# The bot commands implemented in here are present no matter which module is loaded import botconfig from tools import decorators import logging import tools.moduleloader as ld import traceback from settings import common as var from base64 import b64encode import imp def on_privmsg(cli, rawnick, chan, msg, notice = False): currmod = ld.MODULES[ld.CURRENT_MODULE] if botconfig.IGNORE_HIDDEN_COMMANDS and (chan.startswith("@#") or chan.startswith("+#")): return if (notice and ((chan != botconfig.NICK and not botconfig.ALLOW_NOTICE_COMMANDS) or (chan == botconfig.NICK and not botconfig.ALLOW_PRIVATE_NOTICE_COMMANDS))): return # not allowed in settings if chan != botconfig.NICK: #not a PM if currmod and "" in currmod.COMMANDS.keys(): for fn in currmod.COMMANDS[""]: try: fn(cli, rawnick, chan, msg) except Exception as e: if botconfig.DEBUG_MODE: raise e else: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) cli.msg(chan, "An error has occurred and has been logged.") # Now that is always called first. for x in set(list(COMMANDS.keys()) + (list(currmod.COMMANDS.keys()) if currmod else list())): if x and msg.lower().startswith(botconfig.CMD_CHAR+x): h = msg[len(x)+1:] if not h or h[0] == " " or not x: for fn in COMMANDS.get(x,[])+(currmod.COMMANDS.get(x,[]) if currmod else []): try: fn(cli, rawnick, chan, h.lstrip()) except Exception as e: if botconfig.DEBUG_MODE: raise e else: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) cli.msg(chan, "An error has occurred and has been logged.") else: for x in set(list(PM_COMMANDS.keys()) + (list(currmod.PM_COMMANDS.keys()) if currmod else list())): if msg.lower().startswith(botconfig.CMD_CHAR+x): h = msg[len(x)+1:] elif not x or msg.lower().startswith(x): h = msg[len(x):] else: continue if not h or h[0] == " " or not x: for fn in PM_COMMANDS.get(x, [])+(currmod.PM_COMMANDS.get(x,[]) if currmod else []): try: fn(cli, rawnick, h.lstrip()) except Exception as e: if botconfig.DEBUG_MODE: raise e else: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) cli.msg(chan, "An error has occurred and has been logged.") def __unhandled__(cli, prefix, cmd, *args): currmod = ld.MODULES[ld.CURRENT_MODULE] if cmd in set(list(HOOKS.keys())+(list(currmod.HOOKS.keys()) if currmod else list())): largs = list(args) for i,arg in enumerate(largs): if isinstance(arg, bytes): largs[i] = arg.decode('ascii') for fn in HOOKS.get(cmd, [])+(currmod.HOOKS.get(cmd, []) if currmod else []): try: fn(cli, prefix, *largs) except Exception as e: if botconfig.DEBUG_MODE: raise e else: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, "An error has occurred and has been logged.") else: logging.debug('Unhandled command {0}({1})'.format(cmd, [arg.decode('utf_8') for arg in args if isinstance(arg, bytes)])) COMMANDS = {} PM_COMMANDS = {} HOOKS = {} cmd = decorators.generate(COMMANDS) pmcmd = decorators.generate(PM_COMMANDS) hook = decorators.generate(HOOKS, raw_nick=True, permissions=False) def connect_callback(cli): def prepare_stuff(*args): cli.send("OPER", botconfig.OPERUSER, botconfig.OPERPASS) #cli.msg("NickServ", "IDENTIFY", botconfig.NICKPASS) cli.ns_identify(botconfig.NICKPASS) cli.join(botconfig.CHANNEL) cli.msg("ChanServ", "op "+botconfig.CHANNEL) cli.cap("REQ", "extended-join") cli.cap("REQ", "account-notify") try: ld.MODULES[ld.CURRENT_MODULE].connect_callback(cli) except AttributeError: pass # no connect_callback for this one cli.nick(botconfig.NICK) # very important (for regain/release) prepare_stuff = hook("endofmotd", hookid=294)(prepare_stuff) def mustregain(cli, *blah): cli.ns_regain() def mustrelease(cli, *rest): cli.ns_release() cli.nick(botconfig.NICK) @hook("unavailresource", hookid=239) @hook("nicknameinuse", hookid=239) def must_use_temp_nick(cli, *etc): cli.nick(botconfig.NICK+"_") cli.user(botconfig.NICK, "") decorators.unhook(HOOKS, 239) hook("unavailresource")(mustrelease) hook("nicknameinuse")(mustregain) if botconfig.SASL_AUTHENTICATION: @hook("authenticate") def auth_plus(cli, something, plus): if plus == "+": nick_b = bytes(botconfig.USERNAME if botconfig.USERNAME else botconfig.NICK, "utf-8") pass_b = bytes(botconfig.PASS, "utf-8") secrt_msg = b'\0'.join((nick_b, nick_b, pass_b)) cli.send("AUTHENTICATE " + b64encode(secrt_msg).decode("utf-8")) @hook("cap") def on_cap(cli, svr, mynick, ack, cap): if ack.upper() == "ACK" and "sasl" in cap: cli.send("AUTHENTICATE PLAIN") @hook("903") def on_successful_auth(cli, blah, blahh, blahhh): cli.cap("END") @hook("904") @hook("905") @hook("906") @hook("907") def on_failure_auth(cli, *etc): cli.quit() print("Authentication failed. Did you fill the account name "+ "in botconfig.USERNAME if it's different from the bot nick?") @hook("ping") def on_ping(cli, prefix, server): cli.send('PONG', server) if botconfig.DEBUG_MODE: @cmd("module", admin_only = True) def ch_module(cli, nick, chan, rest): rest = rest.strip() if rest in ld.MODULES.keys(): ld.CURRENT_MODULE = rest ld.MODULES[rest].connect_callback(cli) cli.msg(chan, "Module {0} is now active.".format(rest)) else: cli.msg(chan, "Module {0} does not exist.".format(rest))