PING_WAIT = 300 # Seconds MINIMUM_WAIT = 0 # debug, change to 60 for normal EXTRA_WAIT = 20 MAXIMUM_WAITED = 2 # limit for amount of !wait's MAX_SHOTS = 2 NIGHT_TIME_LIMIT = 90 DAY_TIME_LIMIT = 137 ####################################################################################### # PLAYERS SEER WOLF CURSED DRUNK HARLOT TRAITOR GUNNER # ROLES_GUIDE = { 4 : ( 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), # 6 : ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), # 8 : ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ), # 10 : ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 )} # ####################################################################################### NO_VICTIMS_MESSAGES = ("The body of a young penguin pet is found.", "A pool of blood and wolf paw prints are found.", "Traces of wolf fur are found.") LYNCH_MESSAGES = ("The villagers, after much debate, finally decide on lynching \u0002{0}\u0002, who turned out to be... a \u0002{1}\u0002.", "Under a lot of noise, the pitchfork-bearing villagers lynch \u0002{0}\u0002, who turned out to be... a \u0002{1}\u0002.", "The mob drags a protesting \u0002{0}\u0002 to the hanging tree. S/He succumbs to the will of the horde, and is hanged. It is discovered (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.", "Resigned to his/her fate, \u0002{0}\u0002 is led to the gallows. After death, it is discovered (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") # These change ingame ROLES = {"person" : []} ORIGINAL_ROLES = None PHASE = "none" # "join", "day", or "night" LAST_PING = 0 CURSED = "" # nickname of cursed villager WAITED = 0 GUNNERS = {} VICTIM = "" # nickname of to-be-killed villager SEEN = [] # list of seers that have had visions DEAD = [] # list of people who are dead TRAITOR = "" TIMERS = [None, None] # nightlimit, daylimit VOTES = {} WOUNDED = [] is_role = lambda plyr, rol: rol in ROLES and plyr in ROLES[rol] def plural(role): if role == "wolf": return "wolves" elif role == "person": return "people" else: return role + "s" def list_players(): pl = [] for x in ROLES.values(): pl.extend(x) return pl def list_players_and_roles(): plr = {} for x in ROLES.keys(): for p in ROLES[x]: plr[p] = x return plr get_role = lambda plyr: list_players_and_roles()[plyr] def del_player(pname): prole = get_role(pname) ROLES[prole].remove(pname)