You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from oyoyo.parse import parse_nick
import botconfig
def generate(fdict, **kwargs):
"""Generates a decorator generator. Always use this"""
def cmd(*s, raw_nick=False, admin_only=False, owner_only=False):
def dec(f):
def innerf(*args):
largs = list(args)
if largs[1]:
cloak = parse_nick(largs[1])[3]
cloak = ""
if not raw_nick and largs[1]:
largs[1] = parse_nick(largs[1])[0] # username
#if largs[1].startswith("#"):
if owner_only:
if cloak and cloak == botconfig.OWNER:
return f(*largs)
elif cloak:
largs[0].notice(largs[1], "You are not the owner.")
if admin_only:
if cloak and cloak in botconfig.ADMINS:
return f(*largs)
elif cloak:
largs[0].notice(largs[1], "You are not an admin.")
return f(*largs)
for x in s:
if x not in fdict.keys():
fdict[x] = []
for fn in fdict[x]:
if (fn.owner_only != owner_only or
fn.admin_only != admin_only):
raise Exception("Command: "+x+" has non-matching protection levels!")
innerf.owner_only = owner_only
innerf.raw_nick = raw_nick
innerf.admin_only = admin_only
return innerf
return dec
return lambda *args, **kwarargs: cmd(*args, **kwarargs) if kwarargs else cmd(*args, **kwargs)