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function TurkeyLayer( name, layerNumber1, turkeyModel, ovenModel ){
var that = this; = name;
this.waterLost = 0;
this.finalTemperature = 20;
this.cookCondition = "Raw";
this.highestTemp = 0;
return {
updateTemperatureTick: function(){
that.finalTemperature = turkeyModel.globTemp[that.layerNumber]
if(DEBUG) console.log(turkeyModel.globTemp);
that.highestTemp = that.finalTemperature > that.highestTemp ? that.finalTemperature : that.highestTemp;
that.waterLost = that.waterLost + UtilityFunctions.waterLoss( that.finalTemperature );
that.cookCondition = UtilityFunctions.cookCondition(that.waterLost,;
if(DEBUG) console.log( + ": "+ that.waterLost + " " + that.cookCondition + " " + that.finalTemperature + " C" );
getCondition: function(){
return that.cookCondition;
getTemperature: function(){
return that.finalTemperature;
getHighestTemp: function(){
return that.highestTemp;
function TurkeyModel( weight, ovenModel ){
this.density = 700; // kg/m3 Assuming Density of Water 1000 kg/m3
this.cp = 2810; // 2810 J/kg K for Turkey. Extra is to semi-account for water evaporation energy
this.heatConvection = 9; // W/m2 K Some Reasonable estimate for natural Convection. Change as needed. 5-25
this.thermalConduct = 0.412; // W/m K // Chicken = {};
this.body = {};
this.core = {};
this.splitsNum = 20;
this.totalRadius = UtilityFunctions.calculateRadius( UtilityFunctions.lbs2kgs(weight), this.density );
this.totalLayers = [ new TurkeyLayer("Skin", this.splitsNum-1, this, ovenModel ),
new TurkeyLayer("Body", this.splitsNum-10, this, ovenModel ),
new TurkeyLayer("Core", 1, this, ovenModel ) ];
// Whenever temperature is changed
this.updateLayerTemps = function() {
this.globTemp = UtilityFunctions.transientSphereSeries( this.density,
for (var i in this.totalLayers ){
this.resetLayerTemps = function() {
for (var i in this.totalLayers ) {
//Sheen Model Stuff
this.pointRadius = []
this.splitsNum = 20;
this.deltar = this.totalRadius/this.splitsNum; //20 Data Points
this.initializePoints = function() {
var step = ( this.totalRadius - this.deltar ) / ( this.splitsNum - 1 );
for (var i = 0; i<this.splitsNum ; i++ ) {
this.globTemp.push(20+step*i); //Starts at 20 C for initilizating
function OvenModel( turkeyWeight, gameState ) {
var that = this;
this.tempInfini=20; //C
this.setTemp = 20;
this.globalTime = 0;
var turkey = new TurkeyModel(turkeyWeight, this );
var proportional = 0.004; // This value is arbitrary to how fast you want the temperatures to converge. (Or oscillate, which could be realistic as well)
var errorTolerance = 10; //Stove is accurate to 1 degree Celcius Should hopefully oscillate below that value.
// Equalize temp will need to be sent each time iteration
this.equalizeTemp= function(){
var error = Math.abs(this.setTemp-this.tempInfini);
if( this.setTemp>this.tempInfini ){
this.tempInfini = this.tempInfini + error*proportional;
else if( this.setTemp<this.tempInfini ){
this.tempInfini = this.tempInfini - error*proportional;
if( error>errorTolerance ) {
return {
getTurkeyState: function(){
return {
"skin" : {
"temp": turkey.totalLayers[0].getTemperature(),
"cond": turkey.totalLayers[0].getCondition(),
"highest" : turkey.totalLayers[0].getHighestTemp()
"body" : {
"temp": turkey.totalLayers[1].getTemperature(),
"cond": turkey.totalLayers[1].getCondition(),
"highest" : turkey.totalLayers[1].getHighestTemp()
"core" : {
"temp": turkey.totalLayers[2].getTemperature(),
"cond": turkey.totalLayers[2].getCondition(),
"highest" : turkey.totalLayers[2].getHighestTemp()
changeTemp: function(setTemp){
if(DEBUG) console.log("temp changed to " + setTemp);
that.setTemp = setTemp;
// set the tempInfini
setRawTemp: function(newTemp){
if(DEBUG) console.log("raw temp changed to" + that.tempInfini);
that.tempInfini = newTemp;
getRawTemp: function(){
return that.tempInfini;
getCookTime: function(){
return that.globalTime;
secondTick: function(){
that.globalTime = that.globalTime + 1;
if ( that.equalizeTemp() ) {
// Turn on oven light
gameState.pubsub.publish( "OvenLight", "On" );
else {
// Turn off oven light
gameState.pubsub.publish( "OvenLight", "Off" );
if(DEBUG) console.log("Oven Temp " + that.tempInfini )
UtilityFunctions = {
// Cache the lambda if the Biot number does not change, to avoid expensive root-finding operations
cachedBiot: null,
cachedLambda: null,
// Using Ratios for a rectangular Box Turkey
