from oyoyo.parse import parse_nick import vars import botconfig import decorators from datetime import datetime, timedelta import threading import random import copy from time import sleep import re COMMANDS = {} PM_COMMANDS = {} HOOKS = {} cmd = decorators.generate(COMMANDS) pmcmd = decorators.generate(PM_COMMANDS) hook = decorators.generate(HOOKS) # Game Logic Begins: def connect_callback(cli): cli.identify(botconfig.PASS) cli.join(botconfig.CHANNEL) cli.msg("ChanServ", "op "+botconfig.CHANNEL) vars.LAST_PING = 0 # time of last !ping vars.ROLES = {"person" : []} vars.PHASE = "none" # "join", "day", or "night" vars.TIMERS = [None, None] vars.DEAD = [] @cmd("!say") def say(cli, nick, rest): # To be removed later cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, "{0} says: {1}".format(nick, rest)) def mass_mode(cli, md): """ Example: mass_mode((('+v', 'asdf'), ('-v','wobosd'))) """ lmd = len(md) # store how many mode changes to do for start_i in range(0, lmd, 4): # 4 mode-changes at a time if start_i + 4 > lmd: # If this is a remainder (mode-changes < 4) z = list(zip(*md[start_i:])) # zip this remainder ei = lmd % 4 # len(z) else: z = list(zip(*md[start_i:start_i+4])) # zip four ei = 4 # len(z) # Now z equal something like [('+v', '-v'), ('asdf', 'wobosd')] arg1 = "".join(z[0]) arg2 = " ".join(z[1]) + " " + " ".join([x+"!*@*" for x in z[1]]) cli.mode(botconfig.CHANNEL, arg1, arg2) def reset(cli): chan = botconfig.CHANNEL vars.PHASE = "none" if vars.TIMERS[0]: vars.TIMERS[0].cancel() vars.TIMERS[0] = None if vars.TIMERS[1]: vars.TIMERS[1].cancel() vars.TIMERS[1] = None cli.mode(chan, "-m") cmodes = [] for plr in vars.list_players(): cmodes.append(("-v", plr)) for deadguy in vars.DEAD: cmodes.append(("-q", deadguy)) mass_mode(cli, cmodes) vars.DEAD = [] vars.ROLES = {"person" : []} @pmcmd("!bye", admin_only=True) @cmd("!bye", admin_only=True) def forced_exit(cli, nick, *rest): # Admin Only reset(cli) print("Quitting in 5 seconds.") dict.clear(COMMANDS) dict.clear(PM_COMMANDS) dict.clear(PM_COMMANDS) sleep(5) cli.quit("Forced quit from admin") raise SystemExit @cmd("!exec", admin_only=True) def py(cli, nick, chan, rest): exec(rest) # A decorator for standard game commands def checks(f): def inner(*args): cli = args[0] nick = args[1] if vars.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in vars.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return f(*args) return inner @cmd("!ping") def pinger(cli, nick, chan, rest): if (vars.LAST_PING and vars.LAST_PING + timedelta(seconds=300) > cli.notice(nick, ("This command is ratelimited. " + "Please wait a while before using it again.")) return vars.LAST_PING = vars.PINGING = True TO_PING = [] @hook("whoreply") def on_whoreply(cli, server, dunno, chan, dunno1, dunno2, dunno3, user, status, dunno4): if not vars.PINGING: return if user in (botconfig.NICK, nick): return # Don't ping self. if vars.PINGING and 'G' not in status and '+' not in status: # TODO: check if the user has !AWAY'D himself TO_PING.append(user) @hook("endofwho") def do_ping(*args): if not vars.PINGING: return cli.msg(chan, "PING! "+" ".join(TO_PING)) vars.PINGING = False HOOKS.pop("whoreply") HOOKS.pop("endofwho") cli.send("WHO "+chan) #def chk_bed @cmd("!sudo ping", admin_only=True) def fpinger(cli, nick, chan, rest): vars.LAST_PING = None pinger(cli, nick, chan, rest) @cmd("!join") def join(cli, nick, chan, rest): if vars.PHASE == "none": cli.mode(chan, "+v", nick, nick+"!*@*") vars.ROLES["person"].append(nick) vars.PHASE = "join" vars.WAITED = 0 vars.CAN_START_TIME = + timedelta(seconds=vars.MINIMUM_WAIT) cli.msg(chan, ('\u0002{0}\u0002 has started a game of Werewolf. '+ 'Type "!join" to join. Type "!start" to start the game. '+ 'Type "!wait" to increase join wait time.').format(nick)) elif nick in vars.