PING_WAIT = 300 # Seconds MINIMUM_WAIT = 60 EXTRA_WAIT = 20 MAXIMUM_WAITED = 2 # limit for amount of !wait's STATS_RATE_LIMIT = 15 VOTES_RATE_LIMIT = 15 ADMINS_RATE_LIMIT = 300 SHOTS_MULTIPLIER = .12 # ceil(shots_multiplier * len_players) = bullets given MAX_PLAYERS = 30 DRUNK_SHOTS_MULTIPLIER = 3 NIGHT_TIME_LIMIT = 120 DAY_TIME_LIMIT_WARN = 780 DAY_TIME_LIMIT_CHANGE = 120 # After DAY_TIME_LIMIT_WARN has passed START_WITH_DAY = False KILL_IDLE_TIME = 300 WARN_IDLE_TIME = 180 PART_GRACE_TIME = 7 QUIT_GRACE_TIME = 30 LOG_FILENAME = "" BARE_LOG_FILENAME = "barelog.txt" # HIT MISS SUICIDE GUN_CHANCES = ( 5/7 , 1/7 , 1/7 ) DRUNK_GUN_CHANCES = ( 2/7 , 4/7 , 1/7 ) MANSLAUGHTER_CHANCE = 1/5 # ACCIDENTAL HEADSHOT (FATAL) GUNNER_KILLS_WOLF_AT_NIGHT_CHANCE = 0 GUARDIAN_ANGEL_DIES_CHANCE = 1/2 DETECTIVE_REVEALED_CHANCE = 2/5 ################################################################################################################# # ROLE INDEX: PLAYERS SEER WOLF CURSED DRUNK HARLOT TRAITOR GUNNER CROW ANGEL DETECTIVE ## ################################################################################################################# ROLES_GUIDE = { 4 : ( 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), ## 6 : ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), ## 8 : ( 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), ## 10 : ( 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), ## 11 : ( 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ), ## 15 : ( 1 , 3 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ), ## 22 : ( 1 , 4 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ), ## 29 : ( 1 , 5 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ), ## None : ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )} ## ################################################################################################################# # Notes: ## ################################################################################################################# GAME_MODES = {} AWAY = [] # cloaks of people who are away. ROLE_INDICES = {0 : "seer", 1 : "wolf", 2 : "cursed villager", 3 : "village drunk", 4 : "harlot", 5 : "traitor", 6 : "gunner", 7 : "werecrow", 8 : "guardian angel", 9 : "detective"} INDEX_OF_ROLE = dict((v,k) for k,v in ROLE_INDICES.items()) NO_VICTIMS_MESSAGES = ("The body of a young penguin pet is found.", "A pool of blood and wolf paw prints are found.", "Traces of wolf fur are found.") LYNCH_MESSAGES = ("The villagers, after much debate, finally decide on lynching \u0002{0}\u0002, who turned out to be... a \u0002{1}\u0002.", "Under a lot of noise, the pitchfork-bearing villagers lynch \u0002{0}\u0002, who turned out to be... a \u0002{1}\u0002.", "The mob drags a protesting \u0002{0}\u0002 to the hanging tree. S/He succumbs to the will of the horde, and is hanged. It is discovered (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.", "Resigned to his/her fate, \u0002{0}\u0002 is led to the gallows. After death, it is discovered (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") RULES = ("#wolfgame channel rules: 1) Be nice to others. 2) Do not share information "+ "after death. 3) No bots allowed. 4) Do not play with clones.\n"+ "5) Do not quit unless you need to leave. 6) No swearing and keep it "+ "family-friendly. 7) Do not paste PM's from the bot during the game. "+ "8) Use common sense. 9) Waiting for timeouts is discouraged.") is_role = lambda plyr, rol: rol in ROLES and plyr in ROLES[rol] def plural(role): if role == "wolf": return "wolves" elif role == "person": return "people" else: return role + "s" def list_players(): pl = [] for x in ROLES.values(): pl.extend(x) return pl def list_players_and_roles(): plr = {} for x in ROLES.keys(): for p in ROLES[x]: plr[p] = x return plr get_role = lambda plyr: list_players_and_roles()[plyr] def del_player(pname): prole = get_role(pname) ROLES[prole].remove(pname) class InvalidModeException(Exception): pass def game_mode(name): def decor(c): GAME_MODES[name] = c return c return decor CHANGEABLE_ROLES = { "seers" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["seer"], "wolves" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["wolf"], "cursed villager" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["cursed