You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
3.4 KiB

from oyoyo.parse import parse_nick
import vars
import botconfig
import decorators
HOOKS = {}
cmd = decorators.generate(COMMANDS)
pmcmd = decorators.generate(PM_COMMANDS)
hook = decorators.generate(HOOKS)
# Game Logic Begins:
def connect_callback(cli):
cli.msg("ChanServ", "op "+botconfig.CHANNEL)
cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, "\u0002Wolfbot2 is here.\u0002")
def reset_game():
vars.GAME_STARTED = False
vars.ROLES = {"person" : []}
vars.PHASE = "none"
# Command Handlers:
def say(cli, rawnick, rest): # To be removed later
cli.msg(botconfig.CHANNEL, "{0} says: {1}".format(parse_nick(rawnick)[0], rest))
def forced_exit(cli, rawnick, *rest): # Admin Only
if parse_nick(rawnick)[0] in botconfig.ADMINS:
cli.quit("Forced quit from admin")
raise SystemExit
def py(cli, rawnick, chan, rest):
if parse_nick(rawnick)[0] in botconfig.ADMINS:
def pinger(cli, rawnick, chan, rest):
vars.PINGING = True
TO_PING = []
def on_whoreply(server, dunno, chan, dunno1, dunno2, dunno3, user, status, dunno4):
if not vars.PINGING: return
if user in (botconfig.NICK, parse_nick(rawnick)[0]): return # Don't ping self.
if vars.PINGING and 'G' not in status and '+' not in status:
# TODO: check if the user has AWAY'D himself
def do_ping(*args):
if not vars.PINGING: return
chan = args[2]
cli.msg(chan, "PING! "+" ".join(TO_PING))
vars.PINGING = False
cli.send("WHO "+chan)
def join(cli, rawnick, chan, rest):
if vars.PHASE != "none":
vars.GAME_STARTED = True
nick = parse_nick(rawnick)[0]
cli.msg(chan, '{0} has started a game of Werewolf. \
Type "!join" to join. Type "!start" to start the game. \
Type "!wait" to increase join wait time.'.format(nick))
vars.PHASE = "join"
def stats(cli, rawnick, chan, rest):
if vars.PHASE == "none":
nick = parse_nick(rawnick)[0]
pl = []
for x in vars.ROLES.values(): pl.extend(x)
if len(pl) > 1:
cli.msg(chan, '{0}: {1} players: {2}'.format(nick,
len(pl), ", ".join(pl)))
cli.msg(chan, '{0}: 1 player: {1}'.format(nick, pl[0]))
msg = []
for role in vars.ROLES.keys():
num = len(vars.ROLES[role])
if num > 1:
msg.append("{0} {1}".format(num, plural(role)))
msg.append("{0} {1}".format(num, role))
if len(msg) > 2: # More than 2 roles to say
msg[-1] = "and "+msg[-1]+"."
msg[0] = "{0}: There are ".format(nick) + msg[0]
cli.msg(chan, ", ".join(msg))
elif len(msg) == 2: # 2 roles to say
cli.msg(chan, "{0}: There are ".format(nick) + msg[0],
"and", msg[1] + ".")
elif len(msg) == 1:
cli.msg(chan, "{0}: There is ".format(nick) + msg[0] + ".")
# Game Logic Ends