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're already playing!") elif vars.PHASE != "join": cli.notice(nick, "Sorry but the game is already running. Try again next time.") else: cli.mode(chan, "+v", nick, nick+"!*@*") vars.ROLES["person"].append(nick) cli.msg(chan, '\u0002{0}\u0002 has joined the game.'.format(nick)) @cmd("!stats") def stats(cli, nick, chan, rest): if vars.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return pl = vars.list_players() if len(pl) > 1: cli.msg(chan, '{0}: \u0002{1}\u0002 players: {2}'.format(nick, len(pl), ", ".join(pl))) else: cli.msg(chan, '{0}: \u00021\u0002 player: {1}'.format(nick, pl[0])) if vars.PHASE == "join": return message = [] for role in vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES.keys(): if not vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role]: continue # Never had this role, don't list it. count = len(vars.ROLES[role]) if count > 1 or count == 0: message.append("\u0002{0}\u0002 {1}".format(count, vars.plural(role))) else: message.append("\u0002{0}\u0002 {1}".format(count, role)) if len(vars.ROLES["wolf"]) > 1 or not vars.ROLES["wolf"]: vb = "are" else: vb = "is" cli.msg(chan, "{0}: There {3} {1}, and {2}.".format(nick, ", ".join(message[0:-1]), message[-1], vb)) def hurry_up(cli): if vars.PHASE != "day": return chan = botconfig.CHANNEL pl = vars.list_players() avail = len(pl) - len(vars.WOUNDED) votesneeded = avail // 2 + 1 found_dup = False maxfound = (0, "") for votee, voters in iter(vars.VOTES.items()): if len(voters) > maxfound[0]: maxfound = (len(voters), votee) found_dup = False elif len(voters) == maxfound[0]: found_dup = True if max[0] > 0 and not found_dup: cli.msg(chan, "The sun sets.") vars.VOTES[maxfound[1]] = [None] * votesneeded chk_decision(cli) # Induce a lynch else: cli.msg(chan, "The sun is almost setting.") for plr in pl: vars.VOTES[plr] = [None] * (votesneeded - 1) def chk_decision(cli): chan = botconfig.CHANNEL pl = vars.list_players() avail = len(pl) - len(vars.WOUNDED) votesneeded = avail // 2 + 1 for votee, voters in iter(vars.VOTES.items()): if len(voters) >= votesneeded: cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, random.choice(vars.LYNCH_MESSAGES).format( votee, vars.get_role(votee))) if del_player(cli, votee, True): transition_night(cli) @checks @cmd("!votes") def show_votes(cli, nick, chan, rest): if vars.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, "Voting is only during the day.") return elif not vars.VOTES.values(): cli.msg(chan, nick+": No votes yet.") return if None in [x for voter in vars.VOTES.values() for x in voter]: cli.msg(chan, (nick+": Tiebreaker conditions. Whoever "+ "receives the next vote will be lynched.")) return votelist = ["{0}: {1} ({2})".format(votee, len(vars.VOTES[votee]), " ".join(vars.VOTES[votee])) for votee in vars.VOTES.keys()] cli.msg(chan, "{0}: {1}".format(nick, ", ".join(votelist))) pl = vars.list_players() avail = len(pl) - len(vars.WOUNDED) votesneeded = avail // 2 + 1 cli.msg(chan, ("{0}: \u0002{1}\u0002 players, \u0002{2}\u0002 votes "+ "required to lynch, \u0002{3}\u0002 players available " + "to vote.").format(nick, len(pl), votesneeded, avail)) def chk_win(cli): """ Returns True if someone won """ chan = botconfig.CHANNEL lpl = len(vars.list_players()) if lpl == 0: cli.msg(chan, "No more players remaining. Game ended.") reset(cli) return True elif (len(vars.ROLES["wolf"])+ len(vars.ROLES["traitor"])+ len(vars.ROLES["werecrow"])) >= lpl / 2: cli.msg(chan, ("Game over! There are the same number of wolves as "+ "villagers. The wolves eat everyone, and win.")) elif (not vars.ROLES["wolf"] and not vars.ROLES["traitor"] and not vars.ROLES["werecrow"]): cli.msg(chan, ("Game over! All the wolves are dead! The villagers "+ "chop them up, BBQ them, and have a hearty meal.")) elif not len(vars.ROLES["wolf"]) and vars.ROLES["traitor"]: for tt in vars.ROLES["traitor"]: vars.ROLES["wolf"].append(tt) vars.ROLES["traitor"].remove(tt) cli.msg(tt, ('HOOOOOOOOOWL. You have become... a wolf!