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var story = ["Brother: Hey Grandpa, I've got a funny story about that primer you gave me",
"Grandpa: You'll have to remind me, again, my memory isn't too good in my old age",
"Brother: Well, you gave me some primer to redo my room.",
"Mom: How is that going? Last I heard you had the priming done",
"Brother: Yup. Well, almost. I still have a mess to clean up",
"Mom : What happened?",
"Brother: Well, this can of primer was pretty old. And I guess it rusted on the bottom. So I prep everything, and get the primer can lid taken off, and start going to town on the wall. Then, I start feeling some wetness on my pants. I look down and there are primer drops all over my pants.",
"Dad: Why were you holding the paint bucket though. Don't you just pour it in a roller pan and do it that way like I taught you?",
"Brother: Well yes, but I was also cutting the edges, like you taught me. And that was easier with the paint bucket in my hand. Or so I thought...",
"Brother: Right. Well, umm so I quickly put the paint can down in the roller pan, seee, that I had nearby, and as I turned around to go clean myself off with some paper towels, I noticed a drip line all the way from the garage.",
"Brother: That's not good. So I dashed for the towels, and tried to soak up as much as possible. And well.. yeah So, in the future, I probably won't go for your primer Grandpa.",
"Grandpa: ..."];