You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

332 lines
9.3 KiB

/* Screens, inheritance would be nice */
function LoadingScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.lastPercent = -1;
this.picture = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Loading-Title.png" );
this.pictureFront = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/PanFront.png" ); = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TextCooking.png" );
this.done = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TextDone.png" );
this.turkeyState = [ new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey0.png" ),
new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey25.png" ),
new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey50.png" ),
new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/Turkey75.png" ),
new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/LoadingScreen/TurkeyDone.png" ) ];
this.done.alpha= 0;
stage.addChild( this.picture );
stage.addChild( );
stage.addChild( this.done );
stage.addChild( this.turkeyState[0] );
var textContent = new createjs.Text( "0 %", "25px Arial", "#ffffffff" );
textContent.x = 500;
textContent.y = 20;
stage.addChild( textContent);
gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "Load", function(percent){
textContent.text = (percent * 25).toFixed(2) + " %";
var wholeNum = percent.toFixed(0);
if( that.lastPercent != percent){
that.lastPercent = percent;
stage.addChild( that.turkeyState[wholeNum] );
stage.addChild( that.pictureFront );
//If we're still on image one, don't fade it out, it's the base image!
if( wholeNum != 0 )
that.turkeyState[wholeNum].alpha = percent.toFixed(2) - wholeNum;
// Done!
if( wholeNum == 4 ){
that.turkeyState[4].alpha = 1;;
that.done.alpha = 1;
that.done.addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } );
that.done.addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } );
that.done.addEventListener( "click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "MainScreen"); });
that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "mouseover", function(){'pointer'; } );
that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "mouseout", function(){'default'; } );
that.turkeyState[4].addEventListener( "click", function(){ gameState.pubsub.publish("SwitchScreen", "MainScreen"); });
stage.addChild( this.pictureFront );
return {
blit : function(){
function InfoHelpScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/Main.png" );
stage.addChild( this.background );
this.uiElems = [];
return {
blit : function(){
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
function MainScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MainScreen/Main-Screen.png" );
stage.addChild( this.background );
var turkeyAnimations = { peck:[14,24,"peck"], ruffle:[0,13,"ruffle"], stare:[25,35,"stare"] };
var data = {
images: ["res/screens/MainScreen/TurkeySprite.png"],
frames: { width:400, height:350 },
animations: turkeyAnimations
var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet(data);
var animation = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "stare");
animation.x = 200;
animation.y = 210;
animation.addEventListener("tick", handleTick);
function handleTick(event) {
if ( turkeyAnimations[event.currentTarget.currentAnimation][1] == event.currentTarget.currentFrame ){
event.currentTarget.paused = true;
// Click happened.
this.grassLayer = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MainScreen/Grass.png" );
stage.addChild( this.grassLayer );
// buttons info/credits/start
new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 571,527, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonStart.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonStart.png","SwitchScreen", "DifficultyScreen", "Click" );
new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 17,470, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonHelp.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonHelp.png","SwitchScreen", "InfoScreen", "Click" );
new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 17,527, "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonCredits.png", "res/screens/MainScreen/ButtonCredits.png","SwitchScreen", "CreditsScreen", "Click" );
gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"TitleMusic", pos:5650, volume:1} );
this.uiElems = [];
return {
blit : function(){
// Randomly do stuff
if( createjs.Ticker.getTicks() %50 == 0 ){
animation.gotoAndPlay(["peck", "ruffle", "stare"][UtilityFunctions.randRange(0,2)]);
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
//start button
function DifficultyScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/Difficulty-Selection.png" );
stage.addChild( this.background );
// Easy/Hard Button
stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 170, 40, 450, 105, "SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen" ) );
stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 170, 150, 450, 105, "SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen" ) );
return {
blit : function(){
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
function KitchenScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
// Fade out any other sounds
gameState.pubsub.publish( "FadeOut", "" );
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/kitchen.png" );
stage.addChild( this.background );
this.uiElems = [];
for(var i in gameState.purchasedItems ){
gameState.purchasedItems[i].draw( stage, 403+100*i, 350 );
this.uiElems.push( gameState.ovenUI ? gameState.ovenUI.render() : ( gameState.ovenUI = new OvenUI( stage, gameState ) ).render() );
this.uiElems.push( new ClockUI( stage, gameState ) );
this.uiElems.push( new WindowUI( stage, gameState ) )
stage.addChild( new Button( stage, gameState, 500, 40, 450, 105, "SwitchScreen", "MarketScreen" ) );
// If player did not buy a turkey, tell them
if( !gameState.turkeyBought ){
gameState.pubsub.publish( "ShowDialog", {seq:"KitchenInitial", autoAdvance:false} );
return {
blit : function(){
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
function MarketScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MarketScreen/MarketScreen.png" );
var price = new createjs.Text( "100", "24px Arial", "#00000000" );
price.x = 725;
price.y = 500;
var wallet = new createjs.Text( gameState.wallet, "24px Arial", "#00000000" );
wallet.x = 725;
wallet.y = 550;
// Play soundz
gameState.pubsub.publish( "Play", {name:"Entrance", volume:0.3} );
gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"MarketMusic", volume:1} );
gameState.pubsub.publish( "BackgroundLoop", {name:"MarketBackgroundSound", volume:0.4} );
stage.addChild( this.background );
this.uiElems = [];
this.uiElems.push( new ImgButton( stage, gameState, 690,0, "res/items/ExitSign.png", "res/items/ExitGlow.png","SwitchScreen", "KitchenScreen", "Click" ) );
var marketItemKeys = Object.keys(gameState.marketItems);
for (var index in marketItemKeys ) {
gameState.marketItems[marketItemKeys[index]].draw( stage );
this.topground = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/screens/MarketTopShelf.png" );
stage.addChild( this.topground );
this.showPrice = function( cost ){
price.text = cost;
gameState.pubsub.subscribe( "ShowPrice", this.showPrice );
this.setWalletAmount = function(newAmount){
gameState.pubsub.subscribe("WalletAmount", this.setWalletAmount);
return {
blit : function(){
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
function TurkeyOutScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/Main.png" );
stage.addChild( this.background );
this.uiElems = [];
return {
blit : function(){
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
function EndingScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/Main.png" );
stage.addChild( this.background );
this.uiElems = [];
return {
blit : function(){
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
function ScoreScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/Main.png" );
stage.addChild( this.background );
this.uiElems = [];
return {
blit : function(){
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();
// Retry Button
function CreditsScreen( stage, gameState ){
var that = this;
this.background = new createjs.Bitmap( "res/Main.png" );
stage.addChild( this.background );
this.uiElems = [];
return {
blit : function(){
// Draw all the uiElements
for( var index in that.uiElems ){
that.uiElems[ index ].tick();