\n'+ 'It is up to you to avenge your fallen leaders!')) cli.msg(chan, ('\u0002The villagers, during their celebrations, are '+ 'frightened as they hear a loud howl. The wolves are not gone!\u0002')) return False else: return False if vars.DAY_START_TIME: now = td = now - vars.DAY_START_TIME vars.DAY_TIMEDELTA += td if vars.NIGHT_START_TIME: now = td = now - vars.NIGHT_START_TIME vars.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA += td daymin, daysec = vars.DAY_TIMEDELTA.seconds // 60, vars.DAY_TIMEDELTA.seconds % 60 nitemin, nitesec = vars.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA.seconds // 60, vars.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA.seconds % 60 total = vars.DAY_TIMEDELTA + vars.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA tmin, tsec = total.seconds // 60, total.seconds % 60 cli.msg(chan, ("Game lasted \u0002{0:0>2}:{1:0>2}\u0002. " + "\u0002{2:0>2}:{3:0>2}\u0002 was day. " + "\u0002{4:0>2}:{5:0>2}\u0002 was night. ").format(tmin, tsec, daymin, daysec, nitemin, nitesec)) roles_msg = [] vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES["cursed villager"] = vars.CURSED for role in vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES.keys(): if len(vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role]) == 0 or role == "villager": continue elif len(vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role]) == 2: msg = "The {1} were \u0002{0[0]}\u0002 and \u0002{0[1]}\u0002." roles_msg.append(msg.format(vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role], vars.plural(role))) elif len(vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role]) == 1: roles_msg.append("The {1} was \u0002{0[0]}\u0002.".format(vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role], role)) else: msg = "The {2} were {0}, and \u0002{1}\u0002." nickslist = ["\u0002"+x+"\u0002" for x in vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role][0:-1]] roles_msg.append(msg.format(", ".join(nickslist), vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role][-1], vars.plural(role))) cli.msg(chan, " ".join(roles_msg)) reset(cli) # TODO: Reveal roles here return True def del_player(cli, nick, forced_death): """ forced_death = True if death is from a natural game process Returns False if one side won. forced_death = True when lynched or killed """ cmode = [] cmode.append(("-v", nick)) vars.del_player(nick) ret = True if vars.PHASE == "join": mass_mode(cli, cmode) return not chk_win(cli) if vars.PHASE != "join" and ret: # Died during the game cmode.append(("+q", nick)) mass_mode(cli, cmode) vars.DEAD.append(nick) ret = not chk_win(cli) if vars.PHASE in ("night", "day") and ret: if vars.VICTIM == nick: vars.VICTIM = "" for x in (vars.OBSERVED, vars.HVISITED): keys = list(x.keys()) for k in keys: if k == nick: del x[k] elif x[k] == nick: del x[k] if vars.PHASE == "day" and not forced_death and ret: # didn't die from lynching if nick in vars.VOTES.keys(): del vars.VOTES[nick] # Delete his votes for k in vars.VOTES.keys(): if nick in vars.VOTES[k]: vars.VOTES[k].remove(nick) chk_decision(cli) return ret def leave(cli, what, nick): if vars.