You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

166 lines
5.2 KiB

function ClockUI( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.minuteRadius = 30;
this.hourRadius = 0.7 * this.minuteRadius;
this.clockX = 246;
this.clockY = 146;
this.getClockAngles = function( ){
var currTime = new Date( gameState.currentTime );
var hourAngle = 720 * ( currTime.getHours() / 24 ) - 90;
var minuteAngle = 360 * ( currTime.getMinutes() / 60 ) - 90;
return [ hourAngle, minuteAngle ];
var minuteLine = new createjs.Shape();
minuteWidth = this.minuteRadius;
minuteHeight = 1;'black').drawRect( 0, 0, minuteWidth, minuteHeight );
minuteLine.regX = 0;
minuteLine.regY = minuteHeight / 2;
minuteLine.x = this.clockX;
minuteLine.y = this.clockY;
var hourLine = new createjs.Shape();
hourWidth = this.hourRadius;
hourHeight = 1;'black').drawRect( 0, 0, hourWidth, hourHeight );
hourLine.regX = 0;
hourLine.regY = hourHeight / 2;
hourLine.x = this.clockX;
hourLine.y = this.clockY;
stage.addChild( minuteLine );
stage.addChild( hourLine );
return {
tick: function(){
var angles = that.getClockAngles();
hourLine.rotation = angles[0];
minuteLine.rotation = angles[1];
function OvenUI( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
// Important Model
var ovenModel = new OvenModel( 8, gameState );
var ovenLight = new createjs.Shape(); "black" ).drawCircle( 181, 126, 2 );
// Oven light control
this.changeOvenLight = function( state ){
if( state == "On" ){
ovenLight.visible = false;
} else {
ovenLight.visible = true;
gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "OvenLight", this.changeOvenLight );
var temperatureText = new createjs.Text( "325", "40px Arial", "#ff7700" );
temperatureText.x = 50;
temperatureText.y = 147;
temperatureText.textBaseline = "alphabetic";
//Create a Shape DisplayObject. = new createjs.Shape(); "red" ).drawCircle( 0, 0, 40 ); = 0; = 0;
//Set position of Shape instance.
stage.addChild( );
stage.addChild( ovenLight );
stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 45, 163, 41, 17, "ChangeTemperature", "Up" ) );
stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 95, 163, 41, 17, "ChangeTemperature", "Down" ) );
stage.addChild( temperatureText );
this.changeTemperature = function( direction ){
if( temperatureText.text == "OFF" && direction == "Up" ) temperatureText.text = "125";
if( !( temperatureText.text == "OFF" && direction == "Down" ) ){
var temp = ( direction == "Up" ? parseInt(temperatureText.text)+25 : parseInt(temperatureText.text)-25);
// Check lower bound for OFF
temp = temp < 150 ? temp = "OFF" : temp;
// Check upper bound
// Set up to 500, then it's BROIL @ 980
temperatureText.text = temp;
// Tell our model to set the actual temperature
ovenModel.changeTemp( UtilityFunctions.F2C( temperatureText.text == "OFF" ? 150 : parseInt( temperatureText.text ) ) );
// change temperature, this one's for the UI
gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ChangeTemperature", this.changeTemperature );
this.secondTick = function(){
gameState.currentTime += 1000;
setInterval(this.secondTick, 1000);
stage.addChild( this.text );
return {
tick: function(){
// Circle will move 10 units to the right. += 1;
// Will cause the circle to wrap back
if ( > stage.canvas.width ) { = 0; }
function WindowUI( stage, gameState ){
return {
tick: function(){}
function MarketItem( stage, gameState, x, y, cost, mouseOutImg, mouseOverImg ){
var mouseOver = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOverImg );
var mouseOut = new createjs.Bitmap( mouseOutImg );
mouseOver.x = mouseOut.x = x;
mouseOver.y = mouseOut.y = y;
mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; mouseOver.visible = true; mouseOut.visible = false; } );
mouseOut.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; mouseOver.visible = false; mouseOut.visible = true; } );
mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; mouseOver.visible = true; mouseOut.visible = false; } );
mouseOver.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; mouseOver.visible = false; mouseOut.visible = true; } );
mouseOver.addEventListener( "click", function(){ alert("buy!"); } );
mouseOver.visible = false;
stage.addChild( mouseOut );
stage.addChild( mouseOver );
return {
tick: function(){}
function Button( stage, gameState, x_orig, y_orig, x_dest, y_dest, eventCmd, arg ){
var that = this;
var button = new createjs.Shape();"#ffffff").drawRect(x_orig, y_orig, x_dest, y_dest);
button.alpha = 0.5;
button.addEventListener( "click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish( eventCmd, arg ) } );
button.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } );
button.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } );
return button;