# Copyright (c) 2011, Jimmy Cao # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from oyoyo.parse import parse_nick import var import botconfig import decorators from datetime import datetime, timedelta import threading import random import copy from time import sleep from time import time as timetime import re import logging import sys import os COMMANDS = {} PM_COMMANDS = {} HOOKS = {} cmd = decorators.generate(COMMANDS) pmcmd = decorators.generate(PM_COMMANDS) hook = decorators.generate(HOOKS, raw_nick=True) # Game Logic Begins: def connect_callback(cli): cli.ns_identify(botconfig.PASS) def prepare_stuff(): cli.join(botconfig.CHANNEL) cli.msg("ChanServ", "op "+botconfig.CHANNEL) var.USERS = [] var.CLOAKS = [] @hook("whoreply") def on_whoreply(cli, server, dunno, chan, dunno1, cloak, dunno3, user, status, dunno4): if user in var.USERS: return # Don't add someone who is already there var.USERS.append(user) var.CLOAKS.append(cloak) cli.who(botconfig.CHANNEL) @hook("nicknameinuse") def mustghost(cli, *blah): cli.nick(botconfig.NICK+"_") cli.ns_identify(botconfig.PASS) cli.ns_ghost() cli.nick(botconfig.NICK) prepare_stuff() @hook("unavailresource") def mustrelease(cli, *blah): cli.nick(botconfig.NICK+"_") cli.ns_identify(botconfig.PASS) cli.ns_release() cli.nick(botconfig.NICK) prepare_stuff() var.LAST_PING = 0 # time of last ping var.ROLES = {"person" : []} var.ORIGINAL_ROLES = {} var.PHASE = "none" # "join", "day", or "night" var.TIMERS = [None, None] var.DEAD = [] var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS = {} var.DENIED_SETTINGS_CHANGE = [] var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_OPPOSITION = [] var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_REQUESTER = None var.LAST_SAID_TIME = {} var.GAME_START_TIME = datetime.now() # for idle checker only var.GRAVEYARD_LOCK = threading.RLock() var.GAME_ID = 0 prepare_stuff() def mass_mode(cli, md): """ Example: mass_mode(cli, (('+v', 'asdf'), ('-v','wobosd'))) """ lmd = len(md) # store how many mode changes to do for start_i in range(0, lmd, 4): # 4 mode-changes at a time if start_i + 4 > lmd: # If this is a remainder (mode-changes < 4) z = list(zip(*md[start_i:])) # zip this remainder ei = lmd % 4 # len(z) else: z = list(zip(*md[start_i:start_i+4])) # zip four ei = 4 # len(z) # Now z equal something like [('+v', '-v'), ('asdf', 'wobosd')] arg1 = "".join(z[0]) arg2 = " ".join(z[1]) + " " + " ".join([x+"!*@*" for x in z[1]]) cli.mode(botconfig.CHANNEL, arg1, arg2) def reset_settings(): for attr in list(var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS.keys()): setattr(var, attr, var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS[attr]) dict.clear(var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS) var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_OPPOSITION = [] var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_REQUESTER = None def reset(cli): chan = botconfig.CHANNEL var.PHASE = "none" if var.TIMERS[0]: var.TIMERS[0].cancel() var.TIMERS[0] = None if var.TIMERS[1]: var.TIMERS[1].cancel() var.TIMERS[1] = None var.GAME_ID = 0 cli.mode(chan, "-m") cmodes = [] for plr in var.list_players(): cmodes.append(("-v", plr)) for deadguy in var.DEAD: cmodes.append(("-q", deadguy)) mass_mode(cli, cmodes) var.DEAD = [] var.ROLES = {"person" : []} reset_settings() var.DENIED_SETTINGS_CHANGE = [] dict.clear(var.LAST_SAID_TIME) @pmcmd("bye", admin_only=True) @cmd("bye", admin_only=True) def forced_exit(cli, nick, *rest): # Admin Only """Forces the bot to close""" reset(cli) dict.clear(COMMANDS) dict.clear(PM_COMMANDS) dict.clear(HOOKS) cli.quit("Forced quit from admin") raise SystemExit @cmd("exec", owner_only = True) def py(cli, nick, chan, rest): try: exec(rest) except Exception as e: cli.msg(chan, str(type(e))+":"+str(e)) @cmd("eval", owner_only = True) def pyeval(cli, nick, chan, rest): try: a = str(eval(rest)) if len(a) < 500: cli.msg(chan, a) else: cli.msg(chan, a[0:500]) except Exception as e: cli.msg(chan, str(type(e))+":"+str(e)) @cmd("restart", admin_only=True) def restart_program(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Restarts the bot.""" try: forced_exit(cli, nick, chan, rest) finally: print("RESTARTING") python = sys.executable os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv) @cmd("op", admin_only=True) def give_op(cli, nick, chan, rest): """OP [(person)] Makes someone or yourself a channel operator""" if not rest.strip(): rest = nick cli.msg("ChanServ", " ".join(("op",chan,rest.strip()))) @pmcmd("op", admin_only=True) def give_op_pm(cli, nick, rest): give_op(cli, nick, botconfig.CHANNEL, rest) @cmd("deop", admin_only=True) def take_op(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Takes operator rights from someone or yourself.""" if not rest.strip(): rest = nick cli.msg("ChanServ", " ".join(("deop",chan,rest.strip()))) @cmd("ping") def pinger(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Pings the channel to get people's attention. Rate-Limited.""" if (var.LAST_PING and var.LAST_PING + timedelta(seconds=300) > datetime.now()): cli.notice(nick, ("This command is ratelimited. " + "Please wait a while before using it again.")) return var.LAST_PING = datetime.now() var.PINGING = True TO_PING = [] @hook("whoreply") def on_whoreply(cli, server, dunno, chan, dunno1, cloak, dunno3, user, status, dunno4): if not var.PINGING: return if user in (botconfig.NICK, nick): return # Don't ping self. if (var.PINGING and 'G' not in status and '+' not in status and cloak not in var.AWAY): TO_PING.append(user) @hook("endofwho") def do_ping(*args): if not var.PINGING: return cli.msg(chan, "PING! "+" ".join(TO_PING)) var.PINGING = False HOOKS.pop("whoreply") HOOKS.pop("endofwho") cli.who(chan) @cmd("away", raw_nick=True) @pmcmd("away", raw_nick=True) @cmd("back", raw_nick=True) @pmcmd("back", raw_nick=True) def away(cli, nick, *rest): """Use this to toggle your away status (for !ping).""" cloak = parse_nick(nick)[3] nick = parse_nick(nick)[0] if cloak in var.AWAY: var.AWAY.remove(cloak) cli.notice(nick, "You are now no longer marked as away.") return var.AWAY.append(cloak) cli.notice(nick, "You are now marked as away.") @cmd("fping", admin_only=True) def fpinger(cli, nick, chan, rest): var.LAST_PING = None pinger(cli, nick, chan, rest) @cmd("join") def join(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Either starts a new game of Werewolf or joins an existing game that has not started yet.""" pl = var.list_players() if var.PHASE == "none": cli.mode(chan, "+v", nick, nick+"!*@*") var.ROLES["person"].append(nick) var.PHASE = "join" var.WAITED = 0 var.GAME_ID = timetime() var.CAN_START_TIME = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=var.MINIMUM_WAIT) cli.msg(chan, ('\u0002{0}\u0002 has started a game of Werewolf. '+ 'Type "{1}join" to join. Type "{1}start" to start the game. '+ 'Type "{1}wait" to increase join wait time.').format(nick, botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) elif nick in pl: cli.notice(nick, "You're already playing!") elif len(pl) >= var.MAX_PLAYERS: cli.notice(nick, "Too many players! Try again next time.") elif var.PHASE != "join": cli.notice(nick, "Sorry but the game is already running. Try again next time.") else: cli.mode(chan, "+v", nick, nick+"!