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return if nick not in vars.list_players(): # not playing cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return msg = "" if what in ("!quit", "!leave"): msg = ("\u0002{0}\u0002 died of an unknown disease. "+ "S/He was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") elif what == "part": msg = ("\u0002{0}\u0002 died due to eating poisonous berries. "+ "Appears (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") elif what == "quit": msg = ("\u0002{0}\u0002 died due to a fatal attack by wild animals. "+ "Appears (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") elif what == "kick": msg = ("\u0002{0}\u0002 died due to falling off a cliff. "+ "Appears (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") msg = msg.format(nick, vars.get_role(nick)) cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, msg) del_player(cli, nick, False) cmd("!leave")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, "!leave", nick)) cmd("!quit")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, "!quit", nick)) hook("part")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, "part", nick)) hook("quit")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, "quit", nick)) hook("kick")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, "kick", nick)) def transition_day(cli): vars.PHASE = "day" chan = botconfig.CHANNEL vars.DAY_START_TIME = td = vars.DAY_START_TIME - vars.NIGHT_START_TIME vars.NIGHT_START_TIME = None vars.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA += td min, sec = td.seconds // 60, td.seconds % 60 message = [("Night lasted \u0002{0:0>2}:{1:0>2}\u0002. It is now daytime. "+ "The villagers awake, thankful for surviving the night, "+ "and search the village... ").format(min, sec)] dead = [] crowonly = vars.ROLES["werecrow"] and not vars.ROLES["wolf"] for crow, target in iter(vars.OBSERVED.items()): if target in vars.ROLES["harlot"]+vars.ROLES["seer"]: cli.msg(crow, ("As the sun rises, you conclude that \u0002{0}\u0002 was not in "+ "bed at night, and you fly back to your house.").format(target)) elif target not in vars.ROLES["village drunk"]: cli.msg(crow, ("As the sun rises, you conclude that \u0002{0}\u0002 was sleeping "+ "all night long, and you fly back to your house.").format(target)) if not vars.VICTIM: message.append(random.choice(vars.NO_VICTIMS_MESSAGES) + " All villagers, however, have survived.") elif vars.VICTIM in vars.ROLES["harlot"]: # Attacked harlot, yay no deaths if vars.HVISITED.get(vars.VICTIM): message.append("The wolves' selected victim was a harlot, "+ "but she wasn't home.") if vars.VICTIM and (vars.VICTIM not in vars.ROLES["harlot"] or # not a harlot not vars.HVISITED.get(vars.VICTIM)): # harlot stayed home message.append(("The dead body of \u0002{0}\u0002, a "+ "\u0002{1}\u0002, is found. Those remaining mourn his/her "+ "death.").format(vars.VICTIM, vars.get_role(vars.VICTIM))) dead.append(vars.VICTIM) if vars.VICTIM in vars.HVISITED.values(): # victim was visited by some harlot for hlt in vars.HVISITED.keys(): if vars.HVISITED[hlt] == vars.VICTIM: message.append(("\u0002{0}\u0002, a harlot, made the unfortunate mistake of "+ "visiting the victim's house last night and is "+ "now dead.").format(hlt)) dead.append(hlt) # TODO: check if harlot also died for harlot in vars.ROLES["harlot"]: if vars.HVISITED.get(harlot) in vars.ROLES["wolf"]: message.append(("\u0002{0}\u0002, a harlot, made the unfortunate mistake of "+ "visiting a wolf's house last night and is "+ "now dead.").format(harlot)) dead.append(harlot) for crow, target in iter(vars.OBSERVED.items()): if (target in vars.ROLES["harlot"] and target in vars.HVISITED.keys() and target not in dead): # Was visited by a crow cli.msg(target, ("You suddenly remember that you were startled by the loud "+ "sound of the flapping of wings during the walk back home.")) elif target in vars.ROLES["village drunk"]: # Crow dies because of tiger (HANGOVER) cli.msg(chan, ("The bones of \u0002{0}\u0002, a werecrow, "+ "were found near the village drunk's house. "+ "The drunk's pet tiger probably ate him.").format(crow)) dead.append(crow) for deadperson in dead: if not del_player(cli, deadperson, True): return cli.msg(chan, "\n".join(message)) cli.msg(chan, ("The villagers must now vote for whom to lynch. "+ 'Use "!lynch " to cast your vote. 3 votes '+ 'are required to