villager"], "drunks" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["village drunk"], "harlots" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["harlot"], "traitors" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["traitor"], "gunners" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["gunner"], "werecrows" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["werecrow"], "angels" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["guardian angel"], "detectives" : INDEX_OF_ROLE["detective"]} @game_mode("normal") class Normal(object): pass # Example !game roles=wolves:1,seers:0 # TODO: implement game modes @game_mode("roles") class ChangedRolesMode(object): def __init__(self, arg): self.ROLES_GUIDE = ROLES_GUIDE.copy() lx = list(ROLES_GUIDE[None]) pairs = arg.split(",") pl = list_players() if not pairs: raise InvalidModeException("Invalid syntax for mode roles.") for pair in pairs: change = pair.split(":") if len(change) != 2: raise InvalidModeException("Invalid syntax for mode roles.") role, num = change try: num = int(num) try: lx[CHANGEABLE_ROLES[role.lower()]] = num except KeyError: raise InvalidModeException(("The role \u0002{0}\u0002 "+ "is not valid.").format(role)) except ValueError: raise InvalidModeException("A bad value was used in mode roles.") for k in ROLES_GUIDE.keys(): self.ROLES_GUIDE[k] = tuple(lx) # Persistence # Load saved settings import sqlite3 import os conn = sqlite3.connect("data.sqlite3", check_same_thread = False) with conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS away (nick TEXT)') c.execute('SELECT * FROM away') for row in c: AWAY.append(row[0]) # populate the roles table c.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS roles') c.execute('CREATE TABLE roles (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, role TEXT)') for x in ["villager"]+list(ROLE_INDICES.values()): c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO roles (role) VALUES (?)", (x,)) c.execute(('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rolestats (playerid INTEGER, roleid INTEGER, '+ 'teamwins SMALLINT, individualwins SMALLINT, totalgames SMALLINT, '+ 'UNIQUE(playerid, roleid))')) # create the players table c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS players (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, nick TEXT, cloak TEXT, "+ "UNIQUE(nick, cloak))") # create nick change table c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nick_changes (old INTEGER, new INTEGER)") def remove_away(clk): with conn: c.execute('DELETE from away where nick=?', (clk,)) def add_away(clk): with conn: c.execute('INSERT into away VALUES (?)', (clk,)) def record_nick_change(from_nick, to_nick, cloak): with conn: c.execute('SELECT id FROM players WHERE nick=? AND cloak=?', (from_nick, cloak)) row = c.fetchone() if not row: return # No records for this player old_plid = row[0] c.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO players (nick, cloak) VALUES (?,?)', (to_nick, cloak)) # create a new entry in the players table for this nick c.execute('SELECT id FROM players WHERE nick=? AND cloak=?', (to_nick, cloak)) new_plid = c.fetchone()[0] c.execute('SELECT * FROM nick_changes WHERE old=? AND new=?', (new_plid, old_plid)) if not c.fetchone(): # not recorded yet c.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO nick_changes (old, new) VALUES (?, ?)', (old_plid, new_plid)) def update_role_stats(nick, clk, role, won, iwon): with conn: wins, iwins, totalgames = 0, 0, 0 c.execute('SELECT id FROM players WHERE nick=? AND cloak=?', (nick, clk)) row = c.fetchone() if row: plid = row[0] else: c.execute('INSERT INTO players (nick, cloak) VALUES (?,?)', (nick, clk)) c.execute('SELECT id FROM players WHERE nick=? AND cloak=?', (nick, clk)) plid = c.fetchone()[0] c.execute('SELECT id FROM roles WHERE role=?', (role,)) rid = c.fetchone()[0] c.execute(("SELECT teamwins, individualwins, totalgames FROM rolestats "+ "WHERE playerid=? AND roleid=?"), (plid, rid)) row = c.fetchone() if row: wins, iwins, total = row else: wins, iwins, total = 0,0,0 if won: wins += 1 if iwon: iwins += 1 total += 1 c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO rolestats VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", (plid, rid, wins, iwins, total))