*@*") var.ROLES["person"].append(nick) cli.msg(chan, '\u0002{0}\u0002 has joined the game.'.format(nick)) @cmd("fjoin", admin_only=True) def fjoin(cli, nick, chan, rest): noticed = False if not rest.strip(): join(cli, nick, chan, "") for a in re.split(" +",rest): a = a.strip() if not a: continue ull = [u.lower() for u in var.USERS] if a.lower() not in ull: if not is_fake_nick(a): if not noticed: # important cli.msg(chan, nick+(": You may only fjoin fake people "+ "or people in this channel for now.")) noticed = True continue if not is_fake_nick(a): a = var.USERS[ull.index(a.lower())] if a != botconfig.NICK: join(cli, a.strip(), chan, "") else: cli.notice(nick, "No, that won't be allowed.") @cmd("fleave","fquit","fdel", admin_only=True) def fleave(cli, nick, chan, rest): for a in re.split(" +",rest): a = a.strip() if not a: continue pll = [x.lower() for x in var.list_players()] if a.lower() != botconfig.NICK.lower() and a.lower() in pll: del_player(cli, a.strip()) cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 has used fleave"+ " on \u0002{1}\u0002.").format(nick, a.strip())) elif a.lower() not in pll: cli.msg(chan, nick+": That could not be done.") @cmd("fstart", admin_only=True) def fstart(cli, nick, chan, rest): var.CAN_START_TIME = datetime.now() cli.msg(chan, "\u0002{0}\u0002 has forced the game to start.".format(nick)) start(cli, nick, chan, rest) @cmd("chankick", admin_only=True) def chankick(cli, nick, chan, rest): rest = re.split(" +", rest, 1) if not rest[0]: cli.notice(nick, "Invalid syntax for this command.") return if rest[0] != botconfig.NICK: cli.kick(chan, *rest) else: cli.kick(chan, nick, "No.") @hook("kick") def on_kicked(cli, nick, chan, victim, reason): if victim == botconfig.NICK: cli.join(botconfig.CHANNEL) cli.msg("ChanServ", "op "+botconfig.CHANNEL) # cli.kick(chan, nick, "No.") @cmd("stats") def stats(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Display the player statistics""" if var.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return pl = var.list_players() if len(pl) > 1: cli.msg(chan, '{0}: \u0002{1}\u0002 players: {2}'.format(nick, len(pl), ", ".join(pl))) else: cli.msg(chan, '{0}: \u00021\u0002 player: {1}'.format(nick, pl[0])) if var.PHASE == "join": return message = [] f = False # set to true after the is/are verb is decided l1 = [k for k in var.ROLES.keys() if var.ROLES[k]] l2 = [k for k in var.ORIGINAL_ROLES.keys() if var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[k]] for role in set(l1+l2): count = len(var.ROLES[role]) if not f and count>1: vb = "are" f = True elif not f: vb = "is" f = True if count > 1 or count == 0: message.append("\u0002{0}\u0002 {1}".format(count if count else "\u0002no\u0002", var.plural(role))) else: message.append("\u0002{0}\u0002 {1}".format(count, role)) cli.msg(chan, "{0}: There {3} {1}, and {2}.".format(nick, ", ".join(message[0:-1]), message[-1], vb)) def hurry_up(cli, gameid=0): if var.PHASE != "day": return if gameid: if gameid != var.DAY_ID: return var.DAY_ID = 0 chan = botconfig.CHANNEL pl = var.list_players() avail = len(pl) - len(var.WOUNDED) votesneeded = avail // 2 + 1 found_dup = False maxfound = (0, "") for votee, voters in iter(var.VOTES.items()): if len(voters) > maxfound[0]: maxfound = (len(voters), votee) found_dup = False elif len(voters) == maxfound[0]: found_dup = True if maxfound[0] > 0 and not found_dup: cli.msg(chan, "The sun sets.") var.VOTES[maxfound[1]] = [None] * votesneeded chk_decision(cli) # Induce a lynch else: cli.msg(chan, "The sun is almost setting.") for plr in pl: var.VOTES[plr] = [None] * (votesneeded - 1) @cmd("fnight", admin_only=True) def fnight(cli, nick, chan, rest): if var.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, "It is not daytime.") else: hurry_up(cli) @cmd("fday", admin_only=True) def fday(cli, nick, chan, rest): if var.PHASE != "night": cli.notice(nick, "It is not nighttime.") else: transition_day(cli) def chk_decision(cli): chan = botconfig.CHANNEL pl = var.list_players() avail = len(pl) - len(var.WOUNDED) votesneeded = avail // 2 + 1 for votee, voters in iter(var.VOTES.items()): if len(voters) >= votesneeded: cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, random.choice(var.LYNCH_MESSAGES).format( votee, var.get_role(votee))) if del_player(cli, votee, True): transition_night(cli) @cmd("votes") def show_votes(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Displays the voting statistics.""" if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if var.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, "Voting is only during the day.") return elif not var.VOTES.values(): cli.msg(chan, nick+": No votes yet.") return if None in [x for voter in var.VOTES.values() for x in voter]: cli.msg(chan, (nick+": Tiebreaker conditions. Whoever "+ "receives the next vote will be lynched.")) return votelist = ["{0}: {1} ({2})".format(votee, len(var.VOTES[votee]), " ".join(var.VOTES[votee])) for votee in var.VOTES.keys()] cli.msg(chan, "{0}: {1}".format(nick, ", ".join(votelist))) pl = var.list_players() avail = len(pl) - len(var.WOUNDED) votesneeded = avail // 2 + 1 cli.msg(chan, ("{0}: \u0002{1}\u0002 players, \u0002{2}\u0002 votes "+ "required to lynch, \u0002{3}\u0002 players available " + "to vote.").format(nick, len(pl), votesneeded, avail)) def chk_traitor(cli): for tt in var.ROLES["traitor"]: var.ROLES["wolf"].append(tt) var.ROLES["traitor"].remove(tt) cli.msg(tt, ('HOOOOOOOOOWL. You have become... a wolf!\n'+ 'It is up to you to avenge your fallen leaders!')) def chk_win(cli): """ Returns True if someone won """ chan = botconfig.CHANNEL lpl = len(var.list_players()) if lpl == 0: cli.msg(chan, "No more players remaining. Game ended.") reset(cli) return True if var.PHASE == "join": return False elif (len(var.ROLES["wolf"])+ #len(var.ROLES["traitor"])+ Apparently not. len(var.ROLES["werecrow"])) == lpl / 2: cli.msg(chan, ("Game over! There are the same number of wolves as "+ "villagers. The wolves eat everyone, and win.")) elif (len(var.ROLES["wolf"])+ #len(var.ROLES["traitor"])+ len(var.ROLES["werecrow"])) > lpl / 2: cli.msg(chan, ("Game over! There are more wolves than "+ "villagers. The wolves eat everyone, and win.")) elif (not var.ROLES["wolf"] and not var.ROLES["traitor"] and not var.ROLES["werecrow"]): cli.msg(chan, ("Game over! All the wolves are dead! The villagers "+ "chop them up, BBQ them, and have a hearty meal.")) elif not len(var.ROLES["wolf"]) and var.ROLES["traitor"]: chk_traitor(cli) cli.msg(chan, ('\u0002The villagers, during their celebrations, are '+ 'frightened as they hear a loud howl. The wolves are '+ 'not gone!