lynch.')) if vars.DAY_TIME_LIMIT > 0: # Time limit enabled t = threading.Timer(vars.DAY_TIME_LIMIT, hurry_up, [cli]) vars.TIMERS[1] = t t.start() def chk_nightdone(cli): if (len(vars.SEEN) == len(vars.ROLES["seer"]) and # Seers have seen. len(vars.HVISITED.keys()) == len(vars.ROLES["harlot"]) and # harlots have visited. (vars.VICTIM or (vars.ROLES["werecrow"] == 1 and # Wolves have done their stuff not vars.ROLES["wolf"] and vars.OBSERVED)) and vars.PHASE == "night"): # It is night time if vars.TIMERS[0]: vars.TIMERS[0].cancel() # cancel timer vars.TIMERS[0] = None if vars.PHASE == "night": # Double check transition_day(cli) @checks @cmd("!lynch", "!vote") def vote(cli, nick, chan, rest): if vars.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, ("Lynching is only allowed during the day. "+ "Please wait patiently for morning.")) return pl = vars.list_players() pl_l = [x.strip().lower() for x in pl] rest = re.split("\s+",rest)[0].strip().lower() if rest in pl_l: voted = pl[pl_l.index(rest)] lcandidates = list(vars.VOTES.keys()) for voters in lcandidates: # remove previous vote if nick in vars.VOTES[voters]: vars.VOTES[voters].remove(nick) if not vars.VOTES.get(voters) and voters != voted: del vars.VOTES[voters] break if voted not in vars.VOTES.keys(): vars.VOTES[voted] = [nick] else: vars.VOTES[voted].append(nick) cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 votes for "+ "\u0002{1}\u0002.").format(nick, rest)) chk_decision(cli) elif not rest: cli.notice(nick, "Not enough parameters.") else: cli.notice(nick, "\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(rest)) @checks @cmd("!retract") def retract(cli, nick, chan, rest): if vars.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, ("Lynching is only allowed during the day. "+ "Please wait patiently for morning.")) return candidates = vars.VOTES.keys() for voter in list(candidates): if nick in vars.VOTES[voter]: vars.VOTES[voter].remove(nick) if not vars.VOTES[voter]: del vars.VOTES[voter] cli.msg(chan, "\u0002{0}\u0002 retracted his/her vote.".format(nick)) break else: cli.notice(nick, "You haven't voted yet.") @checks @cmd("!shoot", "shoot") def shoot(cli, nick, chan, rest): if vars.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, ("Shooting is only allowed during the day. "+ "Please wait patiently for morning.")) return if nick not in vars.GUNNERS.keys(): cli.msg(nick, "You don't have a gun.") return elif not vars.GUNNERS[nick]: cli.msg(nick, "You don't have any more bullets.") return victim = re.split("\s+",rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.notice(nick, "Not enough parameters") return pl = vars.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if victim not in pll: cli.notice(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return victim = pl[pll.index(victim)] rand = random.random() if nick in vars.ROLES["village drunk"]: chances = vars.DRUNK_GUN_CHANCES else: chances = vars.GUN_CHANCES if rand <= chances[0]: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 shoots \u0002{1}\u0002 with "+ "a silver bullet!").format(nick, victim)) victimrole = vars.get_role(victim) if victimrole in ("wolf", "werecrow"): cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 is a wolf, and is dying from "+ "the silver bullet.").format(victim)) if not del_player(cli, victim, True): return elif random.random() <= vars.MANSLAUGHTER_CHANCE: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 is a not a wolf "+ "but was accidentally fatally injured.").format(victim)) cli.msg(chan, "Appears (s)he was a \u0002{0}\u0002.".format(victimrole)) if not del_player(cli, victim, True): return else: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 is a villager and is injured but "+ "will have a full recovery. S/He will be resting "+ "for the day.").format(victim)) vars.WOUNDED.append(victim) chk_decision(cli) elif