calculateRadius: function(weight, density) {
var ratioLvG=1.4; //1.4, Turkey length vs shoulder girth
var ratioLvH=2; //2, Turkey length vs height from resting position
var length = Math.pow(weight/((1/ratioLvG)*(1/ratioLvH)*density),(1/3))
var depth = 1/(ratioLvG /length);
var height = 1/(ratioLvH /length);
var simpleRadius = length/2; //Doesn't take into account equal Volume
var rectangleVolume = depth*height*length; //m^3 Multiple by 1/4 to account for triangular shape and empty Space
var complexRadius = Math.pow(rectangleVolume/((4/3)*Math.PI), 1/3); //Volume of 3D Box = 3D Sphere
//if(DEBUG) console.log("Simple Radius " + simpleRadius + " Meters")
//if(DEBUG) console.log("Complex Radius " + complexRadius + " Meters")
return complexRadius;
sphereVolume: function(radius) {
waterLoss: function(temperature) {
return (Math.pow(10,(temperature-20)/80)-1)
transientSphereSeries: function( density, thermalConduct, heatConvection, cp, rTotal, tempInfinity, splitsNum, deltar, globTemp,pointRadius) {
//Not Global Stuff
var r0 = rTotal;
var deltat = 0.1
var alpha = thermalConduct/(density*cp)
var h=heatConvection;
for (var j=0; j<(1/deltat); j++ ) {
var dTdr=[]
// globTemp[splitsNum-1] should be last entry in globtemp
for (var k=0; k<splitsNum; k++){
if (k==0) {
dTdr.push((globTemp[1] - globTemp[0])/deltar) }
else if (k==splitsNum-1) {
dTdr.push((globTemp[splitsNum-1] - globTemp[splitsNum-2])/deltar)}
else {
dTdr.push((globTemp[k+1] - globTemp[k-1])/(2*deltar))}
dTdr[splitsNum-1] = heatConvection*(tempInfinity-globTemp[splitsNum-1])/thermalConduct
var parenthesis = []
for (var k=0; k<splitsNum; k++){
dPdr = []
for (var k=0; k<splitsNum; k++){
if (k==0) {
dPdr.push((parenthesis[1] - parenthesis[0])/deltar) }
else if (k==splitsNum-1) {
dPdr.push((parenthesis[splitsNum-1] - parenthesis[splitsNum-2])/deltar)}
else {
dPdr.push((parenthesis[k+1] - parenthesis[k-1])/(2*deltar))}
for (var k=0; k<splitsNum; k++){
globTemp[k]=alpha*dPdr[k]/Math.pow(pointRadius[k],2)*deltat + globTemp[k] //dTdr * deltaT in one loop
/* Utility Functions */
C2F: function( celsius ){
return ( (celsius*(9/5)) + 32 );
F2C: function( farenheit ) {
return ( (farenheit-32) *(5/9) );
lbs2kgs: function(pounds){
return pounds * 0.453592
randRange: function(min, max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;
cookCondition: function(cookValue, layerName){
if( layerName == "Skin" || layerName == "Body" ){
var multiplier = 1;
if (cookValue>=multiplier*500000) {
return ["Fire", (cookValue-500000)/(multiplier*600000),"fire"];
else if(cookValue>=multiplier*350000) {
return ["Burnt", (cookValue-350000)/(multiplier*600000), "burnt"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*300000) {
return ["Dry", (cookValue-300000)/(multiplier*350000), "dry"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*250000){ // >250000
return ["Cooked", (cookValue-250000)/(multiplier*300000), "overcooked"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*80000) { // >50000
return ["Cooked", (cookValue-80000)/(multiplier*250000), "cooked"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*50000){
return ["Undercooked", (cookValue-50000)/(multiplier*80000), "slightly cooked"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*25000) { //
return ["Undercooked", (cookValue-25000)/(multiplier*50000), "undercooked"];
else {
return ["Raw", 1, "raw"];
var multiplier = 1;
if (cookValue>=multiplier*45000) { //
return ["Fire", (cookValue-45000)/(multiplier*600000),"fire"];
else if(cookValue>=multiplier*35000){//
return ["Burnt", (cookValue-35000)/(multiplier*45000), "burnt"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*25000){ //
return ["Dry", (cookValue-25000)/(multiplier*35000), "dry"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*22000){ //
return ["Cooked", (cookValue-22000)/(multiplier*25000), "overcooked"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*12000){ //
return ["Cooked", (cookValue-12000)/(multiplier*22000), "cooked"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*7000){ //
return ["Undercooked", (cookValue-7000)/(multiplier*12000), "slightly cooked"];
else if (cookValue>=multiplier*3000) {
return ["Undercooked", (cookValue-3000)/(multiplier*7000), "undercooked"];
else {
return ["Raw", 1, "raw"];
//Running the Program Stuff
var ovenObject = new OvenModel();
var turkey = new TurkeyModel(9, ovenObject);