\u0002')) return False else: return False if var.DAY_START_TIME: now = datetime.now() td = now - var.DAY_START_TIME var.DAY_TIMEDELTA += td if var.NIGHT_START_TIME: now = datetime.now() td = now - var.NIGHT_START_TIME var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA += td daymin, daysec = var.DAY_TIMEDELTA.seconds // 60, var.DAY_TIMEDELTA.seconds % 60 nitemin, nitesec = var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA.seconds // 60, var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA.seconds % 60 total = var.DAY_TIMEDELTA + var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA tmin, tsec = total.seconds // 60, total.seconds % 60 cli.msg(chan, ("Game lasted \u0002{0:0>2}:{1:0>2}\u0002. " + "\u0002{2:0>2}:{3:0>2}\u0002 was day. " + "\u0002{4:0>2}:{5:0>2}\u0002 was night. ").format(tmin, tsec, daymin, daysec, nitemin, nitesec)) roles_msg = [] var.ORIGINAL_ROLES["cursed villager"] = var.CURSED lroles = list(var.ORIGINAL_ROLES.keys()) lroles.remove("wolf") lroles.insert(0, "wolf") # picky, howl consistency for role in lroles: if len(var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role]) == 0 or role == "villager": continue elif len(var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role]) == 2: msg = "The {1} were \u0002{0[0]}\u0002 and \u0002{0[1]}\u0002." roles_msg.append(msg.format(var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role], var.plural(role))) elif len(var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role]) == 1: roles_msg.append("The {1} was \u0002{0[0]}\u0002.".format(var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role], role)) else: msg = "The {2} were {0}, and \u0002{1}\u0002." nickslist = ["\u0002"+x+"\u0002" for x in var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role][0:-1]] roles_msg.append(msg.format(", ".join(nickslist), var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[role][-1], var.plural(role))) cli.msg(chan, " ".join(roles_msg)) reset(cli) return True def del_player(cli, nick, forced_death = False): """ Returns: False if one side won. arg: forced_death = True when lynched. """ t = timetime() # time with var.GRAVEYARD_LOCK: if not var.GAME_ID or var.GAME_ID > t: # either game ended, or a new game has started. return False cmode = [] cmode.append(("-v", nick)) var.del_player(nick) ret = True if var.PHASE == "join": # Died during the joining process as a person mass_mode(cli, cmode) return not chk_win(cli) if var.PHASE != "join" and ret: # Died during the game, so quiet! if not is_fake_nick(nick): cmode.append(("+q", nick)) mass_mode(cli, cmode) var.DEAD.append(nick) ret = not chk_win(cli) if var.PHASE in ("night", "day") and ret: # remove him from variables if he is in there if var.VICTIM == nick: var.VICTIM = "" for x in (var.OBSERVED, var.HVISITED, var.GUARDED): keys = list(x.keys()) for k in keys: if k == nick: del x[k] elif x[k] == nick: del x[k] if nick in var.GUNNERS.keys(): del var.GUNNERS[nick] if nick in var.CURSED: var.CURSED.remove(nick) if var.PHASE == "day" and not forced_death and ret: # didn't die from lynching if nick in var.VOTES.keys(): del var.VOTES[nick] # Delete his votes for k in var.VOTES.keys(): if nick in var.VOTES[k]: var.VOTES[k].remove(nick) chk_decision(cli) return ret @hook("ping") def on_ping(cli, prefix, server): cli.send('PONG', server) def reaper(cli, gameid): # check to see if idlers need to be killed. var.IDLE_WARNED = [] if not var.WARN_IDLE_TIME or not var.KILL_IDLE_TIME: return while gameid == var.GAME_ID: with var.GRAVEYARD_LOCK: to_warn = [] to_kill = [] for nick in var.list_players(): lst = var.LAST_SAID_TIME.get(nick, var.GAME_START_TIME) tdiff = datetime.now() - lst if (tdiff > timedelta(seconds=var.WARN_IDLE_TIME) and nick not in var.IDLE_WARNED): to_warn.append(nick) var.IDLE_WARNED.append(nick) var.LAST_SAID_TIME[nick] = (datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=var.WARN_IDLE_TIME)) # Give him a chance elif (tdiff > timedelta(seconds=var.KILL_IDLE_TIME) and nick in var.IDLE_WARNED): to_kill.append(nick) print("WILL KILL "+nick) elif (tdiff < timedelta(seconds=var.WARN_IDLE_TIME) and nick in var.IDLE_WARNED): var.IDLE_WARNED.remove(nick) # he saved himself from death chan = botconfig.CHANNEL for nck in to_kill: if nck not in var.list_players(): continue cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 didn't get out of bed "+ "for a very long time. S/He is declared dead. Appears "+ "(s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002").format(nck, var.get_role(nck))) if not del_player(cli, nck): return pl = var.list_players() x = [a for a in to_warn if a in pl] if x: cli.msg(chan, ("{0}: \u0002You have been idling for a while. "+ "Please remember to say something soon or you "+ "might be declared dead.\u0002").format(", ".join(x))) sleep(10) @cmd("") # update last said def update_last_said(cli, nick, *rest): if var.PHASE not in ("join", "none"): var.LAST_SAID_TIME[nick] = datetime.now() @hook("join") def on_join(cli, raw_nick, chan): nick,m,u,cloak = parse_nick(raw_nick) if nick not in var.USERS and nick != botconfig.NICK: var.USERS.append(nick) var.CLOAKS.append(cloak) #if nick in var.list_players(): # cli.mode(chan, "+v", nick, nick+"!*@*") needed? @cmd("goat") def goat(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Use a goat to interact with anyone in the channel during the day""" if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if var.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, "You can only do that in the day.") return if var.GOATED: cli.notice(nick, "You can only do that once per day.") return if rest.strip() in var.USERS: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002's goat walks by "+ "and kicks \u0002{1}\u0002.").format(nick, rest.strip())) @hook("nick") def on_nick(cli, prefix, nick): prefix,u,m,cloak = parse_nick(prefix) if prefix in var.DENIED_SETTINGS_CHANGE: var.DENIED_SETTINGS_CHANGE.append(nick) var.DENIED_SETTINGS_CHANGE.remove(prefix) if prefix in var.USERS: var.USERS.remove(prefix) var.CLOAKS.remove(cloak) var.USERS.append(nick) var.CLOAKS.append(cloak) opl = [] for k,v in var.ORIGINAL_ROLES.items(): if prefix in v: var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[k].remove(prefix) var.ORIGINAL_ROLES[k].append(nick) break if prefix in var.list_players(): r = var.ROLES[var.get_role(prefix)] r.append(nick) r.remove(prefix) if var.PHASE in ("night", "day"): if var.VICTIM == prefix: var.VICTIM = nick kvp = [] for dictvar in (var.HVISITED, var.OBSERVED, var.GUARDED): for a,b in dictvar.items(): if a == prefix: a = nick if b == prefix: b = nick kvp.append((a,b)) dictvar.update(kvp) if prefix in dictvar.keys(): del dictvar[prefix] if prefix in var.SEEN: var.SEEN.remove(prefix) var.SEEN.append(nick) if nick in var.GUNNERS.keys(): del var.GUNNERS[nick] if nick in var.CURSED: var.CURSED.remove(nick) if var.PHASE == "day": if prefix in var.WOUNDED: var.WOUNDED.remove(prefix) var.WOUNDED.append(nick) if prefix in var.INVESTIGATED: var.INVESTIGATED.remove(prefix) var.INVESTIGATED.append(prefix) if prefix in var.VOTES: var.VOTES[nick] = var.VOTES.pop(prefix) for v in var.VOTES.values(): if prefix in v: v.remove(prefix) v.append(nick) else: return def leave(cli, what, nick, why=""): """Exit the game.""" if why and why == botconfig.CHANGING_HOST_QUIT_MESSAGE: return if var.PHASE == "none" and what.startswith(botconfig.CMD_CHAR): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif var.PHASE == "none": return if nick not in var.list_players() and what.startswith(botconfig.CMD_CHAR): # not playing cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): return msg = "" if what in (botconfig.CMD_CHAR+"quit", botconfig.CMD_CHAR+"leave"): msg = ("\u0002{0}\u0002 died of an unknown disease. "+ "S/He was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") elif what == "part": msg = ("\u0002{0}\u0002 died due to eating poisonous berries. "+ "Appears (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") elif what == "quit": msg = ("\u0002{0}\u0002 died due to a fatal attack by wild animals. "+ "Appears (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") elif what == "kick": msg = ("\u0002{0}\u0002 died due to falling off a cliff. "+ "Appears (s)he was a \u0002{1}\u0002.") msg = msg.format(nick, var.get_role(nick)) cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, msg) del_player(cli, nick) cmd("leave")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, botconfig.CMD_CHAR+"leave", nick)) cmd("quit")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, botconfig.CMD_CHAR+"quit", nick)) #Functions decorated with hook do not parse the nick by default hook("part")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, "part", parse_nick(nick)[0])) hook("quit")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, "quit", parse_nick(nick)[0], rest[0])) hook("kick")(lambda cli, nick, *rest: leave(cli, "kick", parse_nick(rest[1])[0])) def begin_day(cli): chan = botconfig.CHANNEL # Reset nighttime variables var.VICTIM = "" # nickname of kill victim var.ACTED_WOLVES = set() var.GUARDED = "" var.KILLER = "" # nickname of who chose the victim var.SEEN = [] # list of seers that have had visions var.OBSERVED = {} # those whom werecrows have observed var.HVISITED = {} var.GUARDED = {} cli.msg(chan, ("The villagers must now vote for whom to lynch. "+ 'Use "{0}lynch " to cast your vote. 3 votes '+ 'are required to lynch.').format(botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) if var.DAY_TIME_LIMIT > 0: # Time limit enabled var.DAY_ID = timetime() t = threading.Timer(var.DAY_TIME_LIMIT, hurry_up, [cli, var.DAY_ID]) var.TIMERS[1] = t var.TIMERS[1].daemon = True t.start() def transition_day(cli, gameid=0): if gameid: if gameid != var.NIGHT_ID: return var.NIGHT_ID = 0 var.PHASE = "day" var.GOATED = False chan = botconfig.CHANNEL if not len(var.SEEN)+len(var.ACTED_WOLVES) and var.FIRST_NIGHT and var.ROLES["seer"]: cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, ("The \u0002{0}\u0002, a \u0002wolf\u0002, and \u0002{1}\u0002, a \u0002seer\u0002 "+ "were both found dead in their beds.").format(var.ROLES["wolf"][0], var.ROLES["seer"][0])) for x in (var.ROLES["wolf"][0],var.ROLES["seer"][0]): del_player(cli, x) # kill them. chk_win(cli) # force to end return # Reset daytime variables var.VOTES = {} var.INVESTIGATED = [] var.WOUNDED = [] var.DAY_START_TIME = datetime.now() td = var.DAY_START_TIME - var.NIGHT_START_TIME var.NIGHT_START_TIME = None var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA += td min, sec = td.seconds // 60, td.seconds % 60 message = [("Night lasted \u0002{0:0>2}:{1:0>2}\u0002. It is now daytime. "+ "The villagers awake, thankful for surviving the night, "+ "and search the village... ").format(min, sec)] dead = [] crowonly = var.ROLES["werecrow"] and not var.ROLES["wolf"] for crow, target in iter(var.OBSERVED.items()): if target in list(var.HVISITED.keys())+var.SEEN+list(var.GUARDED.keys()): cli.msg(crow, ("As the sun rises, you conclude that \u0002{0}\u0002 was not in "+ "bed at night, and you fly back to your house.").format(target)) elif target not in var.ROLES["village drunk"]: cli.msg(crow, ("As the sun rises, you conclude that \u0002{0}\u0002 was sleeping "+ "all night long, and you fly back to your house.").format(target)) if var.VICTIM in var.GUARDED.values(): message.append(("\u0002{0}\u0002 was attacked by the wolves last night, but luckily, the "+ "guardian angel protected him/her.").format(var.VICTIM)) var.VICTIM = "" elif not var.VICTIM: message.append(random.choice(var.NO_VICTIMS_MESSAGES) + " All villagers, however, have survived.") elif var.VICTIM in var.ROLES["harlot"]: # Attacked harlot, yay no kill if var.HVISITED.get(var.VICTIM): message.append("The wolves' selected victim was a harlot, "+ "but she wasn't home.") elif var.VICTIM in var.GUNNERS.keys() and var.GUNNERS[var.VICTIM]: # victim had bullets! if random.random() < var.GUNNER_KILLS_WOLF_AT_NIGHT_CHANCE: wc = var.ROLES["werecrow"] for crow in wc: if crow in var.OBSERVED.keys(): wc.remove(crow) # don't kill off werecrows that observed deadwolf = random.choice(var.ROLES["wolf"]+wc) message.append(("The wolves made the fortunate mistake of attacking "+ "a gunner last night, and \u0002{0}\u0002, a \u0002wolf\u0002,"+ " was shot dead.").format(deadwolf)) dead.append(deadwolf) var.VICTIM = "" if var.VICTIM and (var.VICTIM not in var.ROLES["harlot"] or # not a harlot not var.HVISITED.get(var.VICTIM)): # harlot stayed home message.append(("The dead body of \u0002{0}\u0002, a "+ "\u0002{1}\u0002, is found. Those remaining mourn his/her "+ "death.").format(var.VICTIM, var.get_role(var.VICTIM))) dead.append(var.VICTIM) if var.VICTIM in var.HVISITED.values(): # victim was visited by some harlot for hlt in var.HVISITED.keys(): if var.HVISITED[hlt] == var.VICTIM: message.append(("\u0002{0}\u0002, a harlot, made the unfortunate mistake of "+ "visiting the victim's house last night and is "+ "now dead.").format(hlt)) dead.append(hlt) for harlot in var.ROLES["harlot"]: if var.HVISITED.get(harlot) in var.ROLES["wolf"]+var.ROLES["werecrow"]: message.append(("\u0002{0}\u0002, a harlot, made the unfortunate mistake of "+ "visiting a wolf's house last night and is "+ "now dead.").format(harlot)) dead.append(harlot) for gangel in var.ROLES["guardian angel"]: if var.GUARDED.get(gangel) in var.ROLES["wolf"]+var.ROLES["werecrow"]: r = random.random() if r < var.GUARDIAN_ANGEL_DIES_CHANCE: message.append(("\u0002{0}\u0002, a guardian angel, "+ "made the unfortunate mistake of guarding a wolf "+ "last night, attempted to escape, but failed "+ "and is now dead.").format(gangel)) dead.append(gangel) for crow, target in iter(var.OBSERVED.items()): if (target in var.ROLES["harlot"] and target in var.HVISITED.keys() and target not in dead): # Was visited by a crow cli.msg(target, ("You suddenly remember that you were startled by the loud "+ "sound of the flapping of wings during the walk back home.")) elif target in var.ROLES["village drunk"]: # Crow dies because of tiger (HANGOVER) cli.msg(chan, ("The bones of \u0002{0}\u0002, a werecrow, "+ "were found near the village drunk's house. "+ "The drunk's pet tiger probably ate him.").format(crow)) dead.append(crow) cli.msg(chan, "\n".join(message)) for deadperson in dead: if not del_player(cli, deadperson): return begin_day(cli) def chk_nightdone(cli): if (len(var.SEEN) == len(var.ROLES["seer"]) and # Seers have seen. len(var.HVISITED.keys()) == len(var.ROLES["harlot"]) and # harlots have visited. len(var.GUARDED.keys()) == len(var.ROLES["guardian angel"]) and # guardians have guarded len(var.ROLES["werecrow"]+var.ROLES["wolf"]) == len(var.ACTED_WOLVES) and var.PHASE == "night"): if var.TIMERS[0]: var.TIMERS[0].cancel() # cancel timer var.TIMERS[0] = None if var.PHASE == "night": # Double check transition_day(cli) @cmd("lynch", "vote") def vote(cli, nick, chan, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if var.