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Jimmy Cao d8c20eafa6 Merge pull request #3 from Zolotkey/master 12 年前
modules PM Role Commands from Bot 12 年前
oyoyo add --verbose mode 12 年前
settings make the rules display the channel specified in the botconfig.py file (thanks vgr) 12 年前
tools various tweaks 13 年前
.hgignore add clarifying comment 12 年前
LICENSE a few bugfixes and added !coin (which should be removed), license change 13 年前
README update readme 13 年前
botconfig.py.example fix bug with debug mode and allowing commands 12 年前
wolfbot.py add --verbose mode 12 年前


Use Python 3.2 (3.1 doesn't work)

configure botconfig.py by following the example in botconfig.py.example
if desired, configure settings/wolfgame.py to modify game settings
run wolfbot.py