rand <= chances[0] + chances[1]: cli.msg(chan, "\u0002{0}\u0002 is a lousy shooter. S/He missed!".format(nick)) vars.GUNNERS[nick] -= 1 else: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 should clean his/her weapons more often. "+ "The gun exploded and killed him/her!").format(nick)) cli.msg(chan, "Appears that (s)he was a \u0002{0}\u0002.".format(vars.get_role(nick))) if not del_player(cli, nick, True): return # Someone won. @checks @pmcmd("!kill", "kill") def kill(cli, nick, rest): role = vars.get_role(nick) if role not in ('wolf', 'werecrow'): cli.msg(nick, "Only a wolf may use this command.") return if vars.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only kill people at night.") return victim = re.split("\s+",rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return if role == "werecrow": # Check if flying to observe if vars.OBSERVED.get(nick): cli.msg(nick, ("You are flying to \u0002{0}'s\u0002 house, and "+ "therefore you don't have the time "+ "and energy to kill a villager.").format(vars.OBSERVED[nick])) return pl = vars.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if victim not in pll: cli.msg(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return if victim == nick.lower(): cli.msg(nick, "Suicide is bad. Don't do it.") return if victim in vars.ROLES["wolf"]: cli.msg(nick, "You may only kill villagers, not other wolves") return vars.VICTIM = pl[pll.index(victim)] cli.msg(nick, "You have selected \u0002{0}\u0002 to be killed".format(vars.VICTIM)) chk_nightdone(cli) @checks @pmcmd("observe", "!observe") def observe(cli, nick, rest): if not vars.is_role(nick, "werecrow"): cli.msg(nick, "Only a werecrow may use this command.") return if vars.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only transform into a crow at night.") return victim = re.split("\s+", rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return pl = vars.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if victim not in pll: cli.msg(nick, "\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return victim = pl[pll.index(victim)] if victim == nick.lower(): cli.msg(nick, "Instead of doing that, you should probably go kill someone.") return if vars.get_role(victim) in ("werecrow", "traitor", "wolf"): cli.msg(nick, "Flying to another wolf's house is a waste of time.") return vars.OBSERVED[nick] = victim cli.msg(nick, ("You transform into a large crow and start your flight "+ "to \u0002{0}'s\u0002 house. You will return after "+ "collecting your observations when day begins.").format(victim)) @checks @pmcmd("visit", "!visit") def hvisit(cli, nick, rest): if not vars.is_role(nick, "harlot"): cli.msg(nick, "Only a harlot may use this command.") return if vars.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only visit someone at night.") return if vars.HVISITED.get(nick): cli.msg(nick, ("You are already spending the night "+ "with \u0002{0}\u0002.").format(vars.HVISITED[nick])) return victim = re.split("\s+",rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return pl = [x.lower() for x in vars.list_players()] if victim not in pl: cli.msg(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return if nick.lower() == victim: # Staying home vars.HVISITED[nick] = None cli.msg(nick, "You have chosen to stay home for the night.") else: vars.HVISITED[nick] = vars.list_players()[pl.index(victim)] cli.msg(nick, ("You are spending the night with \u0002{0}\u0002. "+ "Have a good time!").format(victim)) if vars.HVISITED[nick] not in vars.ROLES["wolf"]: cli.msg(vars.HVISITED[nick], ("You are spending the night with \u0002{0}"+ "\u0002. Have a good time!").format(nick)) chk_nightdone(cli) @checks @pmcmd("see", "!see") def see(cli, nick, rest): if not vars.is_role(nick, "seer"): cli.msg(nick, "Only a seer may use this command") return if vars.