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, ("Lynching is only allowed during the day. "+ "Please wait patiently for morning.")) return pl = var.list_players() pl_l = [x.strip().lower() for x in pl] rest = re.split(" +",rest)[0].strip().lower() if rest in pl_l: if nick in var.WOUNDED: cli.msg(chan, ("{0}: You are wounded and resting, "+ "thus you are unable to vote for the day.")) voted = pl[pl_l.index(rest)] lcandidates = list(var.VOTES.keys()) for voters in lcandidates: # remove previous vote if nick in var.VOTES[voters]: var.VOTES[voters].remove(nick) if not var.VOTES.get(voters) and voters != voted: del var.VOTES[voters] break if voted not in var.VOTES.keys(): var.VOTES[voted] = [nick] else: var.VOTES[voted].append(nick) cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 votes for "+ "\u0002{1}\u0002.").format(nick, voted)) chk_decision(cli) elif not rest: cli.notice(nick, "Not enough parameters.") else: cli.notice(nick, "\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(rest)) @cmd("retract") def retract(cli, nick, chan, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if var.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, ("Lynching is only allowed during the day. "+ "Please wait patiently for morning.")) return candidates = var.VOTES.keys() for voter in list(candidates): if nick in var.VOTES[voter]: var.VOTES[voter].remove(nick) if not var.VOTES[voter]: del var.VOTES[voter] cli.msg(chan, "\u0002{0}\u0002 retracted his/her vote.".format(nick)) break else: cli.notice(nick, "You haven't voted yet.") @cmd("shoot") def shoot(cli, nick, chan, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if var.PHASE != "day": cli.notice(nick, ("Shooting is only allowed during the day. "+ "Please wait patiently for morning.")) return if nick not in var.GUNNERS.keys(): cli.msg(nick, "You don't have a gun.") return elif not var.GUNNERS[nick]: cli.msg(nick, "You don't have any more bullets.") return victim = re.split(" +",rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.notice(nick, "Not enough parameters") return pl = var.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if victim not in pll: cli.notice(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return victim = pl[pll.index(victim)] rand = random.random() if nick in var.ROLES["village drunk"]: chances = var.DRUNK_GUN_CHANCES else: chances = var.GUN_CHANCES if rand <= chances[0]: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 shoots \u0002{1}\u0002 with "+ "a silver bullet!").format(nick, victim)) victimrole = var.get_role(victim) if victimrole in ("wolf", "werecrow"): cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 is a wolf, and is dying from "+ "the silver bullet.").format(victim)) if not del_player(cli, victim): return elif random.random() <= var.MANSLAUGHTER_CHANCE: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 is a not a wolf "+ "but was accidentally fatally injured.").format(victim)) cli.msg(chan, "Appears (s)he was a \u0002{0}\u0002.".format(victimrole)) if not del_player(cli, victim): return else: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 is a villager and is injured but "+ "will have a full recovery. S/He will be resting "+ "for the day.").format(victim)) var.WOUNDED.append(victim) chk_decision(cli) elif rand <= chances[0] + chances[1]: cli.msg(chan, "\u0002{0}\u0002 is a lousy shooter. S/He missed!".format(nick)) var.GUNNERS[nick] -= 1 else: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 should clean his/her weapons more often. "+ "The gun exploded and killed him/her!").format(nick)) cli.msg(chan, "Appears that (s)he was a \u0002{0}\u0002.".format(var.get_role(nick))) if not del_player(cli, nick): return # Someone won. @pmcmd("kill") def kill(cli, nick, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return role = var.get_role(nick) if role not in ('wolf', 'werecrow'): cli.msg(nick, "Only a wolf may use this command.") return if var.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only kill people at night.") return victim = re.split(" +",rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return if role == "werecrow": # Check if flying to observe if var.OBSERVED.get(nick): cli.msg(nick, ("You are flying to \u0002{0}'s\u0002 house, and "+ "therefore you don't have the time "+ "and energy to kill a villager.").format(var.OBSERVED[nick])) return pl = var.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if victim not in pll: cli.msg(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return if victim == nick.lower(): cli.msg(nick, "Suicide is bad. Don't do it.") return if victim in var.ROLES["wolf"]+var.ROLES["traitor"]+var.ROLES["werecrow"]: cli.msg(nick, "You may only kill villagers, not other wolves") return var.VICTIM = pl[pll.index(victim)] cli.msg(nick, "You have selected \u0002{0}\u0002 to be killed".format(var.VICTIM)) var.ACTED_WOLVES.add(nick) chk_nightdone(cli) @pmcmd("guard") def guard(cli, nick, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return role = var.get_role(nick) if role != 'guardian angel': cli.msg(nick, "Only a guardian angel may use this command.") return if var.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only protect people at night.") return victim = re.split(" +",rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return if var.GUARDED.get(nick): cli.msg(nick, ("You are already protecting "+ "\u0002{0}\u0002.").format(var.GUARDED[nick])) return pl = var.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if victim not in pll: cli.msg(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return if victim == nick.lower(): cli.msg(nick, "You may not guard yourself.") return var.GUARDED[nick] = pl[pll.index(victim)] cli.msg(nick, "You are protecting \u0002{0}\u0002 tonight. Farewell!".format(var.GUARDED[nick])) cli.msg(victim, "You can sleep well tonight, for a guardian angel is protecting you.") chk_nightdone(cli) @pmcmd("observe") def observe(cli, nick, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if not var.is_role(nick, "werecrow"): cli.msg(nick, "Only a werecrow may use this command.") return if var.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only transform into a crow at night.") return victim = re.split(" +", rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return pl = var.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if victim not in pll: cli.msg(nick, "\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return victim = pl[pll.index(victim)] if victim == nick.lower(): cli.msg(nick, "Instead of doing that, you should probably go kill someone.") return if var.get_role(victim) in ("werecrow", "traitor", "wolf"): cli.msg(nick, "Flying to another wolf's house is a waste of time.") return var.OBSERVED[nick] = victim var.ACTED_WOLVES.add(nick) cli.msg(nick, ("You transform into a large crow and start your flight "+ "to \u0002{0}'s\u0002 house. You will return after "+ "collecting your observations when day begins.").format(victim)) @pmcmd("id") def investigate(cli, nick, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if not var.is_role(nick, "detective"): cli.msg(nick, "Only a detective may use this command.") return if var.PHASE != "day": cli.msg(nick, "You may only investigate people during the day.") return if nick in var.INVESTIGATED: cli.msg(nick, "You may only investigate one person per round.") return victim = re.split(" +", rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return pl = var.