You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# First all the settings of the IRC user
nick = Whatsedo
user = whatsedo
name = Whatsedo game
# To what IRC server are we connecting?
host = irc.server
port = 6667
use_ssl = False
verify_ssl = True
timeout = 120
# Who is the owner of the IRC game?
owner = Your_own_IRC_User
# admins = extra_admins
# In what channel are we playing?
channels = #whatsedo
# Enable the modules needed for the game
# and the game itself
enable = admin,whatsedo
extra = /somewhere/whatsedo/game
# Where are we going to log our actions?
logdir = /somewhere/whatsedo/logs
# verbose = verbose
# log_raw = True
# Where do we write our PID file?
pid_dir = /somewhere/whatsedo/logs
# What is the prefix for the IRC admin commands?
prefix = \!
# What is the username of the whatsapp bot?
whatsappuser = Whatsedo_wa
# Game enviroment
# Minimal playercount
minplayers = 2
# Time in minutes to walk to the next location
walktime = 10
# Time in minutes to find the solution to the questions
playtime = 5
# Game questions
gamequestion = De hoofdvraag is: Wie is waar met het touw vermoord.
# Game solution
person = crofts
place = mariaplaats
weapon = touw