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only have visions at night.") return if nick in vars.SEEN: cli.msg(nick, "You may only have one vision per round.") victim = re.split("\s+",rest)[0].strip().lower() pl = vars.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return if victim not in pll: cli.msg(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return victim = pl[pll.index(victim)] if nick in vars.CURSED: role = "wolf" elif vars.get_role(victim) == "traitor": role = "villager" else: role = vars.get_role(victim) cli.msg(nick, ("You have a vision; in this vision, "+ "you see that \u0002{0}\u0002 is a "+ "\u0002{1}\u0002!").format(victim, role)) vars.SEEN.append(nick) chk_nightdone(cli) @pmcmd("") def relay(cli, nick, rest): badguys = vars.ROLES["wolf"] + vars.ROLES["traitor"] + vars.ROLES["werecrow"] if len(badguys) > 1: if vars.get_role(nick) in ("wolf","traitor","werecrow"): badguys.remove(nick) # remove self from list for badguy in badguys: cli.msg(badguy, "{0} says: {1}".format(nick, rest)) def transition_night(cli): vars.PHASE = "night" # Reset daytime variables vars.VOTES = {} if vars.TIMERS[1]: # cancel daytime-limit timer vars.TIMERS[1].cancel() vars.TIMERS[1] = None vars.WOUNDED = [] # Reset nighttime variables vars.VICTIM = "" # nickname of kill victim vars.KILLER = "" # nickname of who chose the victim vars.SEEN = [] # list of seers that have had visions vars.OBSERVED = {} # those whom werecrows have observed vars.HVISITED = {} vars.NIGHT_START_TIME = daydur_msg = "" if vars.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA: # transition from day td = vars.NIGHT_START_TIME - vars.DAY_START_TIME vars.DAY_START_TIME = None vars.DAY_TIMEDELTA += td min, sec = td.seconds // 60, td.seconds % 60 daydur_msg = "Day lasted \u0002{0:0>2}:{1:0>2}\u0002. ".format(min,sec) chan = botconfig.CHANNEL if vars.NIGHT_TIME_LIMIT > 0: t = threading.Timer(vars.NIGHT_TIME_LIMIT, transition_day, [cli]) vars.TIMERS[0] = t t.start() # send PMs ps = vars.list_players() wolves = vars.ROLES["wolf"]+vars.ROLES["traitor"]+vars.ROLES["werecrow"] for wolf in wolves: if wolf in vars.ROLES["wolf"]: cli.msg(wolf, ('You are a \u0002wolf\u0002. It is your job to kill all the '+ 'villagers. Use "kill " to kill a villager.')) elif wolf in vars.ROLES["traitor"]: cli.msg(wolf, ('You are a \u0002traitor\u0002. You are exactly like a '+ 'villager and not even a seer can see your true identity. '+ 'Only detectives can. ')) else: cli.msg(wolf, ('You are a \u0002werecrow\u0002. You are able to fly at night. '+ 'Use "kill " to kill a a villager. Alternatively, you can '+ 'use "observe " to check if someone is in bed or not. '+ 'Observing will prevent you participating in a killing.')) if len(wolves) > 1: cli.msg(wolf, 'Also, if you PM me, your message will be relayed to other wolves.') pl = ps[:] pl.remove(wolf) # remove self from list for i, player in enumerate(pl): if player in vars.ROLES["wolf"]: pl[i] = player + " (wolf)" elif player in vars.ROLES["traitor"]: pl[i] = player + " (traitor)" elif player in vars.ROLES["werecrow"]: pl[i] = player + " (werecrow)" cli.msg(wolf, "\u0002Players:\u0002 "+", ".join(pl)) for seer in vars.ROLES["seer"]: pl = ps[:] pl.remove(seer) # remove self from list cli.msg(seer, ('You are a \u0002seer\u0002. '+ 'It is your job to detect the wolves, you '+ 'may have a vision once per night. '+ 'Use "see " to see the role of a player.')) cli.msg(seer, "Players: "+", ".join(pl)) for harlot in vars.ROLES["harlot"]: pl = ps[:] pl.remove(harlot) cli.msg(harlot, ('You are a \u0002harlot\u0002. '+ 'You may spend the night with one person per round. '+ 'If you visit a victim of a wolf, or visit a wolf, '+ 'you will die. Use !visit to visit a player.')) cli.msg(harlot, "Players: "+", ".join(pl)) for d in vars.ROLES["village drunk"]: cli.msg(d, 'You have been