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if victim not in pll: cli.msg(nick, "\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return victim = pl[pll.index(victim)] var.INVESTIGATED.append(nick) cli.msg(nick, ("The results of your investigation have returned. \u0002{0}\u0002"+ " is a... \u0002{1}\u0002!").format(victim, var.get_role(victim))) if random.random() < var.DETECTIVE_REVEALED_CHANCE: # a 2/5 chance (should be changeable in settings) # Reveal his role! for badguy in var.ROLES["wolf"] + var.ROLES["werecrow"] + var.ROLES["traitor"]: cli.msg(badguy, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 accidentally drops a paper. The paper reveals "+ "that (s)he is the detective!").format(nick)) @pmcmd("visit") def hvisit(cli, nick, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if not var.is_role(nick, "harlot"): cli.msg(nick, "Only a harlot may use this command.") return if var.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only visit someone at night.") return if var.HVISITED.get(nick): cli.msg(nick, ("You are already spending the night "+ "with \u0002{0}\u0002.").format(var.HVISITED[nick])) return victim = re.split(" +",rest)[0].strip().lower() if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return pl = [x.lower() for x in var.list_players()] if victim not in pl: cli.msg(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return if nick.lower() == victim: # Staying home var.HVISITED[nick] = None cli.msg(nick, "You have chosen to stay home for the night.") else: var.HVISITED[nick] = var.list_players()[pl.index(victim)] cli.msg(nick, ("You are spending the night with \u0002{0}\u0002. "+ "Have a good time!").format(victim)) if var.HVISITED[nick] not in var.ROLES["wolf"]: cli.msg(var.HVISITED[nick], ("You are spending the night with \u0002{0}"+ "\u0002. Have a good time!").format(nick)) chk_nightdone(cli) def is_fake_nick(who): return not( ((who[0].isalpha() or (who[0] in (botconfig.CMD_CHAR, "\\", "_", "`"))) and not who.lower().endswith("serv"))) @cmd("frole", admin_only=True) def frole(cli, nick, chan, rest): rst = re.split(" +",rest) if len(rst) < 2: cli.msg(chan, "The syntax is incorrect.") who = rst.pop(0).strip() rol = " ".join(rst).strip() ull = [u.lower() for u in var.USERS] if who.lower() not in ull: if not is_fake_nick(who): cli.msg(chan, "Could not be done.") cli.msg(chan, "The target needs to be in this channel or a fake name.") return if not is_fake_nick(who): who = var.USERS[ull.index(who.lower())] if who == botconfig.NICK or not who: cli.msg(chan, "No.") return if rol not in var.ROLES.keys(): pl = var.list_players() if var.PHASE not in ("night", "day"): cli.msg(chan, "This is only allowed in game.") if rol == "gunner": var.GUNNERS[who] = var.MAX_SHOTS if who not in pl: var.ROLES["villager"].append(who) elif rol == "cursed": var.CURSED.append(who) if who not in pl: var.ROLES["villager"].append(who) else: cli.msg(chan, "Not a valid role.") return cli.msg(chan, "Operation successful.") return if who in var.list_players(): var.del_player(who) var.ROLES[rol].append(who) cli.msg(chan, "Operation successful.") if var.PHASE not in ('none','join'): chk_win(cli) @cmd("force", admin_only=True) def forcepm(cli, nick, chan, rest): rst = re.split(" +",rest) if len(rst) < 2: cli.msg(chan, "The syntax is incorrect.") return who = rst.pop(0).strip() if not who or who == botconfig.NICK: cli.msg(chan, "That won't work.") return if not is_fake_nick(who): if who not in var.USERS: cli.msg(chan, "This can only be done on fake nicks.") return cmd = rst.pop(0).lower().replace(botconfig.CMD_CHAR, "", 1) if cmd in PM_COMMANDS.keys() and not PM_COMMANDS[cmd][0].owner_only: for fn in PM_COMMANDS[cmd]: fn(cli, who, " ".join(rst)) cli.msg(chan, "Operation successful.") #if var.PHASE == "night": <- Causes problems with night starting twice. # chk_nightdone(cli) elif cmd.lower() in COMMANDS.keys() and not COMMANDS[cmd][0].owner_only: for fn in COMMANDS[cmd]: fn(cli, who, chan, " ".join(rst)) cli.msg(chan, "Operation successful.") else: cli.msg(chan, "That command was not found.") @pmcmd("see") def see(cli, nick, rest): if var.PHASE in ("none", "join"): cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return elif nick not in var.list_players(): cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if not var.is_role(nick, "seer"): cli.msg(nick, "Only a seer may use this command") return if var.PHASE != "night": cli.msg(nick, "You may only have visions at night.") return if nick in var.SEEN: cli.msg(nick, "You may only have one vision per round.") return victim = re.split(" +",rest)[0].strip().lower() pl = var.list_players() pll = [x.lower() for x in pl] if not victim: cli.msg(nick, "Not enough parameters") return if victim not in pll: cli.msg(nick,"\u0002{0}\u0002 is currently not playing.".format(victim)) return victim = pl[pll.index(victim)] if nick in var.CURSED: role = "wolf" elif var.get_role(victim) == "traitor": role = "villager" else: role = var.get_role(victim) cli.msg(nick, ("You have a vision; in this vision, "+ "you see that \u0002{0}\u0002 is a "+ "\u0002{1}\u0002!").format(victim, role)) var.SEEN.append(nick) chk_nightdone(cli) @hook("featurelist") def getfeatures(cli, nick, *rest): var.MAX_PRIVMSG_TARGETS = 1 for r in rest: if r.startswith("TARGMAX="): x = r[r.index("PRIVMSG:"):] if "," in x: l = x[x.index(":")+1:x.index(",")] else: l = x[x.index(":")+1:] l = l.strip() if not l or not l.isdigit(): continue else: var.MAX_PRIVMSG_TARGETS = int(l) break @pmcmd("") def relay(cli, nick, rest): if var.PHASE != "night": return badguys = var.ROLES["wolf"] + var.ROLES["traitor"] + var.ROLES["werecrow"] if len(badguys) > 1: if nick in badguys: badguys.remove(nick) # remove self from list while badguys: if len(badguys) <= var.MAX_PRIVMSG_TARGETS: bgs = ",".join(badguys) badguys = [] else: bgs = ",".join(badguys[0:var.MAX_PRIVMSG_TARGETS]) badguys = badguys[var.MAX_PRIVMSG_TARGETS:] cli.msg(bgs, "{0} says: {1}".format(nick, rest)) def transition_night(cli): var.PHASE = "night" if var.TIMERS[1]: # cancel daytime-limit timer var.TIMERS[1].cancel() var.TIMERS[1] = None var.FIRST_NIGHT = (var.ROLES == var.ORIGINAL_ROLES) # Reset nighttime variables var.VICTIM = "" # nickname of kill victim var.ACTED_WOLVES = set() var.GUARDED = {} # key = by whom, value = the person that is visited var.KILLER = "" # nickname of who chose the victim var.SEEN = [] # list of seers that have had visions var.OBSERVED = {} # those whom werecrows have observed var.HVISITED = {} var.NIGHT_START_TIME = datetime.now() daydur_msg = "" if var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA or var.START_WITH_DAY: # transition from day td = var.NIGHT_START_TIME - var.DAY_START_TIME var.DAY_START_TIME = None var.DAY_TIMEDELTA += td min, sec = td.seconds // 60, td.seconds % 60 daydur_msg = "Day lasted \u0002{0:0>2}:{1:0>2}\u0002. ".format(min,sec) chan = botconfig.CHANNEL if var.NIGHT_TIME_LIMIT > 0: var.NIGHT_ID = timetime() t = threading.Timer(var.NIGHT_TIME_LIMIT, transition_day, [cli, var.NIGHT_ID]) var.TIMERS[0] = t var.TIMERS[0].daemon = True t.start() # send PMs ps = var.list_players() wolves = var.ROLES["wolf"]+var.ROLES["traitor"]+var.ROLES["werecrow"] for wolf in wolves: if wolf in var.ROLES["wolf"]: cli.msg(wolf, ('You are a \u0002wolf\u0002. It is your job to kill all the '+ 'villagers. Use "kill " to kill a villager.')) elif wolf in var.ROLES["traitor"]: cli.msg(wolf, ('You are a \u0002traitor\u0002. You are exactly like a '+ 'villager and not even a seer can see your true identity. '+ 'Only detectives can. ')) else: cli.msg(wolf, ('You are a \u0002werecrow\u0002. You are able to fly at night. '+ 'Use "kill " to kill a a villager. Alternatively, you can '+ 'use "observe " to check if someone is in bed or not. '+ 'Observing will prevent you participating in a killing.')) if len(wolves) > 1: cli.msg(wolf, 'Also, if you PM me, your message will be relayed to other wolves.') pl = ps[:] pl.remove(wolf) # remove self from list for i, player in enumerate(pl): if player in var.ROLES["wolf"]: pl[i] = player + " (wolf)" elif player in var.ROLES["traitor"]: pl[i] = player + " (traitor)" elif player in var.ROLES["werecrow"]: pl[i] = player + " (werecrow)" cli.msg(wolf, "\u0002Players:\u0002 "+", ".join(pl)) for seer in var.ROLES["seer"]: pl = ps[:] pl.remove(seer) # remove self from list cli.msg(seer, ('You are a \u0002seer\u0002. '+ 'It is your job to detect the wolves, you '+ 'may have a vision once per night. '+ 'Use "see " to see the role of a player.')) cli.msg(seer, "Players: "+", ".join(pl)) for harlot in var.ROLES["harlot"]: pl = ps[:] pl.remove(harlot) cli.msg(harlot, ('You are a \u0002harlot\u0002. '+ 'You may spend the night with one person per round. '+ 'If you visit a victim of a wolf, or visit a wolf, '+ 'you will die. Use !visit to visit a player.')) cli.msg(harlot, "Players: "+", ".join(pl)) for g_angel in var.ROLES["guardian angel"]: pl = ps[:] pl.remove(g_angel) cli.msg(g_angel, ('You are a \u0002guardian angel\u0002. '+ 'It is your job to protect the villagers. If you guard a'+ ' wolf, there is a 50/50 chance of you dying, if you guard '+ 'a victim, they will live. Use !guard to guard a player.')); cli.msg(g_angel, "Players: " + ", ".join(pl)) for dttv in var.ROLES["detective"]: cli.msg(dttv, ("You are a \u0002detective\u0002.\n"+ "It is your job to determine all the wolves and traitors. "+ "Your job is during the day, and you can see the true "+ "identity of all users, even traitors.")) for d in var.ROLES["village drunk"]: cli.msg(d, 'You have been drinking too much! You are the \u0002village drunk\u0002.') for g in tuple(var.GUNNERS.keys()): gun_msg = ("You hold a gun that shoots special silver bullets. You may only use it "+ "during the day. If you shoot a wolf, (s)he will die instantly, but if you "+ "shoot a villager, that villager will likely survive. You get {0}.") if var.GUNNERS[g] == 1: gun_msg = gun_msg.format("1 bullet") elif var.GUNNERS[g] > 1: gun_msg = gun_msg.format(str(var.GUNNERS[g]) + " bullets") else: continue cli.msg(g, gun_msg) cli.msg(chan, (daydur_msg + "It is now nighttime. All players "+ "check for PMs from me for instructions. "+ "If you did not receive one, simply sit back, "+ "relax, and wait patiently for morning.")) # cli.msg(chan, "DEBUG: "+str(var.ROLES)) if not var.ROLES["wolf"]: # Probably something interesting going on. chk_nightdone(cli) chk_traitor(cli) def cgamemode(cli, *args): chan = botconfig.CHANNEL for arg in args: modeargs = arg.split("=", 1) modeargs[0] = modeargs[0].strip() if modeargs[0] in var.GAME_MODES.keys(): md = modeargs.pop(0) modeargs[0] = modeargs[0].strip() try: gm = var.GAME_MODES[md](modeargs[0]) for attr in dir(gm): val = getattr(gm, attr) if (hasattr(var, attr) and not callable(val) and not attr.startswith("_")): var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS[attr] = getattr(var, attr) setattr(var, attr, val) return True except var.InvalidModeException as e: cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, "Invalid mode: "+str(e)) return False else: cli.msg(chan, "Mode \u0002{0}\u0002 not found.".format(modeargs[0])) @cmd("start") def start(cli, nick, chan, rest): villagers = var.list_players() if var.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return if var.PHASE != "join": cli.notice(nick, "Werewolf is already in play.") return if nick not in villagers: cli.notice(nick, "You're currently not playing.") return now = datetime.now() var.GAME_START_TIME = now # Only used for the idler checker dur = int((var.CAN_START_TIME - now).total_seconds()) if dur > 0: cli.msg(chan, "Please wait at least {0} more seconds.".format(dur)) return if len(villagers) < 4: cli.msg(chan, "{0}: Four or more players are required to play.".format(nick)) return for pcount in range(len(villagers), 3, -1): addroles = var.ROLES_GUIDE.get(pcount) if addroles: break if var.ORIGINAL_SETTINGS: # Custom settings while True: wvs = (addroles[var.INDEX_OF_ROLE["wolf"]] + addroles[var.INDEX_OF_ROLE["traitor"]]) if len(villagers) < (sum(addroles) - addroles[var.INDEX_OF_ROLE["gunner"]] - addroles[var.INDEX_OF_ROLE["cursed"]]): cli.msg(chan, "There are too few players in the "+ "game to use the custom roles.") elif not wvs: cli.msg(chan, "There has to be at least one wolf!") elif wvs > (len(villagers) / 2): cli.msg(chan, "Too many wolves.") else: break reset_settings() cli.msg(chan, "The default settings have been restored. Please !start again.") var.PHASE = "join" return var.ROLES = {} var.CURSED = [] var.GUNNERS = {} villager_roles = ("gunner", "cursed") for i, count in enumerate(addroles): role = var.ROLE_INDICES[i] if role in villager_roles: var.ROLES[role] = [None] * count continue # We deal with those later, see below selected = random.sample(villagers, count) var.ROLES[role] = selected for x in selected: villagers.remove(x) # Now for the villager roles # Select cursed (just a villager) if var.ROLES["cursed"]: var.CURSED = random.sample((villagers + # harlot and drunk can be cursed var.ROLES["harlot"] + var.ROLES["village drunk"]), len(var.ROLES["cursed"])) del var.ROLES["cursed"] # Select gunner (also a villager) if var.ROLES["gunner"]: possible = (villagers + var.ROLES["harlot"] + var.ROLES["village drunk"] + var.ROLES["seer"]) for csd in var.CURSED: if csd in possible: possible.remove(csd) for gnr in random.sample(possible, len(var.ROLES["gunner"])): if var.ROLES["village drunk"] == gnr: var.GUNNERS[gnr] = var.DRUNK_SHOTS_MULTIPLIER * var.MAX_SHOTS else: var.GUNNERS[gnr] = var.MAX_SHOTS del var.ROLES["gunner"] var.ROLES["villager"] = villagers cli.msg(chan, ("{0}: Welcome to Werewolf, the popular detective/social party "+ "game (a theme of Mafia).").format(", ".join(var.list_players()))) cli.mode(chan, "+m") var.ORIGINAL_ROLES = copy.deepcopy(var.ROLES) # Make a copy var.DAY_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0) var.NIGHT_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0) var.DAY_START_TIME = None var.NIGHT_START_TIME = None if not var.START_WITH_DAY: transition_night(cli) else: transition_day(cli) # DEATH TO IDLERS! reapertimer = threading.Thread(None, reaper, args=(cli,var.GAME_ID)) reapertimer.daemon = True reapertimer.start() @cmd("game", admin_only=var.GAME_COMMAND_ADMIN_ONLY) def game(cli, nick, chan, rest): pl = var.list_players() if var.