development Copy the config file, edit it to your prefecences and do a rebuild. This wil generate all you needed files. Remember that after changing the configfile, you have to run the build script! cp config.example.js config.js nano config.js ./kiwi build After all this trouble, you can start your webbased IRC client! The first is for starting in the background, the second if you want to run it in the forground, (debuging) ./kiwi start ./kiwi -f start Happy chatting!