drinking too much! You are the \u0002village drunk\u0002.') for g in tuple(vars.GUNNERS.keys()): gun_msg = ("You hold a gun that shoots special silver bullets. You may only use it "+ "during the day. If you shoot a wolf, (s)he will die instantly, but if you "+ "shoot a villager, that villager will likely survive. You get {0}.") if vars.GUNNERS[g] == 1: gun_msg = gun_msg.format("1 bullet") elif vars.GUNNERS[g] > 1: gun_msg = gun_msg.format(str(vars.GUNNERS[g]) + " bullets") else: continue cli.msg(g, gun_msg) cli.msg(chan, (daydur_msg + "It is now nighttime. All players "+ "check for PMs from me for instructions. "+ "If you did not receive one, simply sit back, "+ "relax, and wait patiently for morning.")) @cmd("!start") def start(cli, nick, chan, rest): villagers = vars.list_players() if vars.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return if vars.PHASE != "join": cli.notice(nick, "Werewolf is already in play.") return if nick not in villagers: cli.notice(nick, "You're currently not playing.") return now = vars.GAME_START_TIME = now # Only used for the idler checker dur = int((vars.CAN_START_TIME - now).total_seconds()) if dur > 0: cli.msg(chan, "Please wait at least {0} more seconds.".format(dur)) return if len(villagers) < 4: cli.msg(chan, "{0}: Four or more players are required to play.".format(nick)) return vars.ROLES = {} vars.CURSED = [] vars.GUNNERS = {} addroles = None for pcount in range(len(villagers), 3, -1): addroles = vars.ROLES_GUIDE.get(pcount) if addroles: break villager_roles = ("gunner", "cursed") for i, count in enumerate(addroles): role = vars.ROLE_INDICES[i] if role in villager_roles: vars.ROLES[role] = [None] * count continue # We deal with those later, see below selected = random.sample(villagers, count) vars.ROLES[role] = selected for x in selected: villagers.remove(x) # Now for the villager roles # Select cursed (just a villager) if vars.ROLES["cursed"]: vars.CURSED = random.sample((villagers + # harlot and drunk can be cursed vars.ROLES["harlot"] + vars.ROLES["village drunk"]), len(vars.ROLES["cursed"])) del vars.ROLES["cursed"] # Select gunner (also a villager) if vars.ROLES["gunner"]: possible = (villagers + vars.ROLES["harlot"] + vars.ROLES["village drunk"] + vars.ROLES["seer"]) for csd in vars.CURSED: if csd in possible: possible.remove(csd) for gnr in random.sample(possible, len(vars.ROLES["gunner"])): if vars.ROLES["village drunk"] == gnr: vars.GUNNERS[gnr] = vars.DRUNK_SHOTS_MULTIPLIER * vars.MAX_SHOTS else: vars.GUNNERS[gnr] = vars.MAX_SHOTS del vars.ROLES["gunner"] vars.ROLES["villager"] = villagers cli.msg(chan, ("{0}: Welcome to Werewolf, the popular detective/social party "+ "game (a theme of Mafia).").format(", ".join(vars.list_players()))) cli.mode(chan, "+m") vars.ORIGINAL_ROLES = copy.deepcopy(vars.ROLES) # Make a copy vars.DAY_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0) vars.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0) vars.DAY_START_TIME = None vars.NIGHT_START_TIME = None transition_night(cli) @cmd("!wait") def wait(cli, nick, chan, rest): pl = vars.list_players() if vars.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return if vars.PHASE != "join": cli.notice(nick, "Werewolf is already in play.") return if nick not in pl: cli.notice(nick, "You're currently not playing.") return if vars.WAITED >= vars.MAXIMUM_WAITED: cli.msg(chan, "Limit has already been reached for extending the wait time.") return now = if now > vars.CAN_START_TIME: vars.CAN_START_TIME = now + timedelta(seconds=vars.EXTRA_WAIT) else: vars.CAN_START_TIME += timedelta(seconds=vars.EXTRA_WAIT) vars.WAITED += 1 cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 increased the wait time by "+ "{1} seconds.").format(nick, vars.EXTRA_WAIT)) @cmd("!reset", admin_only = True) def reset_game(cli, nick, chan, rest): reset(cli)