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return if var.PHASE != "join": cli.notice(nick, "Werewolf is already in play.") return if nick not in pl: cli.notice(nick, "You're currently not playing.") return if nick in var.DENIED_SETTINGS_CHANGE: cli.notice(nick, "You cannot vote because your previous "+ "settings change was denied by vote.") return if var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_REQUESTER: cli.notice(nick, "There is already an existing "+ "settings change request.") return rest = rest.strip().lower() if rest: if cgamemode(cli, *re.split(" +",rest)): var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_REQUESTER = nick cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 has changed the "+ "game settings successfully. To "+ 'oppose this change, use "{1}no".').format(nick, botconfig.CMD_CHAR)) if var.CAN_START_TIME <= datetime.now(): var.CAN_START_TIME = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=var.EXTRA_WAIT) * 2 cli.msg(chan, "The wait time has also been extended.") @cmd("no") def nay(cli, nick, chan, rest): pl = var.list_players() if var.PHASE != "join" or not var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_REQUESTER: cli.notice(nick, "This command is only allowed if there is "+ "a game settings change request in effect.") return if nick not in pl: cli.notice(nick, "You're not currently playing.") return if var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_REQUESTER in pl: pl.remove(var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_REQUESTER) if nick in var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_OPPOSITION: cli.notice(nick, "You are already in the opposition.") return var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_OPPOSITION.append(nick) needed = max(len(pl)//2 + 1, 2) if len(var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_OPPOSITION) >= needed: cli.msg(chan, "The settings change request has been downvoted "+ "to oblivion. The default settings are restored.") var.DENIED_SETTINGS_CHANGE.append(var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_REQUESTER) reset_settings() else: cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 has voted \u0002no\u0002. {1} more "+ "vote{2} are needed to deny the change.").format(nick, needed - len(var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_OPPOSITION), "s" if needed > len(var.SETTINGS_CHANGE_OPPOSITION) + 1 else "")) @cmd("wait") def wait(cli, nick, chan, rest): pl = var.list_players() if var.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return if var.PHASE != "join": cli.notice(nick, "Werewolf is already in play.") return if nick not in pl: cli.notice(nick, "You're currently not playing.") return if var.WAITED >= var.MAXIMUM_WAITED: cli.msg(chan, "Limit has already been reached for extending the wait time.") return now = datetime.now() if now > var.CAN_START_TIME: var.CAN_START_TIME = now + timedelta(seconds=var.EXTRA_WAIT) else: var.CAN_START_TIME += timedelta(seconds=var.EXTRA_WAIT) var.WAITED += 1 cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 increased the wait time by "+ "{1} seconds.").format(nick, var.EXTRA_WAIT)) @cmd("fwait", admin_only=True) def fwait(cli, nick, chan, rest): pl = var.list_players() if var.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return if var.PHASE != "join": cli.notice(nick, "Werewolf is already in play.") return now = datetime.now() if now > var.CAN_START_TIME: var.CAN_START_TIME = now + timedelta(seconds=var.EXTRA_WAIT) else: var.CAN_START_TIME += timedelta(seconds=var.EXTRA_WAIT) var.WAITED += 1 cli.msg(chan, ("\u0002{0}\u0002 increased the wait time by "+ "{1} seconds.").format(nick, var.EXTRA_WAIT)) @cmd("fstop",admin_only=True) def reset_game(cli, nick, chan, rest): if var.PHASE == "none": cli.notice(nick, "No game is currently running.") return cli.msg(chan, "\u0002{0}\u0002 has forced the game to stop.".format(nick)) reset(cli) @pmcmd("rules") def pm_rules(cli, nick, rest): cli.msg(nick, var.RULES) @cmd("rules") def show_rules(cli, nick, chan, rest): cli.msg(chan, var.RULES) @pmcmd("help", raw_nick = True) def help(cli, rnick, rest): nick, mode, user, cloak = parse_nick(rnick) fns = [] cname = rest.strip().replace(botconfig.CMD_CHAR, "").lower() if cname: for c in (COMMANDS,PM_COMMANDS): if cname in c.keys(): for fn in c[cname]: if fn.__doc__: cli.msg(nick, fn.__doc__) return else: continue else: cli.msg(nick, "No documentation is available for this function.") return cli.msg(nick, "Command not found.") # if command was not found, or if no command was given: for name, fn in COMMANDS.items(): if name and not fn[0].admin_only and not fn[0].owner_only: fns.append("\u0002"+name+"\u0002") afns = [] if cloak in botconfig.ADMINS: for name, fn in COMMANDS.items(): if fn[0].admin_only: afns.append("\u0002"+name+"\u0002") cli.notice(nick, "Commands: "+", ".join(fns)) if afns: cli.notice(nick, "Admin Commands: "+", ".join(afns)) @cmd("help", raw_nick = True) def help2(cli, nick, chan, rest): if rest.strip(): # command was given help(cli, chan, rest) else: help(cli, nick, rest) @hook("invite", raw_nick = False, admin_only = True) def on_invite(cli, nick, something, chan): if chan == botconfig.CHANNEL: cli.join(chan) @cmd("admins") def show_admins(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Pings the admins that are available.""" admins = [] @hook("whoreply") def on_whoreply(cli, server, dunno, chan, dunno1, cloak, dunno3, user, status, dunno4): if (cloak in botconfig.ADMINS and 'G' not in status and user != botconfig.NICK and cloak not in var.AWAY): admins.append(user) @hook("endofwho") def show(*args): cli.msg(chan, "Available admins: "+" ".join(admins)) HOOKS.pop("whoreply") # todo, makes this better :( HOOKS.pop("endofwho") cli.who(chan) @cmd("admin", owner_only=True) def make_admin(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Temporarily""" rst = re.split(" +",rest) if len(rst) < 1: cli.msg(chan, "The syntax is incorrect.") return who = rst.pop(0).strip() ull = [u.lower() for u in var.USERS] if who.lower() not in ull: cli.msg(chan, "Could not be done.") return who = var.CLOAKS[ull.index(who.lower())] botconfig.ADMINS = botconfig.ADMINS + (who,) cli.msg(chan, "Operation successful.") @cmd("revealroles", admin_only=True) def revroles(cli, nick, chan, rest): cli.msg(chan, str(var.ROLES)) #TODO: make this and other functions debug-mode only @cmd("coin") def coin(cli, nick, chan, rest): """Ugh""" cli.msg(chan, "\2{0}\2 tosses a coin into the air...".format(nick)) cli.msg(chan, "The coin lands on \2{0}\2.".format("heads" if random.